Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1540: Speculation, uneasy

"His Royal Highness is unwell, so I have to rest for a few days."

"Yes, the slave and maid will come again some time."

Li Jing bowed his head and turned around after the door was closed.

"Father-in-law, what does your Highness mean?"

A big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes followed Li Jing, very mighty.

"His Royal Highness's trip must be deliberate, let's not ask too much, just pay attention to staring at Feishi to see their movements."

The big man laughed and said, "Father-in-law, don't worry, Fei Shi has scattered his hands everywhere recently. Most of them have known in advance that His Highness is coming, pretending to be diligent!"

"Ren Yu, Ren Yu!"

Li Jing glanced at the big man and said, "Our Dongchang and Jinyiwei are rivals, and your brain can be compared with Feishi's ground snake? Go back and do it quickly."

"Yes, father-in-law."

The person blowing in the autumn wind was comfortable, and Ren Yu stretched the front of the front a little bit, and suddenly the hair of his chest was exposed, but he was looking forward to becoming self-sufficient.


"His Royal Highness didn't even say the purpose of coming, nor did he pass on the will. There must be something wrong. Everyone, look at what went wrong!"

The Jinling official department, the six books are all together, and everyone is thinking about it with different thoughts.

Wei Zhi's eyes were deep, and he said, "If you think about the last time and do it again, we all have to get out. Some people have to go to the places where the maladies are everywhere."

Qian Junhua was the first to express his position: "This official dare to say that he has no corruption or malfeasance!"

Peng Yuanshu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Defense, sneered: "Master Qian, that magnanimity is here too. We have to look after each other. Fortunately, he is not working in the Duchayuan, otherwise this Da Ming will have to let him go over!"

The Shangshu Wang Shuyue of the Criminal Ministry was at the greatest risk, so he smiled bitterly: "With Zhu Qing's lessons learned, how can this officer dare to mess around!"

Hubu Shangshu Qu Sheng coughed dryly: "Ma Yiyuan's family is unlucky. The official still wants to watch the younger son grow up, and he won't be able to do such things."

Zhao Hui, the official book of the Ministry of Rites, was taking a nap, but no one minded, because the Ministry of Rites of Jinling was really a useless yamen.

Everyone expressed their opinions, and Wei Zhi said: "Lan Weiye from Duchayuan did not come, but since he took office, he has always been rigorous, and there will be no problem in thinking about it. Then...what did your Royal Highness and that guy want to do in Jinling? Can't think of it. Everyone can sleep well?"

Everyone was silent, and Wei Zhi sighed and said, "No matter, this officer just wants everyone to check on their own, so as to save your Royal Highness from making a big fight. Since there is nothing wrong, then let it go."

Qian Junhua got up and left, but Zhao Hui, the Book of Rites, opened his eyes and said, "Wei Zhi, you are trying to show your Highness, you want to please your Highness, and you want to be promoted to Peking."

Wei Zhi was stunned when he heard the words, then furious, and shouted: "Zhao Hui, you want to be a rotten meat and no one will stop you, but you should not provoke the official, otherwise..."

Zhao Hui yawned, got up and stretched, lazily said: "Everyone is an old man in the sea, you can't hide your tricks, but if you don't use it, I would have known that the official would not come."

Wang Shuyue frowned and said, "Your Highness is wise and can naturally tell which ones are loyal. Master Zhao is too worried."

Zhao Hui gave a haha ​​and walked away casually.

"They are not fuel-efficient lamps!"

Zhao Hui shook his head and went out, disdainful of Wang Shuyue's flattering.

Wang Shuyue handed over to Wei Zhi: "I have disturbed the staff today. Goodbye."

Wei Zhiqiang smiled and arched his hands, then stood there, watching these people leave.

"All old foxes!"


"The six parts of Jinling are not monolithic. This is a good phenomenon."

Zhu Zhanji doesn't have much favor for Jinling Six, which is similar to the nature of the companion capital, but it is still indispensable at present.

