Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1544: Darkness Chen Cang

Taiping Mansion is located on the edge of the Yangtze River, with unobstructed waterways and convenient communication with Jinling.

The prefect Zhang Yuqing was more than forty years old, and he was considered a veteran of the emperor, but he was unable to rise. Seeing the new emperor ascending to the throne, all kinds of people and others were demoted and promoted, but he remained the same.

"Where is Xinghebo's whereabouts?"

Zhang Yuqing asked about this early in the morning. But his staff Xue Dong shook his head helplessly and said, "My lord, still playing in Donglu Mountain."

Zhang Yuqing smiled and said: "With beauty, Xinghebo naturally reluctant to think about Shu, hahahaha!"

Xue Dong nodded, and the two began to discuss what to do today.


After a hard day's work, Zhang Yuqing returned home tiredly, his wife and children had been waiting at the dinner table for a long time.

"My husband has worked hard."

Wang brought the maid over with a smile, and then helped Zhang Yuqing change and wash.


Sixteen-year-old Zhang Fei looks very young, but he has the highest qualifications among the scholars in Taiping Mansion, and is also Zhang Yuqing's pride.

"Where did you go today?"

Zhang Yuqing asked while sitting at the dinner table.

Zhang Fei smiled and said, "Today I went to the river with some friends to play, and then they discussed articles."

Zhang Yuqing said with satisfaction: "Yes, but the water is cold now, be careful, don't fall into the water."

"Yes, father. But a few boats came today, as if they were going to collect mud."

Taiping Mansion has white soil, which is why the official kiln was established here.

"Let's eat."

Zhang Yuqing nodded, and the family began to eat silently.

After eating, Zhang Yuqing went to the study.

The night in Taiping Mansion is very lonely. Unless it is a banquet, you can only pass the time by reading.

After reading the book for a long time, Zhang Yuqing suddenly closed it. On the cover was a summary of the imperial examination articles, but he sighed: "The way of science is indeed mysterious, but unfortunately, the Mo family has become a craftsman. If you want to get ahead, It's easier said than done!"

At this moment, someone outside whispered: "Master, here comes someone."

Zhang Yuqing jumped between her eyebrows and said, "Please come in."

Then a man in gray came in outside, and the wind that brought him made the candlelight sway, and Zhang Yuqing's face was dark and unclear.

The man came in casually arched his hands, and then said, "Master Zhang, have you checked the city?"

Zhang Yuqing said in amazement, "Why is that person still in East Lushan?"

The man raised his eyebrows and looked at him and said: "The whereabouts of that person is difficult to determine, don't forget, he was slammed back then and directly destroyed Doyan Sanwei!"

Zhang Yuqing shook his head and said: "That was your Majesty's method back then, how can he have this ability!"

"Don't underestimate your opponent!"

The man turned around and glanced at the room door was closed before he whispered: "Those who followed have been interrupted. His Royal Highness was furious and took five family members in one fell swoop. If that person is only traveling, then he will definitely be furious. , Then returned to Jinling to investigate the matter thoroughly, instead of running around with the concubine!"

Zhang Yuqing groaned: "Is this what your master said?"

"Yes." The man lowered his head, the candlelight shining on his face, looked gloomy.

"My master said, you were too ruthless at the time and lacked strategy."

Zhang Yuqing's face flushed abruptly, and he roared: "If it weren't for the sake of Gu Keli, how could this officer be so worried? Even after looking for a relationship to hide the matter, your master can sit still, and his brother died. I'm still worried about starting too ruthlessly!"

The man whispered: "My master said that if he was to deal with it at the beginning, he would definitely release people after a short meal, and then slowly clean up those people in the future, instead of killing them all in jail. So you I just couldn't stand it, so there was no promotion."

Zhang Yuqing's complexion was ugly. He clenched his fist and wanted to beat the table, and finally resisted, his nose sighed and said, "Gu Keli said at the time that the first emperor died! You know? Good death! If the official doesn't kill those. People, if these words are spread out, not only will your master be unlucky, but the officer will also be unlucky!"

There was a sneer on the corner of the man's mouth, and he said, "But you shouldn't have missed that guy, causing the situation to get out of control."

Zhang Yuqing's chest rose and fell rapidly several times, and said sullenly: "No matter, since everything is done, it is useless to argue about who is right and who is wrong. Let's go, how does your master judge this matter?"

The man frowned and said: "My lord said, that man is as cunning as a fox, he seems to be traveling, but he can't figure it out. Especially since His Royal Highness is still in Jinling, he actually left His Royal Highness, you know... Your Majesty sent him to follow His Highness. Jinling mostly wants to use his magnanimous reputation to frighten the South, so..."

Zhang Yuqing held his forehead with his hand and sighed: "This official knows, I will send someone to check it tomorrow."

The man couldn't hide his disappointment and said, "Master Zhang, while the iron is hot, can't there be more thieves in Taiping Mansion today?"

Zhang Yuqing sneered and said, "But how do you let those yamen find at night? If you don't know how to pretend to understand, go, the Japanese official will naturally arrange it."

After the man left, Zhang Yuqing suddenly covered her face and cried silently.

The candlelight shone the figure on the wall, and the figure gradually raised its head, and gradually turned sideways, the shadow turned out to be a bit hideous.

"Since we have done everything, then we will do it to the end! Although thousands of people...I am going!"

The shadow shook, seemingly grinning...


In the early morning, the gate of Taiping Mansion opened, but everyone found that there were more people guarding the gate today, and they were also very vigilant. They would ask them carefully when they saw the group.

And in the city, those sergeants and government officers walked into the inn, checking every room.

"My lord, what is the case?"

The guy who led the way asked curiously.

Naturally, the sergeants would not answer, and the officer who led the team said: "It is said that more than a dozen criminals have entered the city. Lord Zhang is worried that they will commit crimes, so we will be chased out early in the morning to search~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The guy heard the words and praised: "Master Zhang still loves the people like a child! "

After searching for a circle and no suspicion was found, the servant ordered: "If there are more than five people staying in a group recently, you must report it to the government office immediately. You know the consequences for offenders."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Walking out of the inn, the little official said depressed: "Go, look for it again."


And in a big house not far from this inn, Fang Xingzheng and Mo Chou were having breakfast.

From the time when the hostess of this house came to see the ceremony last night with a lot of smiles, and then when Fang Xing waited until he returned to bed, Mo Chou noticed a trace of anxiety.

Fang Xing put down his chopsticks and said, "I have to do something by the way in Taiping Mansion, about a day or two. You can rest here, and we will go back slowly when we are done."

Mo Chou showed his face and said, "Master, don't worry, my concubine and Mrs. Li have made an appointment to take a look at the embroidery together today!"


Fang woke up to the front yard, Xin Laoqi reported: "Master, this morning Taiping Mansion has been searching intensively, especially the inn."

"Zhang Yuqing noticed something wrong? It's not bad. But this is the home of the Taiping Prefectural Procuratorate. It's dark under the light! By the way, has anyone found it?"

"I found the master. That person was there at the time, and he also had a blood book written by Fan Ting."

"Okay!" Fang Xing said satisfied: "The big thing is set! As long as you get the blood book, and then get the testimony of those eyewitnesses, even if the case is broken, it will depend on how far your Royal Highness wants to take the opportunity."

Before long, a tall man was brought to Fang Xing.

"Little Mao San, I have seen my uncle."

Xin Laoqi handed Fang Xing a piece of paper, and Fang Xing took it. Seeing that the blood on it had turned black, he sighed softly, "It's a man, it's a pity!"

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