Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1451: The arrogant Harley ride (thanks to the book friend "NTS...

"Uncle, the Harits are here!"

Fang Xing is inspecting the reinforcement of the Tatar camp. Fast update without ads.

This time it was not just a fence, but after the fence was erected, mud was added and piled up to form a simple fence.

Although simple, the protective ability is not weak.

"How many have you come?"

Fang Xing clapped his hands and asked, then turned around and looked at the earthen huts in the camp, thinking that it would be good for this to develop into a city in the future.

Behind Lin Qun'an is Chang Er.

At this time, Chang Er looked a little sad, and he reported: "Uncle, the young ones met Harley's scout more than twenty miles away, and found it was a trap when they pursued them. They sent out more than a thousand people to chase us down. ..."

Fang Xing glanced at him, frowned and said, "Are there casualties?"

Chang Er touched the veil in his arms and bowed his head and said, "Little Shangguan... After the small banner officer Jiang Xing cut off, he died with the Harie with a grenade."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "All are on guard, and Sun Yue leads the army to investigate."

The bell in Xinghepu rang, and the herdsmen and soldiers scattered around hurriedly began to return.

Chang Er took out the two shawls in his arms and muttered: "How can you make me have the face to meet your family..."


The life and death of the little person is like a wave of water shaking, no one will care.

Sun Yue rushed out of Xinghe Fort with a brigade of cavalry, and encountered many scouts who had retreated along the way.

"My lord, there are more than a thousand people."

"My lord, there are more than two thousand people."


The number of scouts seen in each direction was different. Sun Yue summed up and judged that the enemy should be up and down five thousand, and then dispersed, advancing in the direction of Xinghepu in a fan to clean up the scouts.


Sun Yue felt that it was necessary to teach these Harleh Rangers a lesson, so he urged his subordinates to speed up.

Less than five miles ahead, the scout in front encountered the enemy, and it said that there were more than a thousand enemy troops.

"Kill it!"

Sun Yue smashed the horses and led the team to kill them.

The war horse galloped, and the scouts of both sides were entangled in the front. After seeing the brigade coming, the Harit retreated decisively.

With the main force following, the scouts of the Ming army would of course take advantage of the victory and pursue them, so the two sides quickly disappeared from sight.

Galloping for more than three miles, the Ming army scouts saw a group of Harley cavalry resting, the number of which happened to be more than one thousand.

So the Ming army scouts stopped and watched the Harlem hurriedly mount up to respond to the enemy.

When Sun Yue led the army to appear, the Harits did not retreat, but took the lead in attacking.

The battle lasted for more than a quarter of an hour and ended with the evacuation of the Harith.

"Don't chase, let's go back!"

Sun Yue called his subordinates solemnly, then gathered his corpses, collected the horses left by the opponent, and hurried back immediately.

Back at Xinghe Fort, Sun Yue immediately went to see Fang Xing.

"Uncle, the Cavalry of the Harem is very powerful, not inferior to the Wala. The officers led the army to fight with more and less, and the casualties are still higher on our side."


Fang Xing was writing a memorial, and when he heard the words, he asked: "Then do you feel that you are lagging behind in martial arts, or what?"

Sun Yue said with some embarrassment: "These five thousand people under the official ranks came from a temporary combination, and they were a little slack in the end."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Then use battle for training, and continue to eliminate Harleh Rangers. Before they send out a large army, our scouts and food roads will be protected by you."

Sun Yue arched his hands and said, "The next official knows, let's go."

Fang Xing didn't look up. After finishing the memorial, he handed it over to Fang Wu who had been waiting.

"Send the best messenger to send the memorial away immediately before the enemy's attack and harass the vicinity of Xinghe Fort. I urge the messenger to remember to report when passing by Xuanfu."

Fang Wu took the memorial and put it in a bamboo tube to seal it.

"Winter is coming soon. Is this the Harlem temptation or madness?"

For Xinghe Fort, the wandering horse with more than 3,000 people is just a dish, and the other party dared to chase and kill the Ming army scouts. This is going to heaven!

Lin Qun'an said annoyedly: "At the time, I didn't expect the Harlem to start a raid without sending scouts, so the scouts lost a lot."

Fang Xing said: "The Harie is arrogant, let's let the Xuanwu guard go out on horseback to wipe out this wandering horse!"


Chen De continuously received Fang Xing's attention, which dispelled Xuanwuwei's worries about each other's awakening.

Cavalry must be tactical, but Xuanwu guards don't need to practice, they ride horses only for transportation.

Before leaving, Chen De went to see Fang Xing and raised his concerns.

"Uncle, what if this is a trap?"

This is not timid, but considerate.

Fang Xing was looking at the map and heard the words: "Big powers are fighting, and small strategies are of no avail. It is the kingly way that is upright and upright. How can the Harlem indulge in the majesty of the old king in the past, how can he use these strategies that have little effect on the situation of the war? If the troops are sufficient, it is serious to pounce directly on Xinghe Fort."

Chen De handed his hands and said: "It's because I want to go to the next official. In the war of the country, no strategy is needed. All I want is the life of the soldiers."

Fang Xing said with a smile: "It's not that there is no need for tactics. It's just a battle of hundreds of thousands of people. Scouts are bound to be densely distributed outside the battlefield. If you want to use conspiracy and tricks, you must first successfully avoid the eyes and ears of the other party. There are too many risks. It's a failure if you are not careful."


More than 3,000 people, not only cleaned the scouts of the Ming army, but also retreated with less fights and more. This impressive record made the Harlie people careless.

So they held on to their own mobility and continued to carry out operations to cover the battlefield. For a while, within twenty miles of Xinghe Fort, there were horns from Harleh Rangers calling their companions everywhere.

This is a dragnet-style suppression!

When Sun Yue led his subordinates into this area, the Harems quickly backed away without a hassle, and then gathered and started to circle with the Ming army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that someone from Wala arrived in Harleh, so they did it. Knowing that we have only five thousand cavalry! Damn it! "

Sun Yue looked at the Harlem wandering in front, thinking in his heart how he would be able to clean up and work hard in the future. As for the follow-up battle, he felt that his role was just a blockade.

"Forcing them to go north!"

So the Ming army immediately went around in a circle, and then forced the Harleh Ranger to flee towards the north.

After escaping more than two miles, the Harlem was about to turn again, and more than two thousand cavalry appeared in front of him.

Nima! Do more than two thousand people dare to stop us?

"Kill it!"

So the Harlem roared and rushed over, while the Ming army on the opposite side dismounted Shi Shiran and began to line up.

What does it mean?

If there are horses that don't ride, they will turn into pawns to stop us?

I was wondering, when the distance between the two sides narrowed, a Harlem suddenly shouted: "It's the firearms army of the Ming army!"

"We are not heavy riders! Steering! Steering!"

The leader of the team remembered the warning before the departure, and couldn't help but freak out, and hurriedly ordered to turn.

But the cavalry that rushed into the formation could turn around by turning, so the Harlem could only look at the more than a dozen artillery pieces on both sides of the front array, and then the gunners smirked and lit the fuse.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The wicked artillery set fired the artillery one by one, so the shotguns were like magic claws, sweeping away the Harlem who had just started to turn.


As soon as the artillery stopped, the Harlem, whose side was almost half knocked out, ran away desperately, and a volley of muskets immediately came.


This was the first collision between the Harits and the firearms in a formal battle, and the result was a bloodshed.


Sun Yue led the team to chase and kill without losing the opportunity, and the Harlem was defeated...

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