Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1491: Attack on Liangdao (thanks to "on behalf of the people"...

, The fastest update takes the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Congratulations to the book friend: "On behalf of the people" I have a great son!

Thanks to the book friend: "White Fireworks" for the great reward!


After the people left, the lord smiled and said: "Yaisi must have complaints, but if we win, he will hide it, if we lose... I have heard that the warriors here are very powerful, and you are good. arrange."

Agudamu nodded and said, "Next time the minister will arrange them in front."

The host said with satisfaction: "Well, there is a shortage of food and grass in the army, so you must find a way to restrain firearms as soon as possible, and then we will have endless food and slaves."

"The Ming people's baggage has been delivering grain and grass. The minister wants to try and see if they can cut off their supplies."

Agudamu was a little melancholy: "The Ming people are too rich, they seem to have inexhaustible food, and even meat, king, such opponents must be suppressed in time, otherwise we are very troublesome."

The lord smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? The Emperor Ming is very old, their prince is weak, so this king asks you, even if you can't win completely, you can't be defeated. After the Emperor Ming goes, let's Never again."

Agudamu said with a solemn expression: "King, hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting, and the possibility of a tie is unlikely. If one party loses, the other party will definitely chase it all the way, so we must go all out for this battle."

The Lord looked down and said: "Yes, if we win a big victory, we must take advantage of the victory and swallow all the Ming troops before we are willing to give up."

"The idea of ​​Emperor Ming is probably to completely eliminate the threat from the north, which also means paving the way for future generations. It really is old!"

The country lord sighed for a while, and then sneered: "The Emperor Ming tried to make this king soft by intimidation, but he made the wrong idea!"

"This king admits that he is indeed a lion, but now this lion is old. When he grows old, he should take care of the old. If he comes out to take risks, he will be brave!"

Agudamu felt the hatred, he knew that the character of the country lord was the most arrogant and could not tolerate any opposition.

And Zhu Di shocked him with just a few words, this is a shame and shame!

"Wang, the minister will immediately arrange the raid on Ming Junliang Road."

"Go, this king is waiting for your good news."


There were a lot of things after the war. Disposal of the remains and the wounded, the meritorious personnel of various ministries reported to verify, and the heavy casualties should add...

And the most important thing is to supply.

With the addition of livestock, the army’s daily consumption of materials is an astronomical figure, so the supply has hardly been interrupted.

A Romance of the Three Kingdoms wrote about the sneak attack on the grain road and the sneak attack on the granary, but this is indeed the case in reality.

The mighty convoy stretched for more than ten miles. After coming out of Yehuling, the cavalry on both sides stared at the left vigilantly, while the scouts had already been sent out.

The news of the victory in the First World War had already reached the Xuan Mansion, so the civilian husbands were also smiling.

With another victory, then this war is almost over. They can also go home with their pay, and they can boast with their wife and children neighbors that they have witnessed the war.

All the way to Xinghe Fort, in the afternoon, the convoy stopped, and then the leading general and commander Meng Dewei ordered a rest.

"Put the cart outside, circle it, and circle the camp where we rest with the cart!"

Meng De shouted loudly, those sergeants also went to command the civilians, and slowly, a car formation with a large cart appeared.

"Has the scout come back?"

Meng Dewei frowned and asked.

"My lord, not yet."

"what happened?!"

Meng Dewei became angry: "The Harlem is only a few tens of miles away from here. If it is a raid, Xinghepu will definitely not have time to support it. With these luggage, where can we go? Send someone to see."

A team of cavalry came out of the chariot and quickly disappeared into the sunset.

"It feels wrong!"

Meng Dewei always thinks this is a bit weird.

"My lord, the scouts set off back and forth. The lower official thought that he hadn't arrived at this time, and I was afraid that he might have encountered an enemy..."

A thousand officials said uncomfortably, and the generals on the side nodded one after another.

-->>, the fastest update to bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Meng Dewei gritted his teeth and said: "Send someone to Xinghepu for help, hurry!"

More than a hundred riders once again rushed out of the car formation, heading towards Xinghe Fort.

Meng Dewei looked at the front and said with a grim expression: "I'm afraid it's really going to be attacked, send orders, all ministries are on guard!"

"Alert! On alert!"

When I gave an order, the atmosphere suddenly tightened. The civilians looked at the front in panic, shivering, and some even went to ask for weapons.

The setting sun shone on the grassland and turned out to be blood red.

Meng Dewei shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No! It must be wrong! The artillery is dragged out, get ready! Get ready now!"

"The artillery is ready!"

The sharp shouts catalyzed the tension, and the civilians gathered together and obeyed the deployment without getting a weapon.

"My lord, my lord..."

A hundred household officials pointed to the distance, and his voice trembled.

Meng Dewei raised his binoculars and looked forward, his hands trembling slightly.

The setting sun reflected a blood red on the grassland, and in that weird blood red, overwhelming cavalry was rushing out from the horizon.

"Enemy attack..."

A civilian man stood on a cart, looking at the horizon as the exit of hell, the cavalry seemed to have jumped out from there, then brandished their long swords and screamed frantically.

"The Harits are here..."

"Let them shut up!"

Meng De walked to the front of the car array with great strides, watching the more than a dozen surviving Ming army scouts fleeing desperately, hating him in his heart.

He hated that he should be more cautious. Before leaving Yehuling, he should send a scout to investigate, and then the convoy would set off.

The Ming army scouts who were fleeing in the distance were gradually overtaken, while the arrows were flying, the few people who were behind fell off their horses, and they were stomped into mud by countless horses' hooves.

"My lord... Twenty thousand riders!"

Meng Dewei nodded, closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes and said: "We have five thousand people, no musketeers, this battle..."

This is not good, Meng Dewei stopped talking and said: "For your majesty, for the sake of Daming, we must desperately protect the convoy. If we can't keep it, we will burn the grain on fire, and we must not fall into the hands of the Harlem."

The Harit lacked food, and even the civilians could figure it out, so this command couldn't be more correct.

So many torches were added to the circle.

There was a chase ahead, and in the end only two scouts escaped.

"grown ups……"

At this time, the enemy was more than three hundred paces away. Meng Dewei ignored the scout's shout and said, "The artillery fires!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Five artillery guns spewed out flames, and iron bullets rushed into the Harlem, killing them.

But five artillery pieces are like a drop in the ocean for 20,000 cavalry.

Amidst the sound of horseshoes, someone shouted: "Let's shoot an arrow!"

And the Hari people are also shooting bows and arrows, and the Ming army has already lost in terms of numbers.

"Can't hold it!"

Meng Dewei said desperately: "They can defeat us by just shooting, passing orders, and attacking!"

Play defense with cavalry on the prairie, unless you have a strong archery force ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or a large number of pikemen, otherwise... just wait to die!

Arrows flew into the car array, screaming endlessly.

After the Harlem in front shot an arrow, he immediately turned around, and then another round of arrows covered it behind him.

"My lord has orders, strike! We need to fight back!"

Five thousand counterattack two thousand, how desperate this is!

"My lord, where are we? Where are we?"

The civilians were scared. They hid behind, and when they saw the cavalry attack, they immediately felt that they were abandoned lambs.

Meng Dewei did not answer, but shook his head.

The Harits would capture these civilian husbands and then let them drive the convoy back. As for the future, that is not what he can think of.

Let's live together!


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