Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1455: parting

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When Jin Yiwei's information was quickly sent to Beiping, Zhu Di was silent for a long time, and then summoned a group of ministers, and the issue was one issue. m..

"The Harits are crazy. In terms of time, the two armies will fight each other in the winter, and the decisive battle is likely to be in the early spring."

"This is a decisive battle that is better than cotton-padded clothes, food and grass, and military spirit. I am not afraid! Daming is not afraid!"

Zhu Di's complexion gradually turned red, he looked at the officials with sharp eyes, and stood up and said: "I want to send troops! You wait for each to prepare!"

So the officials retired, and Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji were the only ones left in the hall. Together with Zhu Di, these were the three generations of grandparents.

Zhu Gaochi watched Zhu Di circle around, but the speed was much slower than before. Looking at Zhu Zhanji again, he was looking at the ground with no expression on his face.

"After I leave, you must pay attention to the south."

Zhu Di suddenly spoke, and Zhu Gaochi hurriedly responded.

"You must not take it seriously."

Zhu Di clenched his hand into a fist, staring at Zhu Gaochi and said, "The generation of bewitching the king is not Fang Xing, but the gentry in the south. If you don't understand this truth, you will be emptied sooner or later!"

Zhu Gaochi looked up in amazement. Recently, he was very submissive, but today he blurted out somehow: "Father, without those civil servants, Wu Xun will be domineering!"

After talking about Zhu Gaochi, he regretted it, because he saw that Zhu Di's eyes were more violent in an instant, and his hands kept opening and closing, which meant he was looking for a knife.

The violence faded slowly, and Zhu Di said coldly: "Who has ever succeeded in the emperor who has always wanted to balance civil and military? Could it be that your talents and virtues can still shock the officials? Without martial arts, there is no long knife in your hand, who Listen to you? Huh? Tell me, who listens to you? Those civil servants?"

Zhu Gaochi's mind was a little confused. He said with difficulty: "Father, Daming has been conquering for many years, so it's time to rest."

A trace of contempt flashed in Zhu Di's eyes, and he said disdainfully: "It only takes 50 years to stay without swordsmen and go up and down the hall, and the entire Ming will fall into the hands of those civil officials. No! It should be said that it fell into the hands of those literati. In the hands, who are you then?"

Zhu Di looked at Zhu Gaochi, shook his head and said: "I only hate that I didn't let you go out early in the past! So that in the future I have to give Daming to your ruthless prince. This is my misfortune, and it is also Daming's misfortune. "

Zhu Gaochi lowered his head, expressionless.

Zhu Di said coldly: "As long as there is a king who can do anything, he can control the government, Yang Rong and others are in my hands, but if I go someday, you might let them follow their orders? I'm afraid it is a violation of the right and the Yin! The name is good at accepting advice, but accepting advice must also be independent, otherwise it is a puppet!"

Zhu Gaochi did not respond. Zhu Di waved his hand and said, "Go away. After I leave, you are optimistic about Peking. There are important things that people can tell me."

This is Zhu Di, even if he is going on an expedition, he will not forget to control the government.

Zhu Gaochi only agreed, and then left the hall.

Only the silent Zhu Zhanji remained below.

Zhu Di sighed lightly, beckoning Zhu Zhanji to come up.

There is nothing good on it, a chair—the so-called throne, and a case specially set by Zhu Di for himself.

Zhu Di looked at his favorite grandson and said with a complex expression: "After I leave, you are afraid that you will suffer some torment, maybe you may endure it? If you can't, I will send you to Jinling for a while."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said: "Grandpa Emperor, it's better for my grandson to be in Beiping with the news of the Northern Expedition."

When I went to Jinling, it was man-made barriers, and it was father-son renunciation, and Zhu Zhanji couldn't do it.

"Well, after I come back from Beizheng, I will make some adjustments to the court, when the time comes..."

This is to pave the way for Zhu Zhanji in the court, and with Zhu Di's method, he can naturally hide everyone from him. And after that, those who buried it were Zhu Zhanji's help.

