Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1359: Ma Su gets promoted, Fang Xing travels

   Thank you for the great reward!


   "Everyone is honest and decent. If you don't check it, you don't know, you will be surprised if you check it!"

   Zhu Di then began to spit wildly, telling him that he was full of civil and military affairs, which basically means knowing people and knowing the face and not knowing the heart. With the recent weird changes, it makes people feel that they are beating.

   Zhu Gaochi's expression was calm, but Zhu Zhanji was a little dazed.

After    beat, Zhu Di began to praise Fang Xing.

   "...He is brave and loyal, and he is a role model for a hundred officials..."

   Fang Xing sighed helplessly, Lao Zhu felt that I had mixed up with Dongchang, so he made up for it with a few compliments? That's not interesting enough!

   "Da Ming has no shortage of officials, he can still make up for how many kills!"

   Zhu Di’s topic today was erratic. He was still complimenting Fang Xing just now, and in a blink of an eye he began to threaten the officials, making people have to concentrate, otherwise they would not understand at all.

   "...Daming does not study the pre-Song, but the current officialdom is dead, and I look at it is full of twilight..."

   Jianyi heard this, exchanged glances with Jin Zhong, and then smiled bitterly.

   Jin Zhong leaned forward secretly, wanting to see what was going on inside, immediately Yu Shi walked behind him and coughed.

   "...Da Ming is flourishing, just like the morning sun, what he needs is vigor!"

   The following officials are actually not too old, but after hearing Zhu Di's words, everyone is in danger.

   This will not be a prelude to a big rectification!

   Jianyi's wry smile was just worrying about this, and at this time he was quickly calculating various alternative plans.

   "On this occasion, I shall not stick to one style and simple talents..."

Oh! It turned out to be to promote newcomers! Then you come here, what kind of thing is to scare people!

Fang Xing is speculating about Zhu Di’s meaning. The most likely thing is to promote Zhu Zhanji’s person. He will post it as a signal, and then he will continue to act in order to form a force after Zhu Gaochi ascends the throne to ensure that Zhu Zhanji has the power to influence. .

   Who can it be?

   "I heard that there is a small officer in the Ministry of Households who is capable and diligent and outstanding, which should be praised. Jian Yi."

   Jian Yi left the class and said: "Your Majesty, the minister is here."

   "That person is called Masu, is there a vacancy in the Hube now?"


   Fang was stunned when he woke up, and then looked at Xia Yuanji.

   But Xia Yuanji was also at a loss, obviously Zhu Di didn't explain in advance.

What does it mean? Compensate me?

   Just as Fang Xing was thinking, Jian Yi's brain turned in an instant, but after a few breaths, he calmly said: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Household now lacks a deputy envoy of the Banknote Printing Bureau and an ambassador of the foreign carrier depot..."

   Jian Yi is worthy of Jian Yi, even Lu Zhen nodded slightly, not for Jian Yi's memory, but for his exquisite heart.

  The deputy envoy of the banknote printing bureau is from Jiupin, and the ambassador of the foreign carrier is Zhengjiu. It is really appropriate to use it on Ma Su, who is still a small official.

   Fang awoke when he heard it, and suddenly showed a little more favor for Jian Yi. Without him, he didn't want Ma Su to be the focus of everyone's attention.

"anything else?"


   Jianyi reacted in an instant, and said: "Your Majesty, there is still one missing."

   "That's it, I'll do it later."

   The ministers were shocked, all kinds of ideas came out, but seeing Jian Yi retreating without objection, everyone looked at Liu Guan.

   Yushi should come out, right?

   But Liu Guan watched his nose, his nose and heart, standing without any movement at all.

   The censors who always liked to refute the emperor did not act.

   is not not wanting to move, but not daring to move!

   Zhu Di’s recent actions tell everyone that he has already begun to make arrangements for the situation after his departure.

   Whoever dares to stop, it must be a person with a bad heart, and Zhu Di has never been polite to a person with a bad heart.

   It's good to cheat the court stick, but that depends on who is the emperor.

