Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1548: The incident (thanks to "Uncle Jin" for being a book...

Among the six branches of Jinling, only the Ministry of Rites is probably the most embarrassing and boring, with nothing to do.

The Ministry of Households is the most practical, and they are responsible for collecting taxes.

As for the staff, they have to take charge of the exams, which is considered a firm hold of power.

Gu Keqing was the assistant servant Zuo who was in charge of the examinations. Although he was incomparable with the officials in Beiping, he could be regarded as a high authority.

But the sudden death of the younger brother made Gu Keqing grief, and he took time off and went back to deal with it. Then he returned to continue performing his duties and was praised by the officials.

The Taiping Mansion’s imprisonment of some people did not cause Jinling’s attention at all. Gu Keqing still worked calmly in the staff department until Zhu Zhanji and Fang woke up in Jinling.

Wei Zhi was also very satisfied with Gu Keqing, so after Zhu Zhanji arrived in Jinling, he threw most of the officials' affairs to Gu Keqing, but he himself was looking for loopholes after he took over.

That day, Wei Zhi went to Zhu Zhanji's place to find a familiar face, and then returned to the staff department. Gu Keqing came to report the affairs of the past few days.

After listening, Wei Zhi was very satisfied, and said: "Thanks for your hard work, I will say something nice to you in front of the hall when I look back."

Gu Keqing arched his hands and said, "Thank you, sir, but... Na Xing and Bo have not returned from a trip, so I don't know what they are here for."

Wei Zhi was in a good mood today and said, "Who knows! But the relationship between His Royal Highness and him is extraordinary, so he won't restrain him, just treat him as Xiu Mu."

Gu Keqing smiled and said: "That's not bad, but after his Highness arrived in Jinling, he didn't see any changes. I'm afraid it's...sir, I'm afraid it's coming..."

Wei Zhi confided and said: "This matter is not something that we can guess as a courtier. We only need to do our own duty, and naturally nothing will happen."

Gu Keqing smiled and said, "Yes, what the lord said..."

In the next few days, the officials were quiet, until something major happened at the Du Cha Yuan, and then Wei Zhi called someone to go to Gu Keqing.

But after going there for a long time, no one was seen. Just when Wei Zhi's anger began to accumulate, the little official came back.

"My lord, Mr. Gu didn't come today."


Wei Zhi frowned and said, "There was an accident at the Ducha Yuan. His Royal Highness summoned officials above the servant man. He estimated that he was going to teach him a lesson. Gu Keqing didn't ask for leave from the official, why didn't he come?"

Even in an emergency, according to the rules, Gu Keqing had to send someone to take leave to Wei Zhi.

Wei Zhi stood up and said, "Finally, if your Highness blames him, he will be unlucky."


When he got to Zhu Zhanji's place, Wei Zhi saw his colleagues and also...Fang Xing.

"His Royal Highness, Gu Keqing, the servant-in-chief of the staff, is not here today, and the officials are terrified."

Zhu Zhanji said lightly: "What should come will come naturally."

After people arrived almost, Zhu Zhanji said solemnly: "The case of Taiping Mansion has been issued."

What case?

Everyone is dumbfounded, but in fact they are not blamed, because there are so many people arrested everywhere every year, and no one cares about these things.

Fang Xing stood on Zhu Zhanji's left side and said, "Gu Keli of Taiping Prefecture was beaten to death, and then Taiping Prefecture prefect Zhang Yuqing arrested the perpetrators, and then... they were all tortured to death..."

Gou Keli?

In an instant, all eyes glanced at Wei Zhi intentionally or unintentionally.

Wei Zhi remembered that Gu Keqing hadn't come today, and his heart jumped and said, "His Royal Highness, Gu Keqing did not give leave to his ministers today."

Everyone suddenly felt a sigh, thinking that something major was about to happen, and they couldn't help looking at Fang Xing.

Every time this guy came to Jinling, nothing happened. After this trip, the Taiping Mansion case happened after coming back. It can be seen that the trip was false and the investigation was true.

