Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1521: Seeing with eyes

Wu Xun walked out of the hall very neatly, but the civil officer stayed behind.

The two eunuchs went to help Zhu Gaochi and were about to go back, but Zhu Gaochi said: "The officials who were exiled as military households are allowed to return to their hometowns."

Zhu Gaochi's voice was not small when he said this, and the ingenious design in the hall spread the voice.

The civilian officials looked embarrassed, but had to turn around to respond.

Zhu Yong turned his head and said to Yang Rong with a sneer: "Master Yang, is it enough? If it is not enough..."


Zhang Fu dragged Zhu Yong away, leaving behind an embarrassing Yang Rong.

The civilian officials came out one after another, looking melancholy.

Everyone looked at each other for a long while, and finally returned with their hands.

Today, Jin Zhong took sick leave and didn't come. Xia Yuanji went down the steps alone, chasing Yang Rong behind him.

"Master Xia, balance!"

Xia Yuanji didn't look back, but said casually: "Too much bullying!"

Yang Rong smiled bitterly: "The situation is like this, who dares to rebel?"

Xia Yuanji sneered: "Don't get full sails when the wind is downwind, be careful not to stop and capsize!"


Yang Rong said helplessly: "Da Ming is now in the north and south, and the undercurrent is surging below!"

Xia Yuanji stopped and turned around and said: "Master Yang, this official does not mix these matters, but to tell you all, the dispute between civil and military must also be measured. Don't make a big trouble at that time, but go to persecute your majesty. That is not the courtier. Tao. Say everything here, Xia takes one step ahead."

Yang Rong watched Xia Yuanji go away and muttered: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."


"Your Majesty is good at forbearance, but he is not the one to be slaughtered!"

Zhang Fu and Fang woke up to the British government, and they were drinking small wine in the study.

Zhang Fu sighed: "Your Majesty has been a prince and has been a prince for so many years. All kinds of difficulties have come over. Anyone who underestimates him will suffer a big loss!"

Fang Xing took a sip of wine and frowned, "At first I thought that your majesty was going to suppress the warriors through the civil servants, so I wanted to fight. But whoever thought of his majesty suppressed the civil servants, this is seeking balance! "

Zhang Fu grabbed a few peanuts and chewed in his mouth, and said leisurely: "Although your Majesty is very close to Confucianism, don't forget, he is the emperor first, the emperor who inherited the first emperor. There is an example of the first emperor, Your Majesty will definitely not like to be restrained, so Yang Rong and the others felt ashamed in this trial."

Fang Xing took a sip of wine and listened to the sound of the piano from a distance. He only felt that he was alone in the world. He couldn't help but say: "What are you fighting for? It's just the descendants of the fame and Ze quilt in front of you, but you see People of all ages, apart from that family, who can live forever?"

Zhang Fu had never thought about this problem, and once he thought about it, he couldn't help but become fascinated.

Fang Xing drank the remaining wine in his glass, arched his hands, and left.

Zhang Fu waved his hand, then quietly pondered this question.

"Six generations carve up the world, five Hus and clouds disturb the Central Plains. For more than three hundred years, they have fought against each other several times..."

Fang Xing's voice came from outside, and Zhang Fu put down his wine glass and listened carefully.

"The horse has been overwhelmed by creatures, and the blood is flowing with blood. It's unspeakable to hear it. If you have an eye to see it..."

The voice faded away and became inaudible. Zhang Fu closed his eyes and murmured: "I can't stop it! If you stop, you will be trampled..."


"We are guilty."

Sun Xiang looked at Chen Gui and An Lun who were standing underneath and said: "In the Ma Sheng case, the Dongchang investigation was not detailed, which caused your majesty to make a wrong judgment. Ma Sheng broke his rib..."

Chen Gui said in surprise: "Father-in-law, this case was taken over by the Criminal Ministry, it has nothing to do with us!"

An Lun wanted to agree, but seeing that Sun Xiang's eyes were deep, he changed his words: "Father-in-law, is there anything in it... If you want people to... slaves and maids are willing to work for your father-in-law."

Sun Xiang saw a trace of unnaturalness on Chen Gui's face, and he lowered his eyes and said: "Our family has said many times that we are servants of your majesty. Those who forget this... will have no good fruits! Who forgot? ?"

Chen Gui horrified and said, "Father-in-law, slaves and maids dare not forget."

Sun Xiang smiled suddenly and said kindly: "Ma Sheng broke three ribs. The cause of the incident was the fault of my Dongchang factory. Our family thinks, we need to be anxious, so..."

An Lun did not hesitate at all, and said boldly: "Father-in-law, slaves and maids are willing to..."

Sun Xiang pressed his hand, looked at the sweat on his face, and said to Chen Gui, who was smiling strongly, "You must learn to share your worries for your Majesty, understand?"

Chen Guiru relieved his burden and said: "It's the father-in-law, and the servants and maids will definitely look forward to the male and the stallion in the future."

Sun Xiang smiled slightly, and a breath of compassion immediately radiated. He nodded and said, "Well, let’s see if anyone has made a big mistake recently, especially... the big mistake you have overlooked. If so, interrupt him. Three ribs."

Sun Xiang emphasized the five words'Ignored by You', causing Chen Gui's body to tremble slightly.

What is neglect? If you say it is small, you Chen Gui dereliction of duty, if you say it is big, it is you who formed a party for private purposes and shielded your comrades!

"Yes, father-in-law."

Chen Gui's back was wet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He bowed his head and agreed to go out.

Sun Xiang moved the Buddha beads and said faintly: "If you make a mistake, you must also give people a chance to correct. I am merciful. I remember to find a doctor to give him a bone. By the way, it was our family who told him to let him go home to recuperate. During the period, money and food will be issued."

Chen Guiqiang responded with a smile, An Lun glanced diagonally, but felt that smile was worse than crying.

You Chen Gui had to personally order the interruption of the three ribs of his cronies, and you had to put the compassion of Sun Fo on your lips. That felt... I wanted to vomit blood!

After Chen Gui left, Sun Xiang glanced at the bewildered An Lun and said: "You have been in Jinling for a while, and you have been alone. Work hard. Let's follow your Majesty. There will be no end to it. "

An Lun nodded vigorously and said, "Father-in-law, slaves and maidservants can sometimes be stupid, so please remind me from time to time.

Sun Xiang nodded unchecked, and said, "I haven't had much contact with my colleagues during this period of time when you came here. This is not good, it is not good to be too withdrawn."

An Lun said anxiously: "The slave and maid... I was worried about not getting along with them. You know, the slave and maid had nothing to do in Jinling. After being valued by the father-in-law, he immediately returned to the capital. The slave and maid were worried..."

With a smile, Sun Xiang showed this expression for the first time, then shook his head and sighed: "That is what your Majesty values ​​you. Remember, we are all His Majesty's domestic slaves. Don't mess with these things, it's not good!"

An Lun nodded indiscriminately and said: "My father-in-law, the slave and maidservant remember, and we will spend more time with them in the future. If anyone dares to speak ill of the father-in-law behind his back, the slave and maid will definitely let him know what a fist is!"

Seeing An Lun's white and fat face working hard to maintain a fierce look, Sun Xiang couldn't help but smile, and said softly: "Go! Remember, don't fight."

After An Lun went out, Sun Xiang began to practice again...

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