Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1379: Xinghebo trial

Thanks to the book friends: the three leaders of "Old Fish Head" give a reward!


Yan Bingxing came to provoke him, and then he went out and attacked. These methods are really harsh.

He relied on his veteran qualifications, and the students were all over the world, if Zhu Zhanji or Fang Xing dared to move him, that would be what a thousand men pointed.

Zhu Zhanji's current state is naturally not suitable for being criticized by Qianfu, so Yan Bingxing is determined to be awake and will inevitably endure.

Fang Xing had to be patient, otherwise he would disregard the overall situation and plunge Zhu Zhanji into a more passive situation.

But he couldn't bear it!

Shangyuan County, the county government.

Yuan Jie was almost going crazy. He grabbed Zhang Mai's shirt and asked with red eyes, "Who did it? Say, who did it?"

Zhang Mai's eyes were erratic, and he said, "My lord, this matter... First, Yang Tiantian beat his colleagues and broke his hands, and then the people below reported it. The next official wanted to wait for the adults to come back and deal with it, but..."

Yuan Jie said angrily: "But while the official was not there, you borrowed your name and forced Yang Tiantian away?"

Zhang Mai blinked his eyes and said, "My lord, it was indeed Yang Tiantian's first hand!"

Yuan Jie let go and said angrily: "Then Fang Xing is in Jinling City. If you wait to be bold, you really think that the person is a vegetarian? Tell you, this is something that the official will never recognize. I provoke it. Things, take care of yourself!"

Zhang Mai tidied his clothes calmly, and said lightly: "My lord, the big deal is just scolding, this matter..."

At this time, a small official ran in outside, and said in a panic: "My lord, that Xing and Bo are here."

Zhang Mai sneered and said, "I'm coming when I'm here, why are you panicking?"

Yuan Jie was also sneer, he said in a negative test: "You have never heard of the name of Na Xing and Bo, you are magnanimous! You are a gang who is cheated and happy, and this official admires it. That's it!"

Before Zhang Mai could react, Fang Xing had already rushed in with the family members.

Yuan Jie immediately made his position clear. He handed his hands over and said: "Xing He Bo, the next official has just arrived at the county office, and it is not too far to welcome him. Please forgive me."

Fang Xing's gaze turned, staring at Zhang Mai, and he coldly shouted, "Who are you?"

Zhang Mai's skirt was still a little wrinkled, and he was just grabbed by someone at first glance, so Fang wakes up thinking about it and immediately understands it.

Zhang Mai's body stood up abruptly, his eyes firmly arched his hands: "Xiaguan Shangyuan County Cheng Zhangmai, I have seen Xing He Bo."

"Xian Cheng?"

Fang Xing walked over and sat on the main seat. When Yuan Jie and Zhang Mai turned around, they realized that the initiative was gone.

The Shangguan sits on the upper, the lower...


Fang Xing said coldly: "What did Yang Tiantian commit? Who will tell me?"

Yuan Jie gave a bitter smile, and Zhang Maiang said: "Then Yang Tiantian was suddenly mad today and interrupted a servant's arm. The officer wanted to deal with it according to the law when he saw it. Give up."

Fang Xing said coldly: "So, Yang Tiantian has to thank you for your magnanimity?"

Zhang Mai was stunned and felt that the words were not good, so he forced a smile and said, "The lower officials are just doing things impartially."


Fang Xing caressed his hand and said, "Since it's doing things impartially, the uncle will come to try today."

Zhang Mai's face changed slightly: "Xinghe Bo, this is a matter of Shangyuan County, besides, there is Yingtian Mansion..."

Yuan Jie sneered: "Xing He Bo is going south this time to supervise the officials, why not?"

Zhang Maiqi Aiai was speechless, and if he continued speaking, Fang Xing could take him down on the spot, and the charge was to contempt Shangguan.

"Master Yuan."

Yuan Jie heard Fang Xing's call, a Ji Ling said, "Xing He Bo, the next official is here."

Fang Xing said: "Call in all the parties, and Ben will ask him personally."

