Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1477: Feed the wild dogs (thanks to "I love Jing" for being the book...

, The fastest update takes the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Thanks to bookstore book friends: ‘kenny’’s great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "Does the girl have time at night?" A great reward!


More than 10,000 Ming troops came galloping in, and the battle that had been deadlocked suddenly began to fall apart.

Moreover, the Ming army suddenly came out with thousands of people, went around behind the Harit, immediately dismounted, and began to line up.

The three-sided encirclement was completed immediately, but the free side was towards Xinghepu, and once he escaped, he would be chased by the tail.

In an instant, the battlefield situation changed, and the original hunter became prey.

Agudamu also made a decision instantly.


Because he saw that Jubaoshanwei's artillery group was in place, he chose to be hunted down.

I would rather be hunted down than to touch Baoshan Guards.

"They are afraid of being blocked here. It only takes a quarter of an hour and there is no possibility of escape!"

Fang Xing looked at the enemy's turn with some regret, and then said, "Let the artillery fire a round of iron bullets, and then let Sun Yuebu participate in the pursuit."

"Hurry up!"

Shen Yao never felt that he was so proud, that so many enemies turned around in front of the muzzle, how lonely and invincible this is!


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Thirty-six iron bullets penetrated into the Harley cavalry who was turning, causing a burst of chaos.

"Reload! Quick! I can't make a round, I will kill you!"

Shen Yao couldn't help being exasperated when he saw that this round of shelling had disrupted the enemy's formation.

"Uncle, the gun crew wants to fight another round."

Lin Qun'an saw Shen Yao's hands dancing and guessed what this guy meant.

Fang Xing nodded, looked at the cavalry eager to try on the left and right wings, and said, "Okay! At the same time as the cannons rang, Sun Yuebe attacked!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

In the smoke of gunpowder, Sun Yue took the cavalry who had rested for a while and rushed into the battle group.

Behind him was Zhang Fu chasing, and Sun Yue slashed his side. Agudamu shouted desperately: "Retreat! Retreat!"

Sun Yue's assault was like a sharp blade, cutting off more than 3,000 people abruptly from the Hare's tail.

Zhang Fu was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly commanded the men and horses to wipe out the Harits, and then divided the troops and continued to pursue them.


Fang Xing took the Jubao Mountain Guard and approached the besieged Harlem, and Sun Yue immediately led the people to evacuate and participate in the pursuit.

When Zhang Fu saw Fang Xing, he couldn't help shouting in agitated mood.

Fang Xing in the distance waved his hand gently, and the smoke burst into flames.

"Xing He Bo, is a British father."

Fang Xing looked up, and then said, "Lin Qun'an will take care of the following."

After saying that he rode around, Wang He said unconvinced: "Our family can do it too!"

Fang Xing and Zhang Fu met in the middle of the battlefield. Seeing Zhang Fu's body soaked in blood, Fang Xing asked, "Is the eldest brother injured?"

Zhang Fu did not answer, but asked: "But does your Majesty ask you to come later?"

"Yes." Fang Xing said, "Your Majesty wants to try the determination of the Harith."

Zhang Fu understood, and he sighed: "You must first stop the Harem's reinforcements, and then return."

If Fang Xing felt that filling in the entire Jubaoshan Guard would not save Zhang Fu, what would he do?

This idea flashed through Zhang Fu's mind, and he said: "After this battle, the balance has finally been restored, but the Harits will definitely pay more attention to our firearms."

"It doesn't matter."

Fang Xing said calmly: "We have captured a lot of people, and we must have said a lot about it. Huh! Where is that Li Jie?"

Zhang Fu's complexion instantly turned green, and he said, "Shang Yi...it's a pity!"

Guns and guns blasted on the side, those Harlems were surrounded on all sides, gradually -->>, the fastest update and bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Someone began to surrender.

Fang Xing and Zhang Fu went to the place where Li Jie had stayed, but only saw a pile of ashes.

A hundred officials who accompanied him said bitterly: "Then Li Jie was greedy for life and fear of death, which led to the entire army without a leader. He was beaten back after several breakouts. Later, Mr. Shang led us to decide to break through..."

Thinking of Shang Yi's decisiveness, the hundred officials choked with sobs: "Master Shang...he was the leader and always rushed to the forefront. When the leader of the Lord of the Kingdom appeared, he was caught by the enemy..."

"Master Shang is out of strength..."

Hundred household officials stepped down and wailed loudly. He knelt on the ground, beating the ground, crying and tearing.

Fang Xing and Zhang Fu dismounted and walked slowly to the edge of the ashes.

Xin Laoqi brought people over and pulled the ashes with a scabbard.

"One will be incompetent, and the three armies will be exhausted!"

Zhang Fu shook his head and saw Xin Laoqi kick flying a burnt and deformed human head.

"Duke Guo, Uncle, the brother who was dragged to death can't be found. Li Jie is inside."

"There are still people!"

Xin Laoqi used a scabbard to pry a dark object, and it looked like it was...burnt...

The shrunken remains were slowly taken out, although they were very careful, they still cracked in many places.

"This should be one of the personal soldiers left by Master Shang. He should kill Li Jie first, and then set the fire... Huh!"

Xin Laoqi looked at the chest and abdomen of the remains, then turned around and said, "Master, he should have detonated the grenade in the end."

Li Jie's department issued some grenades, but not many.

Fang Xing closed his eyes, and a resolute Ming army appeared in his mind. Facing the threat of the enemy, he firmly lit the grenade...

"A good guy!"

Zhang Fu turned his face away and said, "I found the bag, let's take him back."

"Master Guo, where is Li Jie's body?"

"Throw it here, feed the dog!"

Zhang Fu said coldly.

I don’t know if there are any wild dogs on the grassland, but there are wolves.

In this cold winter, it is a gift from heaven to have a full meal with cooked food.

"Look for the remains of Lord Shang."

Fang Xing ordered that he felt that Shang Yi should not be allowed to stay here.

By the time Shang Yi died in the battle, it was already full of people, all the survivors of Li Jie's department.

These people silently searched for the corpses of the centaurs and horses, and the friendly army nearby was separating the corpses of the enemy and ours. Naturally, the Harem’s was littering. Anyway, there is no need to worry about epidemics in this weather.

"Dehua, Harlem is indeed a powerful enemy, Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhang Fu fought countless battles, but it was the first time he had encountered such a formidable enemy as the Harem. If Fang Xing hadn't arrived, he would have almost suffered a big loss.

Fang Xing nodded. The country that can defeat the Meaty Country is of course strong, even if it has experienced an internal fight, Halley Nation still guards the passage of Ming to the Meaty Country, making it impossible for both sides to contact.

And if Daming hadn't completely defeated Tatar and Oala, and it was estimated that conflict between the two countries would not break out, he might just look at each other in silence until each other's decline.

Is it good or bad?

Fang Xing thinks it is a good thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time Zhu Di is still there. With him, Daming's spirit is there. He is not afraid of any powerful enemy and dares to take the initiative to challenge.

"found it!"

At this moment someone stood up and shouted, and then everyone stood up and walked slowly towards that place.

"Let me, Lord Guo and Uncle are here."

The crowd flashed a channel silently, and Fang Xing and Zhang Fu walked to the front.

Two sergeants were moving the corpse of a Harib, and half of the helmet was exposed under the corpse.

Throwing away the corpse, a head that was no longer visible appeared below. And the helmet is still on top of the head, this is the best proof.

"grown ups!"

A Ming army knelt down, and then knelt down one after another, and the whimper echoed in the world.

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