Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1513: Use Fang Xing as a test target

Zhang Shuhui was about to enter the palace early in the morning. This was an appointment she had made with the princess, and the subject was fighting women.

The palace had only readjusted, and Fang Xing was uneasy, so he went with him.

Arriving outside the palace gate, Fang Xing exhorted: "Remember to hūnmèng stretch and pull the lead Carbon Chinese sheath slaughter the camel and diarrhea!?br/>

Zhang Shuhui responded with a smile, and then reached out to pick up Wuyou.


Wuyou turned back and hugged Fang Xing's neck and shouted Nuo Nuo, and Fang Xing suddenly couldn't bear it.

"Or... let's go home."

Zhang Shuhui shivered with a smile, "Husband, I have made an appointment, so the prince concubine can't wait for nothing."

Zhang Shuhui took Wuyou away, and Wuyou shouted to his father pitifully. Fang Xing felt his heart twisted, and wished he could not follow him.

The gatekeeper looked at Fang Xing and stared at the palace. He couldn't see Zhang Shuhui and Wuyou before turning his head in sorrow, and said with a smile: "Uncle, you can actually enter the palace too!"

Fang Xing shook his head, he was unwilling to go in, lest Zhu Gaochi was forced to choose his camp.

Last time he did not hesitate to say that he should deal with it according to the law, which in the eyes of some people is a departure from the camp of honor.

But Zhu Gaochi didn't think so. He knew that Fang Xing's relationship with Xunqi was not very good, but just got a good relationship with a limited number of people.

Zhu Gaochi wanted to push Fang Xing back to Wenchen's camp step by step, and later named him as Xinghebo, for example...becoming an adviser to the emperor.

If it were others, such as Zhang Fu and Zhu Yong, they would probably be happy, but Fang Xing would not be happy to be imprisoned.

After spinning around in all kinds of boring ways, Fang Xing came to look at the palace again, and muttered: "Is there anything to talk about between these women? I haven't come out for so long."

The guard at the gate had long seen that the uncle was reluctant to part with his daughter, so he smiled: "Uncle, there are a lot of chats between women, and the parents can talk for a long time. The one in my house is like this. I won't come back when I go out. Look, okay, talking to the neighbourhood and forgetting to sleep and eat!"

"If you don't let her talk today, she won't talk to you tomorrow, this woman..."

Fang Xingzheng was bragging about his views on women with the guards, and a man and acquaintance came into the palace.

"Uncle Xinghe, your Majesty summoned."

Liang Zhong is now the father-in-law of Zheshe, with two eunuchs behind him.

Fang Xing said with a bitter face, "Is it OK if I don't go?"

This remark will most likely be reported by Liang Zhong to condemn the king for contempt of the king.


Liang Zhong put on the posture of Zheshe father-in-law and ‘escorted’ Fang Xing in.

The guards guarding the palace gate immediately began to gossip.

"Uncle Xinghe, the holy family is still there!"

"More than that? You didn't see Mrs. Xing and Bo both taking her daughter in? That's going to be company with the princess."

"Think about it, Uncle Xing and the princess have a good relationship, and the princess hasn't been less in recent years... ahem! That's it, it's a lot of help."

"There is also the empress, who is said to be close to Xinghe and uncle like a nephew. This relationship, tsk tsk! I am afraid that the Guochao will not find a second one."

"There is also the princess. When he was the princess, Xinghe uncle asked his wife to support the princess. This is a gift in the snow!"

"Okay, okay! These things are not what we should talk about. Be careful to get caught!"


The laughter and laughter in the palace of the prince concubine never stopped. The two children were held by their respective mothers and then moved closer. As a result, they shook their heads in a carefree but disgusting manner, and then fell asleep in Zhang Shuhui's arms. But inexplicably, he began to cry, crying sadly.

Hu Shanxiang laughed and teased the crying end, and the mothers beside him also flattered: "This looks like a blessing. The princess will definitely be able to go smoothly in the future, and he will live a safe life."

Hu Shanxiang nodded and said, "You know what I am thinking. You will not ask for wealth and glory in the future, but just ask for safety and prosperity."

Then she looked at Wuyou enviously and said: "Xinghe uncle loves Wuyou, and she will definitely protect her for the rest of her life. This is a blessing!"

Zhang Shuhui touched her carefree little face affectionately, and said: "Yes, the two children in the family still loved her when her husband was young. When they were older, they didn't give a good face. They were worry-free. My husband said, I must let her All my life will be peaceful and worry-free."

"Okay! That's good."

When Hu Shanxiang remembered his childhood, he couldn't help but feel a little leisurely and fascinated.

"Niangniang, Uncle Xinghe has been called into the palace."

Then the bird came in to report.

Hu Shanxiang asked, "Who came in?"

