Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1356: break

  Thanks to the book friend: "Wind up, leaves and fallen snow" for the great reward!

  Thanks to the book friend: "Xiaoyanjia"'s great reward!


   Fang Xing left the imperial city with a smile, Xin Laoqi saw that his mood improved, and asked, "Master, is it your Majesty?"

   During the period when Zhu Di was ill, the people in the north of Ming Dynasty were worried that there would be unrest.

   is it weird?

   Not surprisingly, most people in the South do not care, because there are no more Japanese pirates, so the South can enjoy peace. It is said that Zhu Gaochi is more benevolent, maybe he would be better to be the emperor.

  The people in the north are different. If there is no side wall, then the north is the front line. The enemy outside the wall only needs to penetrate a gap, and the cavalry will roar and wreak havoc in the north.

   So regardless of Zhu Di’s reputation, at least in the north, he is the protector.

   Seeing the hurried footsteps of pedestrians on the street, it is difficult to see a hungry guy, Fang Xing couldn't help but feel proud of himself.

   After the emergence of the high-yield weapon, the potato, Daming suddenly became a lot more calm, and the people also became a lot calmer.

   at least don’t worry about starving to death.

   "Master, get on the horse."

   Xin Laoqi and their eyes have been searching, searching for the assassins who might appear.

   Fang Xing shook his head, he was thinking about Zhu Gaochi's reaction.


   "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is kneeling outside the palace to apologize."

   The **** reported, and then he saw Zhu Di's indifferent face.

   Looking down, Zhu Di continued to deal with political affairs.

   Outside the hall, Zhu Gaochi didn't feel cold, and large drops of sweat dripped from his face.

   Time passed. When Zhu Gaochi couldn't hold on, he thought about the snack Wanwan made for him just now, and then moved a few times, forgetting the pain on his knees.

   The snack is made with milk, right?

  Is icing enough? If it’s not enough, it’s tasteless...

   It wasn't until a shadow enveloped him that Zhu Gaochi raised his head and looked at the sweat that stuck his eyelashes.

   "Father, the son is guilty..."

   Zhu Di's complexion was faint, just like the sweet taste of the dessert that Zhu Gaochi thought just now.

   "You are not guilty."

   Zhu Di's words made Zhu Gaochi panic, and repeatedly bowed his head to plead guilty.

   Zhu Di shook his head and said: "The so-called tiger father and dog son, nothing more than this, since you are impatient, then use your behavior to tell me, rather than secretly, it is not good, too feminine, not a man's doing."

   Zhu Gaochi raised his head and looked at Zhu Di blankly.


   "Go! After I leave, you will naturally be in charge of Daming, and before that, you must first learn how to distinguish people's hearts, otherwise...you will be played by the cliques."

Zhu Di pressed his hand, stopped Zhu Gaochi's words, and said faintly: "What I regret most at the moment is that you have learned Confucianism from an early age, and you have become a corrupt Confucian when you grow up. And remember, there is no independent opinion, and it is easy to be subordinated by your ministers. The king who speaks the word, that is just a puppet! I hope you...don't be a puppet!"

   Zhu Gaochi watched Zhu Di turn in blankly, remembering the closeness and respectfulness of the officials when they faced him, and couldn’t help feeling...

   benevolence, can only get the trust of the top and bottom.

  Benevolence, only then can Daming cultivate vitality and restore vitality.

   Fighting endlessly every year, every year there are major projects, this is not a normal state of a country, this is consuming the vitality of Daming!

   "Your Highness, it's cold on the ground, get up."

   Huang Yan came out, kindly and flatteringly called an **** to help, and the two went to help Zhu Gaochi together.


   As soon as she started to exert her strength, Huang Yan couldn't help but regret secretly in her heart.

   Zhu Gaochi was still in a daze, but the two sturdy eunuchs he dedicated did not come. Huang Yan, who was inexperienced, miscalculated Zhu Gaochi's tonnage and was flashed to his waist.

   When Zhu Gaochi was held back by someone, Zhu Di was thinking of Zhu Yuanzhang.

   Zhu Yuanzhang also invited people with profound Confucianism to teach the prince Zhu Biao, as well as the grandson Zhu Yunxuan.

