Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1407: Fat sheep, goal

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Thanks to the book friend: "The Boat of the River Again" is a great reward!


There was a commotion in front of him, and Atai took his guards and quickly drove past from the right.

At this time, there was a huge shout in front of him, and Atai swayed on the horse's back and almost fell down.

He slowed down, slowly moved to the front, then opened his mouth and couldn't close it anymore.


The two square arrays are right in front. Under the bright sunshine, the soldiers whose whole body is covered in plate armor are like...

"This is the army of the Underworld!"

A thousand household officials screamed, and he tried his best to control his horse. Behind him, the cavalry did not have this ability, and they were frightened by the two arrays that seemed to appear out of thin air on the grassland.

"They moved! They moved!"

Even if he knew that this was the Jubao Mountain Guard, he had been silent all the time, and the immobile array still gave these Tatars a great shock.

There was a drink in front of the array, and then the two arrays turned in unison.

"Are they gone?"

"Is this the Ming army? Is this the devil's command?"

Even if I have seen it, this gloomy array still makes Atai shook his head.

He felt that as long as he had such 10,000 people, he could cross the grassland.

Zhong Ding also followed. Looking at the array moving forward slowly, he reserved his beard and said: "Master, they will clear the way for you along the way, and all those who block them will be ruthlessly destroyed. Keep up. "

Atai's complexion was a bit complicated. After a while, he turned around and shouted: "This is Jubao Mountain Guard, tell everyone that they will accompany us along the way until Xinghepu!"

The news passed all the way, and suddenly cheers rang through the sky.

The doubts about the way ahead were all eliminated, and the cheerful herdsmen even rode their own horses and rushed forward with the children to see the legendary army of the demon god.

The musket was on the shoulder, the footsteps were neat, and the more than two thousand people were like two giants moving. This scene suddenly stunned the herdsmen.

"Sure enough, it's the Heavenly Kingdom!"

"Horrible! That demon **** is well-deserved!"

"Fortunately, we are now Da Ming people. Otherwise, we don't have to fight against this class of troops, just surrender."

"I will be a fighter like this when I grow up!"

The vision of a child left everyone at a loss.

Who are we?

"Are we Mingren or..."

No one knows, they look at the sensational array ahead, and then look at the bright people next to Atai. At this moment, their eyes are all proud!

Zhong Ding smiled slightly, and said with a hint of triumph: "Master, these are just two thousand households in Jubaoshan Guard, and there are... five of these thousand households! And this trip is only a bit worse than Jubaoshan Guard. The Xuanwu Guards, and the five thousand cavalry, does the prince think it is possible to break this class of heroes?"

Atai blurted out: "No!"

Shenyang looked at the array moving forward at the end of the sky, and said proudly: "There will be such a health post, and there will be more in the future. Daming will be a real heavenly kingdom."


"The Tatars are migrating to Xinghe Fort?"

Bagan grabbed the scout's skirt and asked gaffefully.

The scout's lips were cracked, and then a blood scar was formed. He also felt that what he saw was not real.

The large-scale migration on the grassland almost represents the fat sheep on the road.

The scout licked the blood scar and said: "My lord, yes, all the Tatars have been dispatched. The migrating team is like a big river, you can't see the head at a glance."

"How could Atai have such courage?"

Bagan let go, somewhat surprised and frustrated.

The scout said, "My lord, the two thousand households of Mingren are the first. They are all firearms."

Bagan nodded and asked, "How far are they from Xinghe Fort?"

"Three hundred miles, my lord."

"Three hundred miles..."

Bagan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he shouted: "The whole army is dispatched!"

"grown ups!"

Someone persuaded: "My lord, those are two thousand households! The underlings of that demon **** can't be treated as usual."

Bagan sneered: "With such a long migration team, two thousand households, can you see such a big place? Let's find a place to bite it down and see how exhausted they are!"


In the early morning of the third day, the scout successfully found the position of the Tatar.

"It's very long, like a big snake."

The scout's description was very interesting, and Bagan nodded, then turned around and glanced at his commander.

Below the hillside, cavalry of more than 10,000 people lined up quietly behind him.

According to the route of the Tatars, this will be their only way.

"My lord, there are tens of thousands of Tatar cavalry!"

A commander drove over and said his worries.

Looking at these confident subordinates who used to conquer weak and small tribes, Bagen said, "What about ten thousand, can they still protect so many people? Still the same sentence, find The gap rushed in and drove the herdsmen to attack."

This is the old tactic, the same as driving the captives to the ant to attack the city.

"Everyone is working hard, if we can defeat the Tatars, this battle will be our victory."

Bagan doesn't like an army that can only become combative after instigating, but at this moment he can only incarnate as a prince, speaking tirelessly.

"Once the Tatars are defeated, the demon **** will be unlucky, understand? The Ming people pretend to go to the heavens, but can't keep their vassals. This is a shameful shame, a shameful shame that the Emperor Ming has to conquer immediately!"

Bagan was satisfied to see that the morale of his subordinates was gradually rising, and he finally said: "This is the purpose of our stay here. As long as the Emperor Ming is brought in, that is a great achievement!"

The hearts of the people on the grassland are scattered, and only relying on merit can gather the tribe, so Bagan's words suddenly made the eyes of the Wala people a lot of ambition.

"Think of the sheep that those people carry. That is the entire wealth of the Tatars."

Bagan winked, and someone immediately began to bewitched.

"At that time, let's take the cart and the captives to escape into the depths of the grassland. Can the Demon God still fly? At that time, 30%! 30% of the harvest will be yours!"

Caibo touched people's hearts, and the ambitions in those eyes suddenly turned into fanaticism, his nose snorted, like a demon who just crawled out of the ground, looking for food.

Bagan was very satisfied with this effect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He whispered: "Send scouts to investigate the movement of the Xinghe Baoming army. Once the troops are dispatched, immediately report back, and the first scout to return gives a reward."

So the scouts kept setting off and coming back again, and the latest news came one after another.

The next day, the news continued.

"My lord, there is no movement from the Xinghe Fort Ming Army."

"My lord, the Tatars are thirty miles away from here."

"My lord, there is still no movement from Xinghepu."


Bagan is like a sculpture, but he stands still with countless news.

"My lord, the Tatar scout is ten miles away from here."

The news finally moved Bagan. He closed his eyes and said, "Go back and wait until their brigade arrives."

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