Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1376: Accountability, comfort, accident

   The night in spring is charming. You can seem to hear the sounds of plants growing at night, so if you are timid, I suggest you not stay in places with many plants at night.

   And after all, there are many bold people in this world, so I came.

   A few dark figures quickly jumped off the fence. Because they were in black clothes, they weren't staring at them. Basically, they could not be found.

   These black shadows observed for a while, and then quietly touched the front yard.

   The front yard is the place for interrogation and detention. For this reason, Zhu Zhanji basically uses the back door when he goes out.

   A few people in black went to the front yard and avoided a group of scouts who were patrolling. They found the place where the prisoner was being held, and then pierced the window paper and looked inside.

   It is a pity that there is nothing in the darkness, so one person opened the window and climbed in.

   The few people waiting outside held their breath for fear of being spotted by the scout in front.


   There was a muffled noise inside, and the three black-clothed men outside couldn't help showing joy. When they were about to pick up their companions to come back, there was a lot of light around them.


   The next day, there was a rumors that a thief had entered the residence of His Royal Highness Taisun. Suddenly, people who were consciously qualified came to the mansion to say hello.

   There were a lot of people at the door. Fortunately, they didn't dare to make a mistake, so there was no shock incident.

   These officials all looked worried, as if their father was sick.

   After Jia Quan came out, these people were automatically lined up according to their ranks without being commanded.

   Jia Quan said coldly: "Six Shangshu and Duchayuan came in, and the others went back separately. Your Highness is safe."


   When he saw Zhu Zhanji sitting in the main hall intact, Qu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Your Royal Highness, these thieves are bold enough to hold the sky, and at this time, the minister thought it must be related."

   Several other people also expressed their opinions. What Fang Xing saw beside him was all worry and indignation, without exception.

   "I'm fine, the thief was captured, and I didn't confess."

   Zhu Zhanji’s voice was a little cold, "Those messengers and thieves always think they can hide behind their backs, but they treat others as fools! Fools!"

   Zhu Qing’s forehead was already sweating. Originally, they were only cooperating with Zhu Zhanji, and they could still maintain some independence. But when the incident happened last night, no one was spared and it was all negligence.

   So now no one can be calm under Zhu Zhanji's gaze.

   "Jinling Sixth Department, Ding Pu has a good time and is messing around!"

   Zhu Zhanji dare to comment on these important ministers?

   Fang Xing was a little surprised, and then smiled.

   And Ding Pu has already bowed himself to plead guilty.

Zhu Zhanji looked at him, and then slowly turned his gaze to Zhu Qing, "The Criminal Ministry is absurd, a letter from Chen Buyan, you Zhu Qing can personally help his relatives reverse the case, how good is it! What a pity! I can't be a courtier!"

   As soon as this remark comes out, regardless of whether Zhu Di agrees or not, unless he wants to abolish the position of Zhu Zhanji's grandson, Ding Pu's official career will be completely finished, and he will be held accountable.

   Ding Pu's face was pale, and he bowed back outside.

   Zhu Zhanji turned his gaze to Zheng Duomian, and said faintly: "There has been no success in the hospital for several years. Are you planning to take care of the elderly in Jinling?"

   Zheng Duomian bowed and said: "His Royal Highness, the minister is not strict, so that the hearts of the people are loose, and the minister has already sent a memorial to plead guilty."

   Zhu Zhanji sneered and said: "Grandpa Emperor only looks at guilt. If you are not strict in your command, then you are incompetent!"

   Zheng Duomian's lips moved a few times, and finally turned into a sigh, before bowing and exiting.

   The remaining three people looked heavy, as if they were silently mourning for the three who went out.

  Zhu Zhanji said: "The chance of success in Qu is quite satisfactory..."

   There is an unfinished meaning in these words, Qu Sheng could only plead guilty.

   "Qian Junhua is an operator, but he is not sophisticated enough, otherwise the corruption in those projects should be able to be found."

   Qian Junhua said convincingly: "His Royal Highness, the minister knows that he is wrong."

   In the end, it was Zhou Yingtai. His performance was pretty good, at least he could see the posture of the prodigal son turning back.

