Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1493: Have to fight

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After a quarter of an hour, the fire snake disappeared, and the food path was full of corpses.

"Ignition burned!"

So the fire snake took shape again and quickly became a fire dragon.

In the raging fire, the Ming army quietly concealed into the dark night.



Looking at the top of the tent, the lord could not hide his disappointment and asked, "Why?"

Captain Nawan lowered his head and said: "In the beginning, we had trapped the Ming army, but what we didn't expect was that the Ming army had been waiting in the front, and it was still the guard of the treasure mountain, the minister led the army to break through, and luckily succeeded. "

The country master shook his head, not wanting to speak.

Agudam asked, "How many people are left?"

The general manager suddenly said in frustration: "Half of the people are lost."

A slight sigh came from the lord’s mouth, and Agudamu was ashamed and guilty. He said, "The king, the minister thought that his layout was perfect, but who ever thought that the emperor Ming was better, he had already seen through the plan of the minister, please The king punishes."

The Lord's body relaxed, he shook his head and said, "No matter, Mingren's food path is under our eyelids, how could they not take it seriously!"

At this moment, Agudamu wished to sew on the ground in an orderly manner so that he could get in.

"Go, my king is going to rest."

After the people left, the lord held his forehead quietly.

"Sure enough, Emperor Ming is using soldiers, wait! We have to wait for the opportunity to find the loopholes in Ming people!"


"Does the Harem think that I don't know how to use soldiers?"

The next morning, Kuaima sent the Harem to attack the grain road at night and was ambushed.

"The enemy lost about nine thousand people and captured a lot of them. After asking the confession overnight, I learned that the Harith’s food and grass were a little nervous."

Zhu Di said with satisfaction: "The Hares touched blood a few days ago. Before they found a way to restrain the firearms, they didn't dare to attack rashly, so trying to cut off the food road became their only choice."

"Kou can go, I can go! I am waiting for the good news from Meng Ying. If it succeeds, the Harits must attack, otherwise I can continue to go around and attack his grain road. A thousand miles away, see how he guards against it. !"

"Your Majesty, Meng Ying will surely succeed!"

The Harit’s food path was too long, and for this reason they even dropped Hami guards along the way, just because they were worried that the Ming army would cut off the food path from the middle and attack them on both sides.

Zhang Fu assuredly said: "Hou Baoding said with his minister before he set off. He said he would not try hard, he would always attack by finding loopholes in the enemy's army."

Zhu Di sneered and said: "If it succeeds, the news should be delivered to King Halle today and tomorrow, so...the whole army must be up and the decisive battle is coming!"

The generals were excited, and Xue Lu said: "Your Majesty, the Harem's heavy ride should be on this time, we have to beware one or two."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "I know, first intercept with firearms, and when the enemy's momentum weakens, I will personally assault! Defeat the Harlem in one fell swoop!"

"Go and prepare!"

Zhu Di frowned and drove away the generals, then leaned on the chair and said, "Let Deng Feng come."

The chief **** trembles slightly when he hears this, gives Zhu Di a worried look, and then hurries out.

Zhu Di rubbed his temples, only felt that his head was buzzing, and there seemed to be a bowstring strumming continuously, and the whole person was in pain following this rhythm.

Deng Feng is the imperial physician Zhu Di has used most recently. He has some methods for Zhu Di's rheumatism, so he is deeply trusted.

When Deng Feng arrived in a hurry, he saw Zhu Di holding his temple with his hand rest, his elbow resting on the armrest of the chair, his eyes closed tightly, and the wrinkles between his eyebrows were deep.

Deng Feng's footsteps immediately slowed down, he walked over to Zhu Di and squatted down, carefully watching his complexion.

There were three wrinkles on his forehead, and they were deep. Deng Feng remembered that they were not so deep before the expedition.

He seemed to be suffering so much that his eyes were tightly closed, and the wrinkles around his brows were as deep as they were cut by a knife.

The bags under the eyes are getting bigger, and further down, the cheeks are a little saggy.

Lips pressed tightly, teeth clenched...

The chief **** was staring at Deng Feng, and when he got up and backed away, he pointed out the door.

After the two went out, the chief **** asked, "How is your Majesty?"

