Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1473: Desperate break through, go to death alone

Thanks to the book friend: "Beriar"'s great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "Zi Fei Yu Liao" a great reward!


"It's been two days, what should I do? What should I do?"

At a distance of three miles, more than six thousand Daming cavalrymen were panicking.

On the periphery, the enemy only placed four to five thousand rangers around to monitor them.

A thousand households official said angrily: "What is Li Jie doing? What is he doing with that eggless stuff? Go, take a look!"

A group of generals angrily walked to the middle, and the restless sergeants along the way were looking at them with expectant eyes.

But these generals are also Liushen Wuzhu.

Enemy forces were all around, and they were beaten back after several consecutive breakouts. Everyone lost hope.

In the middle, a tent suddenly appeared, which was Li Jie's privilege.

There were two sergeants standing outside the tent. These were Li Jie’s personal soldiers. A deputy Qianhu went up and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

A soldier said in astonishment: "My lord, we adults are sick."

"Sick Nima! Get out! If you don't get out, I will kill you!"

"Go away!"

These people drew their knives, and the two soldiers dared to stop, so they had to let them squeeze in.

The tent was not big, it was blocked after five people entered.

These five people were full of anger, but at this moment they had no choice but to turn their heads.

"What's wrong? But it's dead?"

The people outside asked viciously.

The five shook their heads and went out, sighed up to the sky and left.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and finally one of them looked inside and was stunned.

In the corner of the tent, Li Jie was sitting on the quilt, his armor had already been untied and dropped to the ground.

He was sitting with his hands on his knees, shaking constantly.

Hearing the movement, Li Jie raised his head, his pale pale complexion that looked like a ghost startled the man.

"How about it?"

Another person came in and was startled, he was startled by the look in Li Jie's eyes.

What kind of eyes are this!

Sluggish, at a loss...

Looking down, Li Jie's mouth opened slightly, and he was exhausted every time he breathed.

With one breath, tilt your head back, and lean forward when you exhale...

"He broke!"

The Lord General has collapsed and he has given up his efforts. This is bad news.

These people returned to the front again and gathered together to discuss what to do next.

No one thought about surrendering. Because countless painful lessons in the past taught them that it is better to surrender than to die in battle.

"How to do?"

The only remaining commander, Shang Yi said in a deep voice: "Li Jie is over, but we have to take the brothers to find a way to survive. The next commander will be commanded by this officer. Do you have any opinions?"

"My lord, let's listen to you!"

Shang Yi nodded, and analyzed: "The Harlem can obviously attack, but they are dwindling. Why is this?"

The generals knew in their hearts, but smiled bitterly.

Shang Yi said solemnly: "The Harem wants to use us as a trap, to force your Majesty to send reinforcements or direct a decisive battle. So... tell everyone, fight to death! For your Majesty, for Daming, let's go to death together. !"


The generals nodded, some were pale, some were dull, and some... bowed their heads silently.

Shang Yi mounted his horse and rode his horse to the forefront, watching these panicked sergeants shouting: "Brothers, the Harits are playing cats and mice. They want to use us as bait, so we have lived here."

Most of the sergeants showed joy, and Shang Yi sighed after seeing it, and said, "Tell you, before the arrival of reinforcements, the Harits will strangle us all, so this officer wants to break through!"

"This time is different from the past. The waste is completely finished. The officer will lead you to break through. Let's fight hard! Fight for a way out!"

The complexion of those sergeants gradually became severe. Breaking through the encirclement would be tantamount to dying, and not too many survived.

Shang Yi said: "Don't think about surrendering. The Hari people are far away, and there is not enough food to eat by themselves. Those who surrender will be killed, trampled to death, dragged to death! So, rather than surrender!"

There was a commotion among the cavalry, and then more than ten horses rushed out, and then rushed to the Harleh Ranger in the distance.

"My lord, they are going to surrender the Harith!"

Shang Yi said indifferently, "They will die miserably. They will be killed after being tortured!"

The more than ten horses attracted the attention of the Harlem, and a group of cavalry quickly greeted them, and then returned to the original formation with them in the middle.

Shang Yi sneered and said, "Get ready."

So everyone sorted their armor, calmed the horses, and started to line up.

The Harlem people around also noticed the abnormality here, so amid the sound of the horns, the Harlem cavalry of the brigade appeared on all sides.

Shang Yi rode the horse in the forefront, he drew his long knife, and then slowly stepped forward.

A tragic atmosphere enveloped these cavalry, they will go to make a lifeless breakthrough.

Gradually, Shang Yi began to accelerate slowly.

The Harits also began to approach, laughing, waving long knives and shouting, as if they were engaged in a wild hunting activity.

When the two sides approached more than three hundred paces, Shang Yi shouted: "Da Ming wins!"

There was a moment of silence in the silent array, and then he shouted explosively.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The wind blew in my ears, but no one felt cold.

The eyes were red, and I forgot all the fears and weaknesses.



Shang Yi was the first to collide with the enemy. He broke his opponent's right arm with a single blow, then swung his long sword from left to right to block the attack.


The fear of the past two days, and the suffocation of the past two days, at this moment made the soldiers of Daming exploded with astonishing fighting power.

"The Ming army actually broke in?"

Agudamu was a little surprised. As the commander-in-chief of this time, his performance in front can be called a famous general.

Some of the generals on the side laughed and said, "That is the courage of the Ming army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It will run out soon."

Agudamu nodded and said, "That's right, let's take a good look. If the Ming army is weakened, then attack."

"My lord, haven't you waited for the reinforcements of the Ming army?"

Agudamu shook his head and said, "The ones that should have come should have already come, and the ones that haven't come will naturally not come. We don't have to wait, prepare!"

"The Qing Suppresses the Ming Army!"

The horns sounded long, and the Harlems around began to charge.

"My lord! The Harits are encircled!"

Shang Yi was struggling to fight. He heard the sharp scream, but he was caught in a siege and couldn't have time to watch.


An opponent was smashed with one knife. The enemy in front was still ten paces away. Shang Yi felt that his right arm could no longer be lifted. He roared, "Let us die here! Great victory!"

The surrounding enemy forces are encircling, this is the trend of a pack of wolves hunting sheep, and it is unreasonable.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Morale before dying fell to the bottom, and the shouts were weak.

The enemy on the opposite side was rushing at high speed. Shang Yi clenched his fist with his left hand and punched his right shoulder vigorously. He held up his long sword, stood up, and shouted frantically: "Da Ming is victorious!"

Then a spectacle appeared on the battlefield: Shang Yi accelerated sharply, and drove solo towards the enemy who couldn't see the side...

Desperate and madly shouting, riding to death alone without hesitation...

That's how morale has risen! That's how **** got up!

The eyes of those originally desperate instantly flushed, a long knife was held high, and the hideous faces were full of murderous intent.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Amidst the roar of the mountain whistling and tsunami, the remaining five thousand Ming army suddenly accelerated, rushing to the past with my invincible bravery, facing the enemy forces with superior strength... 8) More exciting novels, Welcome to Everyone Reading Academy

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