Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1555: Turn your face when you say turn your face

Quan Jin seemed to be crazy, looking at how old he was overnight.

Opening the door, Quan Jin buckled the feces from the corner of his eye, blinked his eyes, looked at the morning mist, and muttered, "What is this world made of?"

The mist, as explained in that physics book, is caused by the change of water vapor in the air.

The mist is faint, like a fairyland.

But Quan Jin lost his mind, and only felt that everything in front of him was in doubt.

"Air, why do objects fall down instead of floating in the air..."

The more Quan Jin thought about it, the more dizzy he got, his body swayed...

"Master Quan is dizzy!"


"Master Quan just stayed up late, and his heart was agitated, so he fainted, but it's fine, just rest for a few days."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, and if Quan Jin followed him, those people would take the opportunity to spread the words of the crown prince that was not teachable and furious with Quan Jin.

After instructing the accompanying doctor, Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing walked out.

"The old gentleman is a kind man, he doesn't deceive himself or others, so under the agitation... I knew I shouldn't have read those books to him."

Fang Xing felt that Quan Jin was really a real gentleman, and very real.

Zhu Zhanji said with a weird expression: "When his father asked him to be a bachelor, he only urged that he could not be such a big official and would make mistakes. He is really a gentleman."

The two went back, just as the kitchen brought breakfast.

Zhu Zhanji's breakfast has noodles and three side dishes, but Fang Xing's is just a big bowl of porridge, a smorgasbord of porridge.

The porridge contains shredded pork, shrimp, diced ham, and shredded coles, and finally add chili noodles to finish.

Zhu Zhanji looked at his noodles, and then smelled the fragrance in the air. He couldn't help but envied him: "Brother Dehua, you don't want exquisite food, but why does it always taste so good?"

Fang Xing raised his head and said, "You are heavy oil, but I only have a heavy taste, so of course it is different."

Zhu Zhanji looked at his breakfast dull, and shook his head, letting the cook take a portion as Fang wakes up.

So after breakfast, Jia Quan, who came to report, saw two guys sweating profusely.

"Uncle, Wang Chengyan and a few businessmen are coming here."

Zhu Zhanji sneered: "What are you trying to do? A threat? They dare not, so they must come for profit!"


Fang Xing met with Wang Chengyan and others in the front yard.

"Uncle, I had no eyes when I was young, and I didn't recognize my uncle, **** it!"

Wang Chengyan bowed and saluted, then smiled and apologized.

Fang Xing looked at the three, and said lightly: "Why are you waiting for?"

The hard words made Yu Qing sweat on his forehead, but he did not dare to speak.

Fang Xing looked in his eyes, his eyes turned, and looked at the other two.

Deng Songnian smiled and nodded and bowed, but Hua Budai smiled slightly and said: "Uncle is invincible on the battlefield, and he has opened a college. It can be called a combination of civil and military skills. The younger ones can't help themselves, please..."

As he said, he looked at Xin Laoqi and Fang Wu standing on the side, with a look of ‘you know’ on their faces.

Wang Chengyan smiled and said: "Uncle, the young ones have long admired the uncle's elegance and grace, and some words want to be private...Hey! You know, let's be timid!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "These are all of Ben Bo's family, you can talk if you have something to say."

It turned out to be Jia Ding!

Wang Chengyan gave a dry cough and was about to speak, but Hua Bucao stepped forward and whispered: "Uncle, I heard that Zhixing Academy has taught many good students, but... but it doesn't charge tuition. Hey! Little thought! Uncle is loyal to His Majesty, with a breeze in his sleeves, and still insisting on being so persistent, the little one...this heart..."

Fang Xing looked at him with a touch of emotion, but didn't express his position, just lightly.

Hua was not the only one who was startled, then wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves and said, "Uncle, the younger ones want to help students."

Fang Xing still said faintly: "Oh! But Zhixing Academy will receive a grant, so you don't need to bother you."

Does this person understand... or pretend to understand?

In an instant, the four of them were a little confused, and didn't know how to pick them up.

The so-called student assistance, we know that Xing Academy is not a county school, and no one checks the accounts. How do you spend it is not your own decision?

Wang Chengyan said awkwardly: "Uncle, it's just some thoughts."


Fang Xing's complexion became cold, and the four of them were scared to regret.

But then Fang awoke and said softly: "Okay! Old Seven."

When Xin Laoqi came over, Wang Chengyan smiled and took out a big envelope and handed it to Xin Laoqi.

This is done!

The four of them all raised their eyebrows, and they couldn't help but float up a bit.

But Fang Xing immediately got colder and said, "Leave it to Your Highness."

Hua not only subconsciously said: "Uncle, it's a student aid!"

Fang Xing nodded, and then said, "My uncle is busy with his business. You can leave."

This person said that