Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1410: wrong selection

Thanks to the book friend: "Niu Niu Little Cat" a great reward!



Bagan slashed hard, blood splashing on his face. He wiped his face, saw those Tatars madly blocking him, his heart was cold, and he shouted: "Fight! Charge out!"

"Bite you to death!"

A Tatar who had one arm cut off hooked his opponent with one hand, closed and flew over, opened his big mouth, and bit his opponent's neck with one bite.

Bagan turned his gaze and saw a Tatar who was deeply trapped and slashed in his back, but he was still fighting desperately.

Big trouble!

Bagan turned around and took a look. Sun Yue and his five thousand cavalry had already blocked the other side.

On the side, Wu Yue's two thousand households were opening their pockets, just waiting for him to take the bait.

And there are still many cavalry on the side watching closely.

Don't go where there are cavalry, otherwise you will be chased to the ends of the world!

Where are there no cavalry?

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

At this time, Sun Yuebu was in place and began to compress.

To compress Bagan's activity space and make him a trapped beast, this was Fang Xing's plan.

Fang Xing's three firearm guards over there, but there is a shortcoming, that is, there is no cavalry. As long as you can break through, you can escape.

But that is the devil!

Bagan didn't have time to choose. After another quarter of an hour, Sun Yue would directly explode his tail.

"Go east! Break out to the east!"

Following the roar of Bagan, the Wala people immediately changed their formations and began to evacuate from there.

The Vara people suddenly broke away, and the pressure of the Tatars was relieved, and they looked at the other side at a loss as they were running to the east.

Can we actually stop the Vara people?

This miraculous result made these Tatars who were still running away bewildered.

The horns rang, urging them to catch up.


The opportunity to beat a dog in the water is not always there, so these Tatars are chasing them with excitement.


Seeing that the Wala people really broke through to his side, Fang Xing smiled and said, "Bagen is already discouraged. Get ready. Today, we can be regarded as a big harvest!"

Lin Qun'an took the order and immediately shouted: "All ministries prepare, artillery prepares!"

"Loading iron bullets..."

Shen Yao's broken gong voice came, and the ministries began to yell.

"Reload! Ready!"

Fang Xing coldly watched the Wara people get closer, and said to Wang He: "After this battle, after the war, you will either withdraw and stop seeking the Halle State to send troops, or you can only send out, otherwise the Halle Congress will treat him as a Abandoned child."

Wang He nodded and said, "It is just like this. It is like sitting on wax after going off for fun, and Halley will be in a dilemma."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "You can fight if you say you fight, and if you don't fight, don't fight. Do Harlem people think that Daming made tofu? So after this battle, the initiative is with me!"

Wang Hezan said, "Sure enough, it's Uncle Xinghe. Previously, our family thought that you let the Tatars migrate here just to find a helper, but I didn't expect you to arrange this game, admire it!"

At this time, the Wala had already begun to approach, Fang Xing raised his hand, and someone immediately took a distance measurement.

"Seven hundred steps!"

"Six hundred steps!"

"Five hundred steps..."

Fang Xing's hand slammed down, and Shen Yao roared, "Fire!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The artillery roared and the iron popped out of the chamber.

Bagan looked back at the chaser while galloping, and when he turned back again, an iron bullet struck through from the front. After landing, it was absorbed by the grass and part of the energy was absorbed by the grass. When it bounced again, it broke a leg of Bagan's horse.

Bagan flew out amid the long hiss of the horse, and with great luck, he pounced the cavalry in front of him. He lay on his horse, hurriedly controlled the direction, and then he was wrapped up involuntarily and continued to rush forward.

"One hundred and fifty steps!"

"One hundred steps..."

Lin Qun'an raised his long knife, and after waiting for a moment, he chopped it down.

"The first row... salvo!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

As the lead bullet flew horizontally, Bagan saw a man and a horse fell in front of him, and shouted: "Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!"

Only by speeding up can you reach the Ming army, otherwise you can only struggle to death within the firing range.

"Beep beep!"

In the gap where the artillery is loaded, the enemy can only be blocked by the firepower of the musket.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Ba basically thought he could rush into the Ming army's formation at speed, but after three rounds of muskets fired, the corpses of the horses and horses fell to the ground in front of them. The undead screamed and were followed by The same robe drove by, trampled to death.


Eighteen artillery fired together, and Bagan closed his eyes in pain. He hoped that he could be killed by that terrifying iron bullet, and it would be better than being rounded up by the Ming army like a wolf.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

With the roar of cannons, Bagan put his hands on his face, hoping to preserve his appearance.

Puff puff……

The shotgun shrouded all the space in front of the array.

Bagan opened his eyes and saw that the front was like being blown by a strong wind, and there were a few rows of people missing in an instant.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A volley of firearms followed, and Bagan was desperate and shouted: "Go in and kill that demon!"

At this time, the chasing soldiers behind had already caught up, Fang Xing shook his head and said with a laugh: "Courage is commendable, but it's not an opponent of the same grade, pass the order, two rows of salvo!"

The so-called two-row salvo is to squat down in the front row and shoot together with the back row.

This kind of firepower density is high, but there will be intermittent firepower output, and it cannot be used at the last moment.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

After a burst of intensive gunfire, the front was almost obscured by gunpowder smoke.


Sun Yue and his cavalry arrived just in time, and gave the Oala a fatal blow from behind.

It collapsed, it started!

"Great victory! Great victory!"

Atai yelled with a red face, his reservedness had been thrown away by him a long time ago.

"Quickly, tell our people to catch up and catch more prisoners!"

The steppe people always use captives to supplement their losses and grow their tribes.

Zhong Ding watched a thrilling battle. At this moment, he relaxed a little. He coughed after hearing that, "Master, Xinghepu needs someone to work. After you move there, you have to ask someone to take it down. Camp, otherwise you will have no danger to defend once the off-friend army arrives!"

Atai's pride dissipated in an instant, and cold sweat crawled all over his back.

He was worried whether his ecstasy just now would be considered alienated, so he quickly explained: "The loss in the first battle today is not small, and Xiao Wang is also anxious. These captives should go to Xinghebao~www.wuxiaspot.com~Smart people!

Zhong Ding caressed his beard faintly: "The prince can rest assured that in the future, there will be a Tatar in this grassland."

"Yes, yes! Xiao Wang understands."

After seeing the sharpness of Daming's attack, Atai's little idea was immediately dispelled.

"The Wala people escaped!"

At this time, Yuelu's exclamation just cleared Atai. He looked around and saw the surviving Oara cavalry fled in all directions.

But at this time, surrounded by all sides, the remaining cavalry wanted to break through, it was an impossible task.

The musket roars, the cavalry cuts and strangles...

After half an hour, there were no more Vara people standing on the battlefield.

Zhong Ding said happily: "The big thing is set! Lord, let's go to see Mr. Xinghe."

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