Yuan Jie hurried out, and when he got outside, he called one of his confidantes and ordered to go down.

But after the little official waited for him to enter, he quietly turned around...

In the wing room in front of the county government office, Yang Tiantian was packing his own things, and two young officials who had also studied science were stunned by the side.

"Don't be sad. When I go back, I will start farming again. The people in the village will laugh at me and I won't be afraid of it. This person! This is the case for the rest of my life. Whatever others do!"

Yang Tiantian naturally felt uncomfortable. When he came out, he felt that he could stand firm here, so he resigned from the drugstore without hesitation.

When he returned to the village, he was not afraid of those eyes and gossip, but his family...

"Yang Tiantian."

Yang Tiantian saw the person outside and said, "Chen Sheng, what's the matter?"

The little official outside the door looked nervous and said, "Master Yuan is back and insists on convicting you. Master Zhang asked me to tell you to go quickly. He can naturally hold it back here and wait a few days for things to calm down before going out. ."

The two became anxious when they heard that, and persuaded: "Tian Tian, ​​go quickly, Master Zhang finally managed to suppress Wu Ting today. If Wu Ting gets into trouble again, you will be overwhelmed by things at the scene. Go and go!"

Yang Tiantian stunned, suddenly smiled, dismissed the packed baggage, and stood up and said, "Chen Sheng, Master Zhang has a great favor to me, how can I get him into unrighteousness? One person does everything and the other person deserves it!"

The little official frowned and said: "You are not stupid, as long as Master Zhang drags Master Yuan, this matter will naturally disappear after a few days. You go now, didn't you harm Master Zhang? Go away!"

Yang Tiantian looked at him, and suddenly smiled for a long time: "Chen Sheng, I remember having a few disputes with you, and your temperament must be repaid, so why are you so kind?"

Chen Sheng's complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly turned and ran.

"Little man!"

Yang Tiantian saw that the two of them were still confused, and said, "This matter must be a turning point. Then Chen Sheng told me to run. As long as this run, I will become a guilty escape, and a fool will believe it! Let me go and see. Look."

As soon as he went out, he saw Chen Sheng being cut with his hands and walking in. Yang Tiantian smiled and said, "That's Uncle Xinghe's. Uncle is here."


Above the main hall, when he saw Chen Sheng being carried in by Fang Wu, Yuan Jie frowned and said, "Didn't the officer ask you to call someone? Why was it taken?"

Fang Wu smiled and said, "Master, this person fled out suddenly, and the younger ones caught it easily when they saw it."

After all, Yuan Jie was also a long-time eunuch, and his expression changed slightly and said: "Okay, you Chen Sheng, say! Who are you from?"

Chen Sheng raised his head and yelled injustice: "My lord, the young one should inform Yang Tiantian, who knows he said he didn't want to do it..."

Fang Xing saw Yang Tiantian appear outside the door, and said with a smile: "Edit, you continue to edit, yes, please continue your performance."

Yuan Jie was furious, stepped forward, and slapped him with a slap.

"You bastard, the official in vain trusts you on weekdays, you actually have colluded with others, let's say, who is it? Otherwise, Xing He is here, do you want to go to Burma where the miasma is dense? "

Fang Xing nodded slightly, thinking that Yuan Jie still had some meaning, but he was just oversight of the people around him.

Chen Sheng's eyes rolled randomly, and Fang Xing shook his head when he saw it.


This sentence directly defeated Chen Sheng's psychological line of defense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He knelt down and said: "Uncle, it is the benefactor of today's little one, let the little one make sure that Yang Tiantian gets out..."

"Who is your benefactor?"

This time the little official didn't need to wake up, and Yuan Jie, who was furious, began the interrogation.

Chen Sheng glanced at Zhang Mai and said, "The little benefactor is... Master Zhang."

Zhang Mai said with a black face: "You beast don't want to talk nonsense! When did this official have a relationship with you?"

Burying nails by Shangguan's side is a big taboo, far more taboo than saying that pigs are pigs in public.


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