Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1553: Sowing seeds

The nobleman will repay it. This is almost a law, and it is rarely forgiving.

As for the uncle Xinghe, he was praised as magnanimous in the DPRK. This is the news that Wang Chengyan spent money to solicit from an official.

"How to do?"

In the private room of a restaurant, three businessmen looked down and listened to Wang Chengyan's narration. They could clearly see that their complexion was slightly cold, and one's hand even trembled slightly.

"Jinling is now the prince sitting in town, and that person can naturally make waves. My generation is like meat on a chopping board and can only be slaughtered by others!"

The little Yu Qing was a little flustered. He didn't conceal his panic. When he even picked up the teacup, he could clearly see that he was shaking.

Even when he was speaking, his tone trembled.

This is a coward!

Hua not only stroked his own beautiful beard, but calmly raised Erlang’s legs and coughed dryly, "What is it? Yu shopkeeper, you must know that the anger is hard to commit! That person is no matter how powerful, but the shopkeeper Wang said just now. What is stable, if it is not stable, the ruling and wild things will be boiled... Notice... Your Majesty is wise today, naturally... Hehe! Owner Deng, don’t you think?"

Deng Songnian, who had been silent all the time, smiled habitually. The yellow teeth in his mouth looked a little unappetizing. He said, "This... Follow the trend."

Hua Buwei squinted at him and said with disdain: "Treasurer Deng, Huamou's business was not as good as you back then. If you didn't look forward to things and like to wait and see, how could you be overwhelmed by Huamou?"

Deng Songnian laughed and said, "Deng loves stability. The more stable the better, besides, the dog will take over the business in a few years, and you will have to ask you to take care of it."

Hua not only turned her head in disdain, and said to the somewhat sluggish Wang Chengyan: "Treasurer Wang, if the person dared to move you, then he must not invite you to draw a boat for dinner, but just take you to your Royal Highness, so ah! This matter! ... Maybe that person wants to blackmail you!"

Wang Chengyan's eyeballs moved, and his lustre gradually rose.

"That's right! How come that person is domineering, why would he spend money to invite the old man to paint a boat?"

Fang Xing’s past acting style immediately refreshed these people. Even the cowardly Yu Qing blinked his small eyes and said: “It seems that I want to blackmail me and wait, shopkeeper Wang, or... you give me some. The benefits go?"

Wang Chengyan knew what Fang Xing meant, and immediately turned his face and said: "Why is it just the old man? Don't forget, if it is, you can't run away."

Yu Qing said nonchalantly: "You first smooth out your own affairs, let's look at it again!"

Hua Buwei said contemptuously: "This is a good opportunity to get close to that person. Where can I find it if I missed it? Stupid! Stupid!"

Deng Songnian said in a painful voice: "Yes, pay a lump sum for a lump sum. It is better than paying taxes. Shopkeeper Wang, Deng is okay. Looking back and see how much each person gives, Deng promises a lot."

Wang Chengyan wanted to monopolize this relationship, and he regretted calling these people to discuss it. But being alone is not as good as others, he still knows this truth.

"Three thousand per family, how about?"

Yu Qing was in pain. Deng Songnian gritted his teeth and nodded. Only Hua Bucai said disdainfully: "Treasurekeeper Wang, is it missing? That person has the first fresh, and the Four Seas Bazaar, will be worth more than ten thousand times?"

Yu Qing hurriedly said: "Try it first. If it works, then we'll send a second one, so that we can attack and retreat and defend."

Wang Chengyan nodded and said, "Let's do that. You will bring the money with you later. Let's go see that person."


Xu Fangda was in charge of Jinling Zhixing Academy at a young age. There was a lot of sourness from the outside world, but Xu Qing was full of joy. For this reason, he also donated a lot of money, saying that it was to help the poor students of the academy.

"Teacher, this disciple of money didn't want it, but my father just insisted on being a fortress..."

Xu Fangda was a little nervous, he was worried that Fang Xing would mistakenly think that this was Xu's intention to infiltrate the academy.

"What are you afraid of?"

Fang Xing frowned and said: "The academy is dormant at this time. Expanding the influence of science is one of the purposes of my coming to Jinling, and these are not short of money. It is a good thing to help students. Record it, and record every expenditure, and then continue as usual."

Xu Fangda understands, this is the money received, but if you still have other thoughts, then I'm sorry, please go talk to Xing He Bo.

"The old batch of graduated students are sent out to various parts of the South, to the fields, to solve the puzzles of those self-taught, and they must persist."

Fang Xing felt like he was exploring the way forward in the dark alone, and these students were his tentacles.

"Pay attention to safety, that's all, call them in."


Thirty-nine students, and finally thirty-one came.

Xu Fangda said in shame: "Teacher, three of them are not in Jinling, and the remaining five... don't want to come."

Fang Xing patted him on the shoulder, looked at these adult students, and said with satisfaction: "My mountain grew up to be incompetent. You are like a flock of sheep lost on the grassland, but you are not separated. I am very happy and ashamed."

Standing in front of the team, Gao Jingyan said loudly: "The mountain is long and the Confucianism is like a mountain. I am a foolish man, and I am willing to fight for science for the rest of my life."

Fang Xing looked at him, and then at the students who looked excited, he knew that the sense of mission was at work.

He smiled and said: "We are not trying to overthrow anyone, we just want to break the shadow that looms over our heads. They have hugged together to keep warm for too long, and for a long time they have forgotten the original intention of Confucianism, and for a long time they have forgotten the six arts of gentleman. Become a scholar who has no power to bind a chicken, and I am proud of it."

Zhu Zhanji was in the side lane, and when he was about to come out, he couldn't help but glance back when he heard this.

Quan Jin was already snorting and furious. If it weren't for Zhu Zhanji, he would be here~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he would definitely rush out to settle accounts with Fang Xing.

Zhu Zhanji stopped and deliberately stopped Quan Jin.

"Science requires us to do things by ourselves, and the people who talk about it should stay away from it, because once you start, you will be fully exposed. We should not only be theorists, but also activists, and take action to spread the seeds of science. "

Fang Xing looked at these students, and finally confessed: "If you are traveling, if you are in danger, speak out boldly and tell them that behind you is the academy. It's me, the mountain leader. If there is someone who lives and lives as a mountain leader. I, I will definitely make them regret that they didn't want to be in the first place, and don't hesitate to get involved!"

This is a threat!

Quan Jin was angry, but he was the one who obeyed the relationship between the emperor and his son the most. Zhu Zhanji was in front of him. He didn't dare to make trouble, so he had to endure it.

It was the familiar Fang Xing who threatened, retaliated, and even implicated his family.

Come if you have the guts!

"Don't be afraid of them."

Fang Xing said contemptuously: "We are practical science, and they are metaphysical, and they argue with dissatisfaction. Don't dare to argue, do it in private, so are we scary?"

"Not afraid!"

These students are a little bit enthusiastic, and their sense of mission makes them want to set off right away.

Fang Xing looked sideways at Zhu Zhanji walking out of the lane. After seeing Quan Jin, he felt that there would be an argument later.

Zhu Zhanji's appearance turned the sense of mission of the students into a sense of sacredness. Everyone held their heads up and looked at him quietly.

Quan Jin sternly felt that Zhu Zhanji had already begun to embark on an evil path.

This is an adventure, but Zhu Zhanji, who has been depressed for a long time, is not afraid.

"Don't cause trouble, but don't be afraid of it. Whether it's in Jinling or Peking, this palace will always look at you and do it well."

Recommended reading: the new book "Yuan Zun" by the **** of silkworm potatoes and the new book "A Great Way to the Sky" by the **** of cats

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