Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1438: The other eye

Five thousand households, five square formations, plus five thousand cavalry guard the two wings.

Fang Xing looked at the rushing Oalas, and sneered: "Twenty thousand people, under the front and back attack, they won't last long. The order is that this battle is aimed at the offense and the Harlem group."

The group of unlucky Harits attacked together by being wrapped up in joy. They were all Oara people in front and back, and they would be knocked into flight if they ran around, and their hearts were miserable.


The shelling began, and the flesh and blood channel reappeared.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Zana followed closely by Qu Huan's side, watching the formation in front of him being beaten by iron bullets, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

But she pressed her lips tightly, her eyes were full of coldness, constantly urging her to increase.

The platoon of guns, shotguns, and the chasers from behind also came up. Those Ming troops mounted on horseback and raised their guns to shoot, and then the Tatars took the opportunity to cover up and kill them.

When Tuohuan was empty in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, then swung his knife and roared: "Chuoluosu is here, Fang wakes up, come!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

No one cares who their enemy is, only know that they shoot mechanically with the whistle, and then rotate.

Tuohuan shook on the horse's back for a while, pierced up to support him, saw a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, then closed his eyes and never opened it again.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

After platooning guns again, Zana was shot twice. He dropped his horse and lay on the grass, looking at the blue sky, thinking of Qiqige at home, and the children...


A horse hoof ended his life and also ended his thoughts.

"Master is dead! Master is dead!"

The panic shout caused the Vala to collapse, and immediately began to flee.

"Chasing, remember, get rid of those Haribs first."

Fang Xing ordered, and then, accompanied by the family members, walked to the corpse of Fuhuan.

The chest and abdomen of the corpse were deformed by horseshoes, and because of the armor, they were not trampled.

Qiuhuan's head was miraculously undamaged, and those eyes lost their coldness, staring blankly at the sky.

"the weather is nice today."

Fang Xing got up and said, "Later, I will cast the view of Beijing and put the head of the off joy on the top. Also, Yanniang's stone stele...let her take another look."

The carriage came up with the stele, and there were broken soldiers and chasing soldiers everywhere. Fang Xing shook his head and wandered on the battlefield with his hands under his shoulders.

Atai came, behind him was a group of pale but smiling flattering nobles.

"Xing He Bo, a big victory!"

Atai’s joy was real when he saw it, Fang Xing nodded: "This battle has contributed a lot to the Tatars, and I will report it later. I want to follow the rules of your Majesty’s reward for merits, and the Tatars will be wrong in the future. No more."

There are not enough cavalry, this is Fang Xing's biggest weakness, so he used both kindness and power to suppress the Tatar Ministry and get a lot of Tatar cavalry.

Atai wanted to be humble, Fang Xing smiled and said, "Since he is a family, don’t talk about two things. Those who have been successful in this battle, and King Ning, will calculate and report it, and Ben Bo will send it to Peking. go."

Atai smiled, and then walked side by side with Fang Xing on the battlefield.

"Bo Xinghe, what should we do with the Wala people over Yehuling?"

"Xuanfu wants to do meritorious service. Those two thousand people probably no longer exist."

"Then the breakup should be counted. Is he desperate?"

"Yes, he has nowhere to go. The cause and effect he planted has to be swallowed, otherwise the world is so big that there is no place for him."

Atai sighed: "Yeah! The grassland is like this. Countless people have had a glorious moment, but once they are down, they are inferior to dogs. It's hard to walk, and life is better than death!"

"Uncle, Jingguanshi is ready."

Fang Xing went over and took a look.

Still one eye, long narrow eyes, looking at the world coldly.


Fang Xing got up, walked to the side of the carriage and touched the mottled stone tablet, and whispered: "Wala no longer exists. The remaining people will be bereaved dogs. No one will take them in. No one dares to take them in. The army is about to take them in. Go raid the headquarters of Wala, Yanniang, take a good look, and go after reading it..."

Turning around, Fang Xing commanded: "Sun Yue, and... King Hening sent out 10,000 cavalry, and immediately went to wipe out the headquarters of the Wala people and bring them all."

This is a beautiful job, and the Tatars all cheered, and then began to compete for the spot.

Atai has never been so happy before, and the nobles surrounded him and asked to bring their own people.

"Hurry up, or you won't be able to get anything when the defeated soldiers return."

Fang Xing didn't have the joy after the big victory, he casually ended the noble quarrel, and then ordered the knife to drive the carriage to follow.

Those nobles are silent, this person is really a must-have!

If these people are in charge of Daming's foreign affairs, it is estimated that Daming's neighboring countries will tremble.

In order to keep up with the cavalry, Atai very wisely contributed a few good horses and replaced the knives along the way.

The cavalry went away in a gust of wind, and Jingguan was also healed.

Fang Xing glanced at the head at the top, and said with satisfaction: "Good craftsmanship."

The autumn wind is bleak, and the huge Jingguan towers on the grassland, looking like a small hill.

"Do you still want to shepherd the sheep?"

Fang Xing turned around and asked.

Atai smiled and said, "Xiao Wang most wants to go to Peking. If he wants to come, Your Majesty will give him a mansion. In the future, he will come to stroll around and occasionally go to the palace to meet the world. This is the day Xiao Wang thinks."

Atai was very clever to avoid Fang Xing's question, and the nobles all looked happy.

Atai quit, someone must be in charge of the Tartar Ministry. And if there is no prestige, then the candidate will inevitably be among this group of nobles.

Fang Xing glanced at the faces of sentient beings, and said, "Daming will not give up the grassland~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and will continue to expand in the future. Tartar...no, it will be the Tartar of Daming. There will be merchants buying your cattle, horses and sheep, and there will also be Han Chinese going out in the future. Everyone is a family, and we will manage this grassland together and live a good life together..."

Atai was stunned, and then whispered: "Uncle Xinghe, Xiao Wang stay here again... Isn't it appropriate?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "You happen to be the most appropriate. If you don't believe me, look at those people, with a smile on their faces, but I don't know what ideas are turning in my heart. He Ning Wang, Daming needs to slowly merge this grassland, you If it is done well, then it will be of immense merit, and the children and grandchildren will benefit infinitely."

Atai looked forward and backward in his work. Fang Xing felt that such a candidate was the most suitable. He had written all the memorials, and then he would send it to Beiping together with the report.

"Xing He Bo..."

Atai was a little touched. He thought that the second half of his life would be spent idle in a mansion in Peiping, and his children and grandchildren would do the same, that is, wealthy idlers.

Fang Xing encouraged: "Those who are loyal to Daming, and those who are loyal to your majesty, will not forget them, and your majesty will not forget them. If you work hard, your memorial will be sent to Peking soon. I believe your majesty will also agree with him."

Atai arched his hands silently, and according to the rules on the grassland, Daming had already completed the expedition at this time. Naturally, he, the King of Tatar, was going to die for some reason.

Since Fang Xing looked after him like this, then...

In fact, misunderstandings are often caused by unilateral speculation. For example, Atai, he unilaterally speculates about the intention of being awake, and then feels that he should return this "ally", so he went back and warned his son. ,this……

The victory report and memorial are ready, and more than five hundred cavalrymen escorted the messenger.

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