Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1398: The demon is coming

When receiving a report from the scout, Zhang Yu almost rolled off the wall with a smile. He laughed and said: "Go, open the fort gate, let's let the Vala people see Daming's courage today!"

So the fort gate opened wide, and the gate was not even guarded by sergeants, and it was empty, just like the scene in the empty city plan.

In the distance, there were voyagers of the Vala people spying, and after seeing the fort gate wide open, they rode their horses forward. When I waited a hundred steps away from the fort gate, I didn't know what was thinking of it, and turned around and ran together again, very fast.

"They run very fast!"

Zhang Yu murmured, he originally wanted to wait for these enemy forces to make a surprise attack, but now this plan has failed, and the cavalry hidden on the side of the fort gate has also prepared for nothing.

"My lord, the army is here!"

Xinbang Zhao suddenly pointed to the left and shouted.

Zhang Yu looked sideways and saw a black line appearing on the horizon.

"Uncle is here! Uncle is here! Hahahaha!"

There was a sudden cheer on the wall. During this period of time, everyone was depressed by the harassment of the Wala people, and they did not dare to go out to fight while worried.

Now it's alright, the army is here, what can the Wala people do?

The black line slowly approached, it was a cavalry.

Zhang Yu looked around and said: "Go, let's go down and welcome."

When they got outside the fort gate, the cavalry suddenly turned around and dispersed in all directions.

"I have seen my uncle!"

Fang Xing rode up and saw Zhang Yu and said, "You have worked hard."

Zhang Yu suddenly choked up a bit. He remembered the harassment that began last year, which put him under great pressure and made him suffer.

"Uncle, Xiaguan...Since I am an official, I have been worried about this one day, even if one day the Vala people will suddenly come down to the city..."

Fang Xing got off his horse and lifted him up, and said, "From now on you can exhale!"

Zhang Yu got up and said happily: "Uncle, does your majesty want to do it yourself?"

Fang Xing nodded and said with a smile: "The Hare and the Oara have joined forces, Zhang Yu, after this battle, this grassland is Daming's."


Zhang Yu has been outside the Great Wall for a long time, and learned from many people how powerful the Harits are. He said: "Uncle, the strength of the Harlem is not weak!"

Fang Xing smiled: "But Daming is stronger!"

After finishing Fang Xingdang advanced to Xinghe Fort, Zhang Yu was shocked to keep up.

Yes! Daming is not weak, is he afraid of Hallie?


Bagan was disappointed and desperate.

In the early hours of this morning, he cautiously moved the camp back twenty miles, and then sent out multiple scouts.

Analyzed by distance, the scouts should be back at this time.

But Bagan stared at it, but at the end of the sky was a vast expanse.

"My lord, will it..."

Bagan left a thousand commanders and a thousand cavalry here, and the rest were driven out by him. Before leaving, he said absolutely: Don't come back if you don't get the exact news about the Ming army!

"Nothing will not!"

Bagan said coldly: "If they can't, then I will go personally to see who is leading the Ming army!"

The commander backed away, he didn't know what Chuanhuan sent Bagen, but he felt that he should preserve his strength.

Bagan remembered the words of off-friendship: harass, investigate, remember, get a little louder, and let the Harith see our determination.

As the confidant of Tuohuan, Bagan knew the pressure of Tuohuan, and the Hart arrogantly asked Tuohuan to send an army to attract the Ming emperor.

As for the reaction of Emperor Ming's personal conquest, the Harem was vague, saying that they would definitely send troops to fight a decisive battle.

But time?


Bagan looked up at the blue sky, feeling suffocated in his chest.

"My lord! Coming! They are back!"


Bagan looked up and saw a black spot appeared in the distance.

"They're back! Go, let people prepare food, and celebrate the warriors!"

Bagan became so excited that he couldn't wait to beat his horse to greet him.

Yes, he waited for the news for too long, so long that he felt that the next moment he would collapse because of exhaustion.

The horse ran forward happily, and when he could see the person, Bagan's eyes became more cautious.

This is a group of defeated soldiers. You don't need to look at the wounded. You only need to look at their frustrated look to know that the enemy is very powerful!

"grown ups……"

The leader of the thousands is missing one, and the only one who has seen Bagen has a look of horror on his face, "My lord, it is the demon **** who is here! Yes, it is him!"

"Fire gun?"

Bagan closed his eyes and asked.

The commander nodded, and said bitterly: "Yes, my lord, it's a firecracker, and their scouts are different from other Ming troops, their crossbow arrows are very powerful."

The commander recalled the scout encounter, and said dreamily: "They are not afraid of death, and after a volley of crossbow arrows, they drew out long swords to fight, and their number is more than ours... My lord, at the last moment, their The reinforcements are coming, it’s the kind of array, terrible! Terrible! After seeing it, all of us had no intention of fighting, and all... ran away!"

Bagan looked at the silent fighters, patted the commander’s shoulders and said: "Get your energy up, the reinforcements of the Taishi will arrive soon. We are not alone! We have never been!"

"Does the Taishi have reinforcements?"

The commander of the thousand commander understood the wrong meaning, thinking that Hallie State had sent troops, and his eyebrows were immediately overjoyed.

Bagan ignored him and said to these defeated soldiers, "You did a good job, I thank you, thank you!"

Bagen bowed under his chin, and the silent defeated soldiers slowly regained their spirits. At this time, smoke rose from the camp, and under the hungry, everyone entered the camp one after another.

The commander did not go in, and when he and Bagan were the only ones left outside the camp, he stubbornly asked, "My lord, when will the Harith arrive?"

Bagan shook his head, he had no answer.

Qianfuchang looked desperate and said: "My lord, we have to think about Alutai! He tried his best to get the demon god, but was hit from the back by the Emperor Ming and became a prisoner. This time. The Demon God has more troops, what shall we do? What about the Taishi? What about Wala?"

Bagan shook his head, "I don't know, but Taishi is negotiating with the Harits. If the Harits want to stand on the sidelines, then we would rather stay away so that there is no buffer between the Ming and the Harits."

"That's it!"

The commander said in disappointment: "There is no fat, and the wolf refuses to approach the dangerous enemy. You can tell the Harlem that if the demon **** can be killed, the morale of Ming people will definitely drop!"


In the big tent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tuohuan looked at the Harlem coldly and said: "The Emperor Ming will inevitably conquer himself, and where is your army?"

Opposite him, a man with a long beard chuckled and said, "You should know that our country is already conscripting troops and training everywhere. The price is high. If there is not a successful conquest as compensation, the domestic response will make our king. It’s a headache, so you shouldn’t question this."

"Then what should I question?"

Tuohuan's eyes were sharp: "Should I willingly take my tribe to fight the Ming people to the death?"

The long-bearded man smiled and said, "Isn’t Ming Emperor yet to come? If our country comes with a large army, do you know how much the cost of this journey will be? Wala may provide it? If so, our king will not hesitate at all. !"

These words forced the break-up to the corner, and there was no way to retreat.

Vala is not rich, let alone providing food and grass to the Harith, their lives are tight.

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