The bird's tail said: "Niang Niang, it's Grandpa Liang."

Hu Shanxiang smiled and said, "Then it's okay."


"Hear you have nothing to do recently?"

Zhu Gaochi's questioning made Fang Xing a little confused. He casually said: "Your Majesty, Chen suffered some injuries during the North March campaign. Recently, he was resting at home."

Yang Pu was looking at Fang Xing, calmly.

Zhu Gaochi caressed his beard and said: "The rule of a country is governed by the officials, and the officials are clean, and the country is prosperous. Zhanji has also been a little loose recently. You can go and see it another day."

Fang Xing responded and went out ignorantly.

After he left, Zhu Gaochi asked, "What do you think?"

Huang Huai said: "Your Majesty, Xing He Uncle seems to be a little ignorant, but it's okay, your Royal Highness is still young, and just happened to learn slowly together."

This is to say that Fang Xing is not old and hot enough, and he is a little bit stunned, so let's leave it to the prince.

Zhu Gaochi looked at Yang Pu, and Yang Pu cautiously said: "Xing Hebo acted unruly. It can be seen that the city is not deep. Your Majesty, you have to decide how to use it."

The other courtiers knew a lot about each other, so they were just bored, knowing that Zhu Gaochi was testing the eyesight of these two'prisoners' today, and then measuring them later.

Zhu Gaochi was obviously satisfied, and said: "Xing He Bo acted a little unruly, and his father usually laughed at it when he was there, and so did I."

After hearing the words, the group of officials shuddered, knowing that it was Zhu Gaochi who was opening the bottom line.

You can make trouble, but Fang Xing, I think it's alright, don't make trouble.

It seems true that Zhu Gaochi and his wife are as close as their nephews.

After leaving, Yang Pu deliberately walked with Huang Huai and said in a low voice: "Xing He Bo has been quite low recently. Is this to retreat to advance?"

Huang Huai said blankly: "He rejected the title of prince. It can be seen that the ambition is not here, but the prince."

Yang Pu nodded and said, "That's right, so he is dormant now, but he knows the way."

Huang Huai sighed and said: "You and I have been in prison for a long time, but this person has soared into the sky. Look at your majesty's action this time, the heroes of the Northern Expedition are still in the list. This is a beating. But he is safe and sound. He even took the princess on a trip, this holy family... hey!"

Yang Pu said in a low voice: "The official may not see it..."

The corners of Huang Huai's mouth curled up slightly, but he said in amazement, "Why?"

Yang Pu smiled slightly and said: "This matter...Xinghe has done a great job, and the entanglement with the royal family is not shallow. Your Majesty is also watching his deeds, listen to his words, once you find an opportunity..."


Fang Xing swaggered to Zhu Zhanji's place, who would dare to ask, just say a word.

"Your Majesty ordered Ben and His Royal Highness to talk more."

Zhu Zhanji was writing an article, and when Fang woke up, he said, "Brother Dehua, please wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there are some more."

There were two dry coughs outside the door, Fang Xing turned his head and saw Quan Jin.

"Xing He Bo."

Quan Jin bowed his hand, and Fang Xing hurriedly responded. This is a true filial son, not the one who blows it out, so Fang Xing bowed his hand respectfully.

Filial people are generally not bad, and it is difficult to find good people among unfilial groups.

Quan Jin came in and asked, "His Royal Highness, can you finish it?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded, Quan Jin went over, took the piece of paper respectfully, and said: "The minister will go back and ponder it slowly."

Zhu Zhanji is now the prince, no one dares to teach him in the manner of a teacher.

After Quan Jin left, Zhu Zhanji smiled bitterly: "This man is admirable, but he is cautious in doing things. Sometimes he is staid and very headache."

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said: "Your Majesty said, the rule of a country is the official rule, cough cough! Let you study hard."

Zhu Zhanji said helplessly: "Everyone knows this truth, but it's hard to cure it. It's the same sentence, human nature is greedy."

Fang Xing sat down and said lazily, "If a man of the Chinese Academy of Sciences follows you, you will be content. Also, can my daughter be bullied at your house?"

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "Well, Wuyou is very likable. It's a pity that I don't have a son, otherwise I would be a couple."

"Don't." Fang Xing refused: "The royal family is like a whirlpool. I don't want my daughters to be drawn in."

Zhu Zhanji said with a sad face: "What can I do later?"

"Just find a good husband, don't put too much emphasis on birth."

The two fathers talked about their daughters for a long time, until someone spread the word that the crown princess had left Mrs. Xinghe for lunch, and then they gave up.

During the meal, Zhu Zhanji told Fang Xing one thing: Zhu Gaochi intended to increase the king's salary, and Fang Xing's mood suddenly collapsed. (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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