The weather was very good, neither hot nor cold, but Deng Feng's face flushed with a look of panic.

"Father-in-law, I don't know if you are an official!"

The chief eunuch's eyes were sharp, and he said coldly: "You don't know? Then you can go to death!"

Wang Fusheng drew the long knife halfway, and his murderous aura enveloped Deng Feng.

Deng Feng’s face was sweating, he raised his sleeves and wiped it, and said with a wry smile: "Father-in-law, your Majesty’s appearance is clearly a headache, go down..."

Headaches, whether ancient or modern, are the most difficult problems for doctors.

The chief eunuch's face turned a little, and said, "Is there a way?"

Deng Feng shook his head and said: "After your majesty wakes up, the next official will see you again."

The **** stared at him, and said for a long time: "Then you just wait here."

Knowing the rules, Deng Feng stood outside obediently, not even daring to put the medicine box on the ground.

Zhu Di took a rest until lunch. After waking up, Deng Feng went in and took a look. He said with some worry: "Your Majesty, you have to rest more."

Zhu Di's face was a bit swollen, as were his eyes. He took the towel and wiped his face, and said, "I had a headache before. Come and see."

After Deng Feng made a careful diagnosis, he prescribed medicine and then asked someone to decoct it.

"Your Majesty, it's better to work less and rest more for your illness."

Zhu Di took a sip of strong tea and felt better, and said, "Let Zhang Fu and Liu Sheng come."

The chief **** agreed to go out, and Deng Feng continued to persuade him with a sad face: "Your Majesty, the minister prescribes you a calming medicine. Take advantage of the medicine's properties, or just sleep."

Zhu Di stared at him suddenly, frowning and relaxing, pointing to the outside and saying, "Do I still need you to teach me when I act? Get out!"

Deng Feng fled in embarrassment, and came back when he came out of the gate and met the eunuch.

"Why are you?"

When the chief **** saw Deng Feng's embarrassed appearance, he was a little flustered.

Deng Feng looked around, and whispered: "Your Majesty's temper is coming. Pay attention to it. The special is at night. Remember to take medicine for your Majesty so that he can sleep peacefully."

The chief **** breathed a sigh of relief, "Then you remember to come from time to time these few days."

"The lower officer knows."

Deng Feng was also a lot more relaxed. As for being driven out by Zhu Di, this is not a rare occurrence.


The news reached the lord of the country on the third day.

"It's been burned a lot, but it's not much compared to the daily consumption."

Seeing those generals and civil servants like bereaved concubines, the lord felt that he must beat them.

"Why? Just block this matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ morale won't drop!"

But everyone knows that unless all those insiders are killed, this matter can't be blocked.

The lord rubbed his sword hilt and slowly said: "Daily supplies are indispensable. Without the army, the mind will be chaotic. Okay, let's go down."

Everyone left with complicated thoughts, but Agudamu stayed.

After the people were gone, Agudamu expressed his worry: "Wang, our food road is long. The Ming people only need to go around a big circle and can cut it off at any time... The minister is worried, the Ming people are just one person this time. The beginning!"

The country leader nodded and said: "This king knows, so..."

Agudamu was in a heavy heart, and when he heard that he cheered up and said, "King, it's time for a decisive battle!"

The lord leaned back and leaned back in his chair, he closed his eyes and thought.

"The Emperor Ming used the attack on Liangdao to tell this king that Harleh can only attack immediately, otherwise he can attack us at any time to make us hungry. But... what if the Ming person can't hold on?"

"Then fight! Hit the camp around Xinghepu!"

Agudamu resolutely said: "King, we have no choice!"

The Lord drew out his dagger, looked at the blade carefully, and sighed: "Who will be hurt by the sharp blade, and where will Harleh go? Victory will recreate a huge territory, and defeat will... This king will not lose, Harleh will not Will lose! Agudamu."


The Lord's eyes were sharp, and Agudamu felt that it was sharper than that of the Eagle Falcon, which made him happy.

Only the wise Lord can take Harleh to go further!

The Lord’s eyes were like the sharp blade of a short sword stab at Agudamu, "Agudamu, can this king believe you?"

Agudamu knelt down and said piously: "King, you are the sun of the minister."

The lord said with satisfaction: "Then go and gather the warriors."

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