"Too high grade is a hidden danger."

Fang Xing felt that it was meaningless to have two identical bureaucratic systems.

"These people think that being in Jinling is for the elderly, so it is better to lower their grades, so they are still a little rushing."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said, "You can't live in the south if your grade is low!"

The southern officialdom is self-contained. This refers to the relationship. After that, it began to become a group of spiders and weave webs everywhere.

Zhu Zhanji became more calm. He said: "My father sent me to sit here. I am afraid that it also means to suppress the officialdom of the South. If it can boost the righteousness, it will be a success."

"Why did your majesty send me here?"

Fang Xing had a different idea, "Protect your safety. This can be done by anyone, I think! Your Majesty wants us to stir up and disperse the southern officialdom."

Fang Xing felt that he was not a **** stick, but Zhu Gaochi meant that he was clearly allowed to be a catfish, and Zhu Zhanji naturally couldn't touch it.

"Your Majesty is not very relieved of the South. I heard that His Majesty is even interested in moving the capital back to Jinling, which is evident."

At this time, there is no foreign threat in the north, and Zhu Gaochi's willingness to move the capital back should not be very strong, so the only explanation is...

"The south is the place where Daming's wealth is rich, and there can be no chaos. If the capital is set to Jinling, then you can sit back and relax."

Fang Xing was unwilling to move the capital back, because the warm wind here would make people lazy and no more enterprising.

Zhu Zhanji pondered for a moment, then nodded: "That's right, the father doesn't actually like the heat of Jinling, so he doesn't like this place."

Seeing Fang Xing a little absent-minded, Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "Brother Dehua, the beauty is looking forward to it, you should go quickly."

Fang Xing coughed dryly: "Well, it's not in a hurry, but... I'll go take a look first."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Come on, I summoned them to spread the will."


This afternoon, there were two more people in Jinyiwei outside Shenxianju, wandering around from time to time.

"Xing Hebo is here, Jin Yiwei has to please too!"

"Bullshit! These people have been staring here secretly, but Xing Hebo has come. Of course, they have to turn from dark to bright, which is a good example of their work!"

Lunch is usually an hour’s business, but now it’s an hour and a half after lunch. Today’s Shenxianju is still full of seats~www.wuxiaspot.com~Will Xinghe Bo come? "

"I don't know, but wait and see, if it comes, we will be familiar with it, but Mo Chou is not there, otherwise we are also old diners, so we should have some face to say, we can use it more or less in the future."


After a low cry, the diners of Shenxian Juli turned their heads and looked outside the gate one after another.

"I have seen my uncle."

The two Jinyiwei outside were already saluting, Fang Xing smiled and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Dare not dare."

The two immediately expressed their panic.

Fang Xing walked into the lobby and asked his brother to greet him quickly.

"Where is Mo worry?"

Fang staringly turned, did not see Mo Chou.

The younger brother pointed to the back and said, "The girl is in the backyard. I guess she is waiting for the uncle."


The brother was too vulgar, Fang Xing was amused, and then followed her behind.

The diners got up one after another along the way, and the uncle's shouts were endless.

Fang Xing nodded slightly and walked through the lobby without squinting.

"This is...in the hall?"

After Fang woke up inside, someone asked in a low voice.

"Of course, some people say that Xing Hebo and Mo Chou have nothing to do with each other, but now they have been slapped in the face!"

"Yes, this Shenxianju will be practical in the future."


The front of Shenxianju is a place for hospitality, and there is a large patio in the middle. There are kitchens and places to store ingredients on the left and right.

After passing this yard again, the eyes shine brightly.

There are flowers and plants everywhere in this small courtyard, and there is a pavilion on the side. In the pavilion...


There was a woman sitting in the pavilion. She stood up and turned her head back, full of body.

Slim, lightly sad between the eyebrows. The eyes are facing each other, there are water waves in those eyes, and the complexion is pink...nt

:. :

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