Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1527: Deep emperor

The sun is shining brightly, and there are still people coming and going in the city of Peiping.

The former owner of the empire has left, and life continues after the sorrow.

"People are forgetful, they will cheer for victory, they will cheer for long live, but people die like a lamp, you see, everyone's face is put on a smile again, they forgot the first emperor."

"Have you forgotten?"

"No, I will never forget the first emperor. It was a magnificent period of time. Thinking of this time, I cannot forget the first emperor who played the role of the mainstay."

"I forgot."

Xu Jingchang said slyly: "I won't lie to you, the old mother in the house is going to go, your majesty sent me to accompany the killing field, I have forgotten."

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell your majesty?"

"Not afraid."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "You Fang Xing is not that kind of person, besides...you should also know that most people have forgotten the first emperor. You just remember that the first emperor is good to you, so you have not forgotten."

"Xiandi is not only good to me, he is good to many people."

Fang Xing sighed: "Look at Daming today, benevolent governance is everywhere, and there is cheers, but governing the country is not just benevolent governance. If the benevolent is invincible, there won't be so many disputes and killings."

"Benevolent government is nothing to me."

Xu Jingchang changed the conversation and said: "You said that the gold and silver mine should not be rushed. Think about it, your majesty has just taken the throne, and it is a series of benevolent policies. Stopping the treasure ship and sailing to the West is also a benevolent policy! Stop suddenly, my brother, I am worried. Your Majesty will let you go overseas for a lifetime."

"Huh! Your growth is not small! You can actually see so many things."

Fang Xing said in surprise, he felt that Xu Jingchang was a different person.

"You won't be possessed by a thousand-year-old ghost?"

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyes and said: "After my mother left, it happened that your majesty got off my crown belt. You saw it at the time, the door was left in the cold!"

"Since then, I have known that this friendship is unreliable, and everyone is wise to protect themselves."

Xu Jingchang said bitterly: "I have missed Xu Jingchang for so many years. Before my father died in Jinling City for the first emperor, I was a wanderer. I know that, but your Majesty used me as an attack. The nobleman stepped on the mud! If I don't wake up, sooner or later I will be annihilated."

"I want to obliterate the ignorance, but..."

At this time, we have arrived outside the palace, and the two of you will see you.

During the waiting time, Xu Jingchang whispered: "I heard that those two ministers are highly valued by His Majesty!"


"The one who learned from the Wei Jin lunatic, and that Zhang Mao."

Renchen, this is not Xu Jingchang's nonsense, not only Wu Xun thinks they are the servants, but also many of the civil servants.

"Civil officials are mostly envious, jealous and hate, change positions, they promise to blossom."

Later the two entered the palace, all the way to the Palace of Qing Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, the minister is guilty."

Come to plead before the filial piety period, this attitude is very sincere, but it is suspected of running into the emperor.

The fat on Zhu Gaochi's face trembled, and he rubbed the paperweight and said: "I hope that Xunqi can rest with the country, but I hope you can make progress..."

Xu Jingchang's body trembled slightly, as if he was afraid.

"Hey! The Xu family was originally a member of the country. They must set an example, less domineering, less drinking and having fun, less... invading fields, so that they can become the backbone of the country."

Seeing Xu Jingchang trembling, Zhu Gaochi sighed: "Everything is fine, go, An Sheng is filial at home."

Xu Jingchang actually burst into tears when he got up, and then resigned in gratitude.

They are all good actors!

Zhu Gaochi turned his eyes and asked Fang Xing: "Why are you here?"

This sounded a little cold, Fang Xing said, "Chen... I don't want Daming to stop. There are countless mines and countless fertile fields overseas. Daming shouldn't leave these behind."

Zhu Gaochi rubbed the paperweight and said faintly: "But there will be conquests, countless conquests. Daming has not stopped conquests since the founding of the country. Now is the time to recuperate."

Fang Xing raised his head and said sincerely: "Your Majesty, you can't stop. If you stop, you won't get up again! If you don't go for a few years, those people will turn their faces and they will despise Daming..."

Zhu Gaochi's eyes were sharp, and at this moment Fang Xing seemed to see Zhu Di's shadow.

"what are you worried about?"

"Chen..." Fang Xing couldn't answer. He was slanderous.

Zhu Gaochi rubbed the paperweight and said slowly: "You are worried about Confucianism!"


The sun was shining outside, but Fang Xing felt a thunder crashing down on his head. He smiled bitterly: "Yes."

Zhu Gaochi's body moved, the solid throne squeaked, and he sighed: "You are worried that once the martial artist becomes lonely... you will be slack, and you are worried that they will suppress the martial artist firmly."

Fang Xing said calmly: "Yes, your Majesty, they hope to control Daming, the kind of control that no one can match."


Zhu Gaochi looked at Liang Zhong and Huang Yan in the hall, and said, "Daming has no foreign troubles. Let the people rest. Go."

Fang Xing gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, civil and martial arts must not be partial, minister..."

Zhu Gaochi rubbed the paperweight and said faintly: "Go, let's rest."

Fang Xing had no choice but to retire.

The hall fell silent, and Zhu Gaochi did not deal with political affairs, but watched the hall go out.

Liang Zhong's eyes watched his nose, and his nose watched his heart.

After Huang Yan's eyes rolled around for a while, he smiled and said, "Your Majesty, slave and maid..."

Zhu Gaochi glanced at him indifferently, and then said: "Today Xinghe Uncle's words, if half a word is leaked out, die! Three clans!"

Sweat appeared on Huang Yan’s face for an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He trembled: "Yes, Your Majesty."

At this moment, he felt that it was not Zhu Gaochi who was sitting there, but Zhu Di!

Yes, Liang Zhong also thought that Zhu Di was resurrected.

Zhu Gaochi's eyes were cold, and he said quietly: "You are not secret and lose his ministers, I want to make the world live forever, so... the **** person... will definitely die!"

There was a lot of ice in the hall, and the temperature was pleasant, but Huang Yan's body was almost completely drenched with cold sweat.

He glanced at Liang Zhong, who happened to look at him with a sneer.

Liang Zhong and Fang Xing have a good relationship. Everyone knows this, so if it leaks out, it must be his Huang Yan's pot.

Later, Zhu Gaochi asked someone to support himself and muttered: "I have to go to the garden every day, eh! Where's Wanwan?"

Liang Zhong said: "Your Majesty, the princess hasn't been out recently, but is staying in her own place. I heard that she is a little depressed."

Zhu Gaochi frowned and said, "Go, let Wanwan come."

In the garden, when Wanwan arrived, she saw Zhu Gaochi being supported by two eunuchs, and there was someone behind him staggering with a big umbrella.


Zhu Gaochi looked back hard and said: "Come here Wanwan."

Wanwan walked in front of Zhu Gaochi and frowned, "Father, you should walk more, and also, eat less meat and eat less in the future..."

Zhu Gaochi said kindly: "Wanwan hasn't accompany my father to dinner for a long time, let's tonight, let's be together tonight, you order."

Wanwan said cheerfully: "Okay! Father, let's have hot pot for dinner, it's all vegetables."

Zhu Gaochi said with a bitter face: "Fine! Good! By you! By you!"

"Father, you haven't taken a walk this morning."

"Uh... Father... I'll start walking tomorrow."

"Then eat less for dinner, right?"


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