  Zhu Zhanji frowned and said: "The Ministry of War needs to be reorganized. Don't overstate it. Although there are no foreign invasions in the south, what should be done if there are gangsters? Public security in various places must also be paid attention to. How can a group of lazy soldiers keep one side safe?"

   Zhou Yingtai bowed and said: "The minister is convicted, please rest assured, if there is no effect within six months, the minister will automatically resign."

   This statement is very resolute, Zhu Zhanji's complexion is slightly dark, and he said: "I have to report this to Grandpa Emperor. If it doesn't work, you know the consequences."

   After the scolding is over, it is time to ease one or two.

   Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "This time the southward journey is considered to be a fulfillment of merit, and the northward march is imminent, so I can't stay longer. I have to return to Beijing in three days at most."

   Qu Sheng said: "His Royal Highness, when it comes to the North March, the minister has not received a notice to transport grain and grass northward. Why is this?"

   Zhu Zhanji said: "Nuer Gandu Division produces a lot of grain, and potatoes have been widely planted around the side wall. Daming, there is no shortage of grain!"

   It is hard to conceal disappointment in an instant victory. Once the North can be self-sufficient in food, the South will only have the advantage of taxation. What can we do later?

   Fang Xing smiled, and smiled back at Qu Sheng's probing eyes.

   In the past, the north was faced with the threat of the grasslands and alien races, as well as the difference in weather, so the development speed lags far behind the south.

   It will gradually be different when it is possible. There are resources in the north and the resources to develop industries.

   Zhu Fang has accumulated a lot of technology, and only when the time comes, the north will gradually be reborn.

   Nanfang has been arrogant, until this arrogant is beaten down, Da Ming will balance.

   After a few more words of comfort, Zhu Zhanji ended the interview.

   Qu Sheng walked out the door, looked at Zhu Qing and others with a blank look, and sighed: "Let's go, at least before the change of people in Chaozhong, handling things well is also a way to redeem merits."


   Zhou Yingtai shook his head slightly, sighed, and then a few people walked out together.

   was silent all the way, when he reached the gate, Qu Sheng saw Fei Shi with people coming from both sides, frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Fei Shi stared at him with a sneer, and when he got close, when Qu Sheng panicked, Fei Shi shouted: "Take it!"

   Qu Sheng only felt that the strength of his whole body was gone, and his mind went blank.


   "Fei Shi, what do you want to do? You cool guy, what do you want to do?!"

   Qu Sheng was trembling all over, especially his face, his entire face twitching like a cramp.

   When he realized that he was not caught, he turned around stiffly...

   "Fei Shi, this officer is going to your Highness to accuse you of this cruel officer, beast!"

   Everyone backed away in shock, watching Zhou Yingtai who was thrown to the ground screaming and struggling.

   Qu Sheng’s mouth trembled, UU read www.uukanshu.com and asked blankly: "Is it... it’s him?"

   Fei Shi stood on the edge, sneered and said, "It's him."

   Qu Sheng felt that he had become a stupid person, "But Zhou Yingtai hasn't shown anything in this period of time!"

   Zhou Yingtai This period of time can be regarded as a typical example of the prodigal son returning to gold. A man in his forties and fifty years old, working all day, even Qu Sheng felt that he had misunderstood him before.

   Two Jinyiwei tied Zhou Yingtai, and then picked them up. Fei Shi said, "Master Zhou, those people did not confess last night."

   Zhou Yingtai's body trembled, staring at Fei Shi firmly, and said, "Then why take the official?"

   Feishi said overtly: "Without him, someone pried Chen Shengduo's mouth open."

   Zhou Yingtai hissed: "Impossible, Chen Shengduo is determined. He loves his son, and his son is now in the hands of the official. How dare he speak?"

   Fei Shi came to take people, which meant that Zhu Zhanji had obtained the evidence, so while Zhou Yingtai was desperate, his heart was filled with regret and unwillingness.

   Fei Shi's expression was a little weird and said: "Someone has this ability."

   An Lun’s metamorphosis made Chen Shengduo too strong to bear...


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