The Shangshu Wang Shuyue of the Criminal Ministry changed his face and hurriedly argued: "His Royal Highness, the Taiping Mansion said at the time that the murderer who killed Gu Keli had been arrested, but the minister thought he was still in the Taiping Mansion!"

The Ministry of Justice did not follow up in time, this is negligence! Even malfeasance!

Fang Xing said: "Zhang Yuqing immediately told the truth about the matter after he was arrested. After the incident, he sought out Gu Keqing. Lan Weiye of the Supervision Yuan was in the same year as Gu Keqing, and he provided shelter for them. The purpose of Zhang Yuqing and Lan Weiye is just to be optimistic about the official career of Gu Keqing, so the three of them are embarrassed and kill them!"


Suddenly everyone's hearts relaxed, and everyone involuntarily exhaled, listening to it as if they were sighing, so they were all taken aback.

If those people were killed just to vent their private anger, and there is also the reason that they killed Gu Keli first, that is, the officials vented their anger for the death of the younger brother, and it was not very involved.

Just thinking about it, I went to the three officials. It was inevitable that everyone felt a little bit sad, so they felt that Fang Xing was the hard work of the southern officialdom.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly: "But do you know why that Gu Keli was killed?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Zhu Zhanji sneered: "He said after drinking, the first emperor is good to die!"


The officials were shocked!

Damn Nima's Gou Keli, you start talking nonsense after drinking some cat urine. Now it's a big deal!

"His Royal Highness, the officials are ineffective and guilty."

Wei Zhi made a decision instantly and went to the crown to plead guilty.

The Shangshu Wang Shuyue of the Criminal Department was even more upset, and had to follow suit.

Zhu Zhanji looked at them coldly and said: "This palace has no habit of angering anyone. Your father's crimes of oversight will naturally be handled by the emperor. This palace only hopes to see the Jinling officialdom clear, otherwise.... . To cleanse the turbidity and raise the clarity, this is also the purpose of this palace’s trip! Let’s all go away.”

The ministers thought in their hearts and went out slowly. When they left the mansion, they saw Gu Keqing.

Gu Keqing, who was tied to a wooden stick, was picked up by two sergeants.

"It's self-inflicted!"

The officials were standing far away like a plague god~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then watched Gu Keqing being carried into the compound.


"Thanks a lot."

After the officials left, Fang Xing thanked Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "It's just a matter of convenience."

Originally, Zhu Zhanji could take the opportunity to attack and then take down Wei Zhi and Wang Shuyue, but he did not attract it.

This is the handle for the two people to throw the rat-repellent device.

"Brother Dehua, Father is very difficult."

Zhu Zhanji faintly said: "He wants to stretch his hands and feet like Grandpa Emperor, but he has encountered great difficulties."

"Fighting can be suppressed, but what are the consequences? The emperor does not have the prestige of the emperor's grandfather. The civil servants must be violent, but the warriors will take the opportunity to rise. By then, the situation will be troublesome."

Fang Xing exhorted: "Even if a group of people are changed, they still change the soup without changing the medicine, so they have to find an opponent for them."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "That's why I suppressed this matter, and I will have more confidence in that time."

The southern style of writing is prosperous, and Fang Xing came here to spread science. But the resistance will be great, and it will be able to hold down Wei Zhi and Wang Shuyue, at least it will be less troublesome.

"The relationship between a king and a courtier is like a wrist wrench. If you are strong, they will lie dormant, if you are weak, they will get better. Your Majesty uses strength and strength to use it."

Zhu Gaochi suppressed the temptation of the civilian officials through the last civil and military battle, and he won the game.

But those civil servants are a group, if Zhu Gaochi can't divide them, then it will still be like being in a thorny bush, and it will be difficult to move.

Fang Xing remembered the subsequent party struggles, was there any imperial conspiracy in it?

Divide and conquer, fight without breaking!

This is too difficult!

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