Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1352: Burning fire

After a few days of adding changes, everyone, Sir Rong, panted for breath, and will see the situation in a few days, and then add more!


In this exotic city, Shenyang feels like a fish in water.

Shenyang, whose whole body has changed, was shuttled in the crowd, surrounded by civilians, with a low status and the safest.

Turning two streets, the palace is in front of him, Shenyang found a place to squat, and then took out dry cakes and slowly nibble.

There are not many pedestrians here, and occasionally, they are also in a hurry, so Shenyang is very annoyed, he must see valuable people before he finishes eating dry bread.

"It's been decades, if we didn't come back then, we would have lived very well in Gan/Su!"

"Well, it's just that your Majesty was eager at the time, afraid that we would respond internally, hey!"

The two old men came slowly, their beards and hairs all white.

Shen Yang felt tight, and quickly lowered his head.

"Now everyone is recruiting troops and buying horses. I heard that we are going to fight again, hey! Daming is not so good at fighting!"

"Don't worry, you still have to practice when you recruit, maybe it won't be a long time."

The two old men glanced at Shenyang, then went over and sat on the floor, chatting slowly.

Shenyang knows the origin of these two people. During the Hongwu period, Gan/Suyi sent many people back here. They were probably the same group of people, but they changed from a young man to an old man.

Shenyang could only occasionally glance up at the gate of the palace and waited for a long time before he saw the person he was waiting for today.

Two men in Mongolian costumes were sent out, and their expressions should be quite pleasant. The two parties bid farewell outside the gate, Shenyang quietly got up, and slowly paralleled them from across the street.

Looking at the direction they wanted to return to the post, Shenyang speeded up and went ahead.

Didn't even ride a horse? Most of the things to be done were almost done, so I was in a good mood and walked back.

Shenyang thought about these things as he walked.

"My lord, someone is following you..."

A man passed behind him, and when he passed by, he whispered a warning.

Shen Yang's heart shuddered, his steps were not chaotic, his figure was not trembling, and he continued to move forward.

There was a post house in front, and an alley on the left. Shen Yang's body suddenly turned left. At the moment he turned around, he saw three men with sabers 20 steps away from him with fierce eyes.

Seeing Shenyang rushing into the alley, the three of them yelled and chased them, and more than a dozen people not far away were also rushing towards this side.

This is a damp alley with a lot of **** on the ground. A dog was lazily napping outside the door. He was startled by Shenyang's footsteps and suddenly got up, but turned around and ran into the house.

Shenyang ran down the alley without looking back. The chasers behind him hurriedly walked, apparently staring at him for a long time.

The damp ground is prone to slipping. When they saw Shenyang slipping and falling to the ground, the three men couldn't help but rejoice and rushed over with their knives.

Shen Yang's body suddenly turned over, smiled, and the crossbow in his hand fired a crossbow arrow.


When one fell to the ground, the remaining two did not flinch—Shenyang without crossbow arrows was the lamb to be slaughtered.

Shenyang shook his head slightly, got up and ran.

The two of them chased after each other, when they were about to chase behind, a person suddenly appeared in the house on the left.

Shen Yang turned around at the same time, and when his companion cut the throat of a chaser with a machete, he kicked the other person over with one foot, and immediately pressed his body up, holding the opponent's throat with his right hand, and squeezed and pulled strongly.

"My lord, there are chasing soldiers behind!"

Shen Yang didn't ask for a scimitar, he bent his knees and pressed **** the chest of the opponent who was still panting, and a mouthful of blood came out.


When the chasing soldiers arrived, there were only three corpses on the ground, and Shenyang had long since disappeared.


Returning to his temporary residence, Shenyang waited, and even made a big pot of noodles, which is what Fang Xing taught him.

It didn't take long for people to come back sparsely.

Fifteen people.

"grown ups!"

These brocade guards were all dressed up by local people. At this time, they smelled the scent, and after saying hello, they went to pick up the bowls and chopsticks.

After snoring for a while, Shenyang put the bowl down and said, "It seems that the Oala people have successfully moved Hariet. This battle is inevitable."

"My lord, they are recruiting soldiers everywhere, and they are diligent in training. They must be ready to start."

"At most half a year!"

Shenyang asserted: "We must send back the news that we discovered after the loss of three brothers. In this way, we will leave five people here. Unless there is important news, we should not contact the caravan at ordinary times."

"My lord, can you still do the originally planned assassination of the envoy?"

Shenyang hiccuped and said: "Do, why not do it. Those two people go around in a day, there are many opportunities, but let's not see blood, isn't there a poison, please prepare. They just chased us, there will definitely be slack, this is what It's dark under the light, so I'll do it this afternoon."


Jin Ge Iron Horse is a distant dream. Since joining Jin Yiwei, Shenyang has known that he can no longer fit this dream in his entire life.

When I was in China, I was targeting a corruption case. Although I was relieved, I couldn't find the motivation.

Now operating in Halle State, that sense of mission made him unable to help his adrenaline rush.

He opened his mouth and smiled, letting a black hole appear in the front teeth, and Shenyang stood outside the post house, waiting quietly.

Life in the post is boring, and there are many restrictions. For the warriors who yearn for freedom, this kind of suffering is really unbearable, so they come out and have fun.

"My lord, do you kill it together or keep one?"

Shenyang turned into a middle-aged man at this time. Hearing the questions from the subordinates behind him, he bowed his head and said in a low voice: "Leave one, otherwise Harlech will lose contact with Wala, and he will definitely feel that Da Ming is afraid of them. At that time, morale will be boosted, but it will not be a good deal."

Behind him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shenyang hid his body into the dark place, coldly watching the two walk out of the post house under the protection of several guards.

Those tall buildings blocked the sunlight, and Shenyang walked slowly under the shadow.

The two envoys were probably not interested in the neighborhood, so they went straight to the houses in front of them.

The dwellings here are mixed with dragons and snakes, and they have everything.

Shenyang felt a little restless when he remembered seeing the girls standing outside the small room a few days ago.

Before coming out of Beiping, he went to dissolve the marriage contract, and his fiancee didn't say much at home, but gave him a baggage, which was full of clothes made by the girl for him.

I failed you, but I won't hurt you. If there is an afterlife, I will marry you!

Shenyang thought of the girl, and only felt that there was a fire burning in his chest. When it was burning, he wanted to scream and go crazy.

After a few sudden breaths, Shen Yang slowly followed.

After a little more than a quarter of an hour, Wala's two envoys began to choose in front of a row of huts.

Shenyang stopped and took a curious look. When the two men entered the room with the woman, he nodded slightly.

There are windows in the small room. When the Navarre envoy was excited, a small hole was punched in the window, and then a small pipe came in.


A long poisoned needle spouted out of the thin tube, and the figure outside the window flashed away.

The guards just turned around, and when they saw no one, they continued to circle the row of houses.

Someone on the other side stretched out his hand and tapped three times on his temple, Shenyang slowly backed away, and then slowly disappeared into this residential area.

Before long, there was a scream in a room where the two had just entered.

The guards broke into the door, but only saw the motionless messenger, and...

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