Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1508: Princess Ning'an

Wanwan walked in the palace, and behind her was still a long walk of the maternal and palace maid eunuchs, but she lacked the wanton joy.

People who met on the road saw Wanwan's face gloomy, and they couldn't help feeling like a world away.

How long has it been! The scenery in the palace is gone.

Get in the car and leave the palace.


Out of the city, she gently lifted the curtain and looked at the hustle and bustle of the big market, just staring blankly.

The crowd was surging, the carriage was constantly flowing on the track, and everyone was in a hurry.

The mother in the car sighed slightly and lowered the curtain.

All the way to Fangjiazhuang, the children were still running and cheering. For them, the emperor's death was just a ceremony, and life continued.

And life cannot lack joy, whether it is poor joy or rich joy, it is indispensable.

Two big dogs ran wildly in Zhuangzi, and when they saw the convoy, they rushed over and barked.

Wanwan lifted the driving curtain, smiled on her pale face, and said, "Big worm, little worm."

The two big dogs were dumbfounded, and then followed the car towards the main house.

"The county...the princess is here!"

Upon receiving the news, Fang Xing hurriedly flashed.

This girl has to avoid taboos when she is older.

So when Wanwan came in, Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai accompanied her.


Wanwan was a little disappointed not to see Wuyou.

Zhang Shuhui smiled and said: "The husband took him away. Since returning home, he likes to hold him all day."

Seeing Wanwan's pale complexion, Zhang Shuhui sighed in her heart, and then told Mu Hua: "Go to the lord and bring Wuyou back."


After Muhua hugged Wuyou, Wuyou happily stretched out her hand when she saw Zhang Shuhui.

"Worry-free grows so fast."

Wanwan couldn't help but wanted to hug, but worry-free twisted her body unwillingly.

Zhang Shuhui hugged her and smiled: "This girl is a little ancestor at home. As long as she cries, the husband will come to coax whatever she is doing. I'm really afraid that she will grow up to become a demon king."

There was a little more blush on Wanwan's face, and she said: "Big Brother's family is also like this, but I am closer."

Seeing the excitement flashing in her eyes, Xiao Bai went to find Fang Xing quietly.

Fang Xing was drinking and looking at the map at the same time. He wanted to find the mistakes and omissions during the Northern Expedition, and wanted to find a way to win without Zhu Di's personal battle.

As for the ban, he didn't take it to heart.

Those who should be grieved will naturally be grief, not grief, and even those who are happy will naturally pretend to be dead.

"Master, the princess looks depressed!"

Fang Xing looked up in surprise and said, "Is it sick?"

Xiaobai frowned and said, "No, it seems...like when I was sold by my parents."

"Chaotic comparison!"

Fang Xing got up and went over, put Xiaobai in his arms, and whispered softly: "Forget about these things, I'll accompany you to go back and have a look another day."

Xiaobai nodded, put his arms around his waist obsessively and said, "Master, the princess looks very pitiful!"

Fang Xing was stunned. He thought that after Wanwan was upgraded to a princess, her life in the palace would be easier...

She wants to be the first emperor, right?

Or is the attitude of the palace to her changed, and the little girl is a little depressed?


Zhang Shuhui and Wanwan were teasing Wuyou, Muhua came over and said: "Madam, the master said that we will go out on the day and invite the princess together."

Zhang Shuhui was startled, and said, "At this time...it's not very appropriate."

Zhu Di has gone, and the people of the old Zhu's family will have to obey the failure for three years. Will Wanwan be reported by the Yushi when he travels?

Mu Hua said: "Master said, people have to live. If the first emperor is there, he definitely doesn't want to see the princess depressed. Your majesty will definitely agree."

Zhang Shuhui moved slightly in her heart, and said: "Yes, your majesty is busy with political affairs, and there are many things on the side of the empress, so the princess may go back and talk about it."

Fang Xing came back after Wanwan left.

"Husband, do you want to try?"

