Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1529: Lick the calf, interrogate

Wei Qing led the team back to the East Factory until the afternoon.

"Father-in-law, someone started first, and the official pursuit was to no avail."

Sun Xiang was drinking tea. Hearing that he slowly put down the teacup and slowly said: "You have to remember, this is not a big deal, but the problem lies with the civilian officials who vowed to say...the vassal countries are loyal and loyal. Always admire Daming. And Cao Er leaked the news that the fleet had stopped and the sailors had disbanded..."

Wei Qing frowned and said, "Father-in-law, this matter can't be kept secret! Many people know about it."

Sun Xiang said lightly: "But he also said that Daming will no longer go to sea after this. And the people who learned about it were the messengers."

"He's crazy?"

Wei Qing felt that only a madman would dare to do this.

"He's not crazy."

There was more ridicule in Sun Xiang's eyes, and he said: "Some people need him to say that, and then those vassal countries will be separated from Daming. Who dares to mention the Western Ocean again in the future?"

Wei Qing stunned, and said, "Father-in-law, then this matter is aimed at Father-in-law Zheng, as well as Mr. Xing He and others! It must be the civil servants."

Sun Xiang approvingly said: "You have grown."

Wei Qing said straightforwardly: "It was the father-in-law who gave instructions, and the next official thought of this. However, in this case, the next official thought that the one who took Cao's second child might be Xing He Bo."


Sun Xiangzhan smiled and said: "Seeing Weizhishu, you have indeed grown. The most enthusiastic person in the DPRK for voyages to the West is probably Zheng He, but Zheng He is guarding in Jinling at the moment. There is no one else except Xinghe Bo."

Wei Qing slapped his tongue and said, "Xing He Bo is going to carry him with the civil servants! It's really fearless."

Sun Xiang looked down again and said faintly: "Since he started science, there is no room for change with the civil servants."


Zhu Zhanji was quite free in the palace, and even Zhu Gaochi did not change this freedom after he became the throne.


Zhu Zhanji hugged his daughter and called softly.


He stretched out his right hand and slapped Zhu Zhanji's face with a slap, and smiled happily.

Hu Shanxiang said worriedly: "His Royal Highness, Duan Duanjoy will be like this."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and grabbed his face, and said, "Brother Dehua, the three children, he said himself. When children were young, beatings were only unconscious, and it was common for them to be arrested. For a while, he A few scars were caught on his face by Ping An, and he went out to do errands as usual."

Hu Shanxiang sneered and laughed: "The concubines are often arrested too, but later they learned to be clever, and as soon as they saw her waving, they would hide."


While he was speaking, he grabbed Zhu Zhanji's face with one claw. He whispered when he was in pain.

Hu Shanxiang was shocked, and hurriedly wanted to hug Duan Duan, but Zhu Zhanji said with half of his face: "It's okay! He suffered more injuries than this when practicing martial arts, and he also experienced danger during the Northern Expedition. If there is no brother Dehua, I was killed in the grassland a few years ago."

Hu Shanxiang only felt his heart beating like thunder. She was worried that Zhu Zhanji would throw her ends on the ground. At this moment, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, now Haiqingheyan, Daming has no opponents. , You can rest assured."

Zhu Zhanji's complexion was slightly cold, and he said, "The outside is very big, so I am complacent, and that is just sitting and waiting for death."

Duan Duan was studying Zhu Zhanji's sparse beard, and was taken aback by the cold words. Her small body suddenly leaned back and looked at Zhu Zhanji in surprise.

As soon as Zhu Zhanji squeezed out a smile again, his mouth was flat, and he cried with a wow.

"Why are you crying Duan Duan? Don't cry Duan Duan..."

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's confusion, even a little panic, Hu Shanxiang was taken aback, and then he took Duan Duan and coaxed in a low voice.

Looking at the tenderness on Hu Shanxiang's face, Zhu Zhanji was a little dumbfounded.