   Afterwards, Zhu Biao really showed the signs of a generation of benevolent monarchs. Zhu Yuanzhang was relieved, because he knew that he was too strict, and the softness of his successor was just a buffer.

   Zhu Yuanzhang can be said to be a favorite of Zhu Biao, so Zhu Biao's benevolent demeanor is often revealed-he feels that Zhu Yuanzhang's many methods are too violent.

   Zhu Biao took it for granted, Zhu Yuanzhang would definitely teach him what is the way to be a king, but this went against the Confucianism that Zhu Biao had always believed in, so the prince became depressed.

   Then there was Zhu Yunqi. This grandson was taught by those great Confucian scholars in a muddle-headed manner. He had no opinion and heard the wind but the rain. As a result, there were frequent mistakes, and finally Zhu Di seized the supreme throne.


   Zhu Di couldn't help but cursed, then squinted his mind.

   The great **** was a little flustered. He knew that after today, Zhu Di would break with the prince completely. If it weren't for the status of heir, Zhu Di would definitely drive Zhu Gaochi far away, and it would be better not to see.

   Zhu Di was a little angry. He wanted to use Fang Xing to build a bridge between Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji, so that he would have no worries after he left.

   Ke Fang Xing did not mean to compromise at all. Last time he actually questioned Zhu Gaochi. This was distrust.

   Then what will be the relationship between Fang Xing and Zhu Gaochi?

   Zhu Di looked outside blankly, and suddenly ordered: "Go, let Fang wake up..."


   Fang Xing didn't return home, but at the city gate, he was stopped by the grandmother of Dingguo Gongfu who was waiting for him.

   This mother loves to laugh. She laughs when she sees Fang Xing. She tells us that Xu Jingchang is hosting a banquet today, inviting a number of honoraries and even ministers.

   Fang Xing scolded Xu Jingchang as a neuropathy in his heart, and it was pure madness to make such a movement on this juncture.

   He wanted to leave, but the mother grabbed his sleeve, leaned over, and kept talking about how Xu Jingchang looked forward to.

   This mother is in her thirties and she is quite plump. She frowned when she woke up, and everyone around was watching this scene ambiguously. Some people were even mumbling about Fang Xing's beautiful blessing.

   Fang Xing was extremely helpless, he didn't want to go, but the woman publicly told Xu Jingchang's expectations, she was just slapping her face if she didn't go.

   At this time, even if Xu Jingchang no longer has the skills, with the title of Ding Guo Gong, Fang Xing can't be too much, otherwise Zhu Zhanji...

   "Don't pull it, let's talk, where is it?"

   This mother was just because Xu Jingchang gave the order to die, saying that she couldn't wake up Fang, so don't go back. That's why...just like those Fengyue women.

   At this time, when Fang Xing heard that Fang Xing was willing to go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she released her hand and said with joy: "Uncle, it's in Changyue Building."

   Fang Xing's eyebrows loosened, thinking that Xu Jingchang was still a little measured and didn't go to the first freshman, otherwise he vowed to drive these people out.

The mother is still a little bit but Xin Fang Xing will not regret it, but someone came to take her away, and before leaving, he said to Fang Xing, "Uncle, my grandfather is helpless, please ask him if he is rude Lord, forgive me."

   Fang Xing ignored him and got on his horse.

   all the way to Changyue Tower, when Fang woke up, the shopkeeper couldn't help but shudder when he saw him.

   It was Fang Xing's shot that year. When Ma stepped on Changyuelou, he directly ruined Chen Dahua, who thought he was backed by someone.

   So seeing this uncle came, the shopkeeper didn't dare to be lighthearted, and personally led him upstairs.

   "Uncle, many officials came today, but the biggest ones are His Royal Highness and Dingguo."

   The person Xu Jingchang greeted at the door was stopped by Xin Laoqi and they were not allowed to follow. They only saw Xin Laoqi set up a guard post.

  You don't need to lead the way when you get to the second floor. Several men are waiting at the top of the stairs. When they see Fang Xing, they quickly greet Fang Xing and lead him inside.

   Following the noisy sound, Fang Xing entered the room, and immediately stared at him with more than ten pairs of eyes.


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