Fang Xing nodded and said: "Your Majesty's enthronement will inevitably change the original personnel affairs. This is not limited to the palace and the palace. You may try it. If the attitude changes drastically, then the prince will naturally have a way to deal with it. ."

Zhang Shuhui was horrified, but looking around, Mu Hua hurriedly backed out.

As for the two mothers, Zhang Shuhui will not avoid them.

"Husband, is it your Majesty...Is this the situation now?"

Fang Xing soothed: "It's just a try."

Zhu Gaochi has just ascended the throne, and there are many things at this time, but he will definitely hold one thing firmly-personnel!


Therefore, Jian Yi became the busiest person, constantly traveling between the palace and the Yamen, discussing personnel matters with Zhu Gaochi.

Zhu Gaochi's body looked a little fatter again. After reading the memorial, he said to Jian Yi: "There were a lot of people imprisoned in the past few years. After the previous amnesty, how did the ruling and the opposition react?"

The so-called previous years refer to the year of Yongle. As for the target of the amnesty, it is naturally the former Jianwen minister who was imprisoned by Zhu Di.

Jian Yi arched his hands and said: "Your Majesty, after the original amnesty, the ruling and the people cheered for joy, and the subjects praised Your Majesty for his kindness, and all rejoiced."

Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "That's good, no matter how you argue, the matter will pass and it should dissipate."


Jian Yi became more respectful: "The rebellious officials of the Jianwen Dynasty were a temporary mistake after all. Your Majesty is kind, and they will naturally wake up after that."

"Your Majesty, the mother by the princess's side, please see me."

The title of princess in the Ming Dynasty was not born after birth, nor did he have it after his father became the throne. Instead, they have to wait until they are adults, and some even have to wait two days before they get married.

As soon as Zhu Gaochi became the throne, he gave Princess Wanwan the title of ‘Ning’an’.

Ning'an, tranquility and peace, Zhu Gaochi hopes that Wanwan will live in harmony with her husband and wife and enjoy peace in this life.

Parents always want their children to be happy and peaceful.

But in the early Ming Dynasty, the princesses were mostly married after meritorious deeds, that is, after the aristocracy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wanwan was deeply loved by the elders in the palace. After the title of the princess came out, the people who thought they had a play suddenly started one after another. All kinds of hints.

And the most harassed person is the queen, who ordered the wife to see him, and even the concubine asked to see him, and at every turn would vaguely say that the child of XX family was good and so on.

As soon as the mother came in and saw Jian Yi there, she stood on the side in embarrassment.

After Zhu Gaochi understood, he said to Jian Yi: "At this time, we must as soon as possible. Some of those people are in distress. Remember to report it and the DPRK will also give some money to the grain field."

This is not compensation, but kindness.

Jian Yi understands this, if anyone dares to say that it is compensation, then he is a rebellious minister!

Yongle's reign is almost past. Who dares to say that Zhu Di owes the released courtiers, then wait for the people from Dongchang and Jinyiwei to come.

This matter is related to the law, and Zhu Gaochi will not make any concessions no matter how kind.

When Jian Yi left, the mother said carefully: "Your Majesty, Uncle Xinghe's family wants to invite the princess out to relax..."

Zhu Gaochi frowned and thought for a while.

"Well, Wanwan is bored in the palace, so it's okay to go out."

After the mother left happily, Liang Zhong came forward and said: "Your Majesty, will anyone outside be impeached for this?"

Zhu Gaochi leaned back in his chair and said tiredly: "The father is gone. If it is sad, no one is better than Wanwan. When filial piety is here, the father will certainly not be willing to see Wanwan's sadness. He will understand what he should understand. ."

How many people can really implement the so-called filial piety?

And Wanwan was just going out to relax, this matter was really not enough to go online. Zhu Gaochi had just ascended the throne. At this time, most of the people who gave him eye drops were not long-eyed and stupid.

Since you are stupid, you are naturally not qualified to continue to eat the country's salary, and go home and farm.

Zhu Gaochi looked outside the hall, his eyes deep...

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