   Where can Zhu Yunqi and Zhu Gaochi cheat the court stick, you can try it during the Yongle period? Make sure that Zhu Di will let you seek benevolence and benevolence.

   Everyone is still stunned, and Zhu Di’s next order is coming.

   "Administration is difficult, the north is there, and corruption is still incessant, while the south...mostly is not optimistic."

   The southern officialdom is going to be unlucky!

   Ha ha ha!

  Some people are smiling and gloating while others are worried about their friends.

   "The Hallie Kingdom is battling its forces, and I will be ready to wait for a strong enemy!"

   Zhu Di’s emotions can be felt by everyone, he is looking forward to the arrival of this powerful enemy, and then the first battle will completely clear the side of Daming!

   No emperor can do everything Zhu Di did. Such an emperor makes people...


   "If you can't get rid of corruption, I'm uneasy, Zhanji."

   "Grandpa Emperor!"

   Zhu Zhanji went out to salute.

   Zhu Di looked at this grandson who had high hopes, and then at Zhu Gaochi who was smiling, his eyes dim, and he said, "Xing He Bo Fang wakes up."

   Fang wakes up, "Your Majesty!"

   Zhu Di's expression was indifferent, and he said: "You two will prepare, and in three days you will set off for Jinling, where you will be governed by the government."

   Only then did everyone know Zhu Di's intentions.

   To clean up corruption, Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing are needed. This is just a temporary shelter from the limelight. By the way, Zhu Zhanji can stand in the south...

   And if the place where Daming opposes science most strongly, it is the South.

  The style of study in the south is prosperous, and the imperial examinations have always shown a trend of overwhelming the north, so this time...

   then dispersed, Fang Xing did not leave, standing there, letting the crowd pass in front of him. Looking at the officials with different looks, he seemed to be in another space without any emotion.

   "Xing He Bo, Your Majesty will let you go."

   A **** came over and brought news that Fang Xing was waiting for.

In the Fengtian Temple, Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, and Zhu Zhanji were all present. After Fang Xing entered, Zhu Di said: "The relationship in the south is intertwined. The gentry and the officials are in a quarrel. This time, a group of people should be cleaned up. limit."

   Zhu Gaochi was dissatisfied, but he did not dare to come forward.

   These murderous words are the Shangfang sword for Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing.

   Zhu Zhanji said: "Grandpa Emperor, the southern officialdom must be mostly good."

Zhu Di said with a gratified expression on his face: "Well, it’s best if you can understand this. If you hit a handful of people, most people will be honest for a few years, and after a few years, if you don’t look honest, that’s it. Do it again, it saves trouble."

   This method is simple and rude, but it works extremely well.

   If it can be combined with supervision, then this is the initial control of officials.

   "Jin Yiwei and Dongchang in the south are both here. They should have some lists on hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Take this as a starting point, and check them out carefully."

   Zhu Di very lightly confirmed the strategy, Zhu Zhanji was taught, but Fang Xing had some worries.

   "Your Majesty...what about the Beizheng?"

   The wrinkles on Zhu Di's eyebrows disappeared, and he smiled: "You are eager to fight, the latest news, what firearms Halle State is building, I guess they are very nervous, and they will definitely not dare to send troops if they are not ready."

   "Yes, your majesty, the minister must go to the north, otherwise he will regret it for life!"

   Zhu Gaochi had more emotions in his eyes. He felt that under Zhu Di's guidance, these people, including Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji, had a strong enthusiasm for war.

   This is not a good sign!

   Zhu Di nodded, "I promised you, so naturally I won't leave you in Daming. Let's go and see the great powers of those big countries. Well, let's see who is better!"

   "Hale country should be a good opponent, I will not be disappointed if I think about it."

   Zhu Di got up and prepared to go back, Zhu Gaochi took the lead and gave it away.

   "Remember, don't learn from the sourness of those civil servants, for the emperor, act with the atmosphere, and follow the general trend, there will be no disadvantage!"

   I don't know who Zhu Di was admonishing with these words, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji had to be taught together.


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