Zhu Zhanji looked up and saw the kindness in Zhu Di's eyes. He couldn't help kneeling down on his lap and whispered: "Grandpa Emperor, my grandson just wants to go to the north with you. I don't want to stay in the capital, so bored!"

Zhu Di's eyes were soft, and he touched the top of his head and said, "Chier Chi'er, there are always many rules in this world that restrict the world, even I can't break it, but when I wipe out Harley, then no one can do it. Block, at that time, it will be the time for me to do it, the king...the collusion between the civil officials...and...to break the shackles of something."


Che Bibi, Ma Xiaoxiao!

In the early morning, countless soldiers lined up outside the city, waiting in silence.

Zhang Shuhui came early in the morning. She first went to the household department to find Ma Su, and then delivered the donation from the Fang family, and hurried to the outside of the city.

Zhang Fu, as the general in charge of the army of the Northern Expedition, was in place early, and Zhang Shuhui came to see him.

"The army is dispatched, come at this time, does Shuhui have anything to say?"

Under Liu Sheng's attention, Zhang Fu asked helplessly.

Zhang Qi said, "Duke Guo, the second aunt and grandma didn't say anything, so she said she wanted to see you."

"This girl!"

Zhang Fu is much older than Zhang Shuhui, this girl is appropriate.

Liu Sheng on the side smiled and said: "It's still early at this time, the British sir, let's go, maybe it is to give you some invulnerable treasure, hahahaha!"

Zhang Fu smiled, and then went out of the Chinese Army.

Outside the array, Zhang Shuhui stood beside the carriage. The weather was a bit cold, and she stomped her feet from time to time, and the officers and soldiers who provoked her looked at her from time to time.

After Zhang Fu came out, Zhang Shuhui greeted him and gave him a burden first.

"Brother, there are some seasonings in it. The food in the army is rough. If you don't like it, you can add some..."

Zhang Fu took the baggage and asked with a smile, "Anything else?"

Zhang Shuhui hesitated for a moment and looked up and said, "Brother, my husband has been out for a long time. I don't know how he is now, I'm afraid he will report the good news and not the bad news. If the big brother arrives at Xinghe Fort~www.wuxiaspot.com~ please write a letter. return……"

Zhang Fu's eyes were warm, and he said, "Well, I'll take care of this. You can go back and live a good life."

"Thank you, brother."

Zhang Shuhui was blessed, and then she was helped into the car by Mother Qin.

Zhang Fu was about to turn around, but saw Zhang Shuhui carrying Wuyou in the car, holding up her little hand and saying, "Quickly say uncle is safe."

The one-year-old worry-free, sleepy-eyed, clicked his mouth, muttering: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Zhang Shuhui looked at Zhang Fu awkwardly, "Brother, Wuyou knows something, but he just fell asleep."

Zhang Fu smiled and said, "This girl is very nice, the weather is cold, let's go back earlier."

Zhang Shuhui nodded, looked down at Wuyou, who closed his eyes again, and whispered: "Big Brother must come back safely!"

Zhang Fu's back came to a halt, nodded, and then stepped into the array.

The carriage left immediately, and if it didn't leave, the people on the side wouldn't care about Zhang Fu's face, either driving away or seizing it.

"The spirit of killing is sharp, so there must be no women in the army!"

Liu Sheng saw that Liu Pu was in a daze, and he shouted: "Remember, there are no children in the army, and no father or son. If you make a mistake, the father will naturally clean you up in accordance with the military rules!"

Liu Pu nodded, just staring forward blankly.

There, more than a hundred artillery pieces were arranged in several rows, the morning light was faint, reflecting the metal and reflecting the dim light, which was breathtaking.

In the back, the musketeers of the Shenji Camp had already lined up.

This is Daming's capital!

Liu Pu thought of Xinghe Fort and couldn't help saying: "Father, Brother Dehua has fought several battles in Xinghe Fort, but it is a pity that the child can't go, otherwise he will be able to make merit."

Liu Sheng scolded: "You have a frenzy, you can only add to the chaos and make a fart! Hey! Your majesty..."

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