"His Royal Highness, Jia Quan, please see you."

The bird's tail came in outside the door to report, Zhu Zhanji nodded, and in Hu Shanxiang's surprised eyes, stretched out his hand, awkwardly wiped the teardrops from Duan Duan's face, and then stared for a moment before turning around.

After Zhu Zhanji walked away, the grandmother, who was afraid to show up just now, said: "Manny, your Royal Highness is really caring for the princess!"

Hu Shanxiang coaxed it, took the veil and wiped her tears, and sighed: "That's because there is just such a child. When there are more children, who knows who he will like?"

The mother's smile solidified, and she looked down and said: "But the princess is always the first. His Royal Highness is very unforgettable. Besides...you are still young, and you will always have children. You can definitely give birth to a...little princess."

Hu Shanxiang hugged Duan Duan in his arms, feeling her choking, and said blankly: "I... don't know..."


When he got outside, Jia Quan was already waiting. Zhu Zhanji asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Jia Quan said with a smile on his face: "The people in Dongchang have slowed down. Lord Wang and the others caught that person first. Now Xing and Uncle are also going, ready to interrogate together."

The joy on Zhu Zhanji's face faded a bit, and he frowned, "Didn't I say don't tell him? This muddy water is not easy."

Jia Quan smiled bitterly: "It was Xing He's family who discovered that person first. It seems that Xing He and you have thought of it together."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head, "Attention, it's better not to pull him on this matter, after all, Father..."


The camp in Xishan was still a taboo place, but after Fang woke up, Wang Yan said disdainfully: "Someone is staring. I guess it's the current person. I'm afraid we will touch the capital someday. Another day and another day."

Fang Xing didn’t feel that these words were rebellious. Looking at the two deputy Qianhu Chen Deng and Xiao Guwei nearby, they all looked right. He knew that Zhu Di had left Zhu Zhanji with more than a thousand deaths. scholar.

Terrible scale!

If more than a thousand people enter the capital into pieces, Fang Xing feels that everyone will have a nightmare.

"Why no one?"

The camp was empty, with only a dozen people present.

"I went to the mountains to practice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will probably come back someday later."

Fang Xing shook his head, feeling that the best destination for this army is the battlefield.

Wang Yan took Fang Xing into a wooden house, inside which was **** with a thin man.

Seeing Fang wake up, the man said sadly: "Uncle Xinghe, the younger one just missed it!"

"Cao Lao Er?"

Someone handed Fang Xing a chair. After he sat down, he looked at the two big men holding whips and said: "I heard that Mr. Cao's mouth is tight. Don't be polite. You can do it harder. If you can't beat him, it's OK."

A big man on the left played a whip, and the long whip made a crisp sound in the air.


The long whip was swung, and Cao Er let out a miserable cry, and there was a whip mark on his body, and he quickly swelled.

The whipping continued, and Cao Lao Er's miserable howls filled the wooden house and spread out.

Fang Xing leaned back in his chair and said: "This matter is because someone wants to stop the reopening of the fleet to the West. You don't know who it will be if you don't say Ben, you just want to confirm it."


After the last whip, Fang Xing asked, "Did you wish to say it?"

Cao's second body was full of whip marks. He twisted his body on the wooden pillar and gasped and said, "Uncle, uncle, the younger one accidentally said it! Killing the younger one can only be a lie. "

Fang Xing sneered: "You spread the word, the people behind didn't want to move you, who knew that Benbo went to the palace to persuade your Majesty, and Mrs. Xia and they were also here, second Cao, you found that the matter was making a big deal. I just ran, right?"

Cao's second child bowed his head and said nothing.

"You are scared."

Fang Xing said: "You are afraid of being killed, because after you escape, your family will be even more unlucky. Do you think that your family is exile at most? But Uncle tells you that this matter is so big and involved, it's not you. If a small official can handle it, your family will eventually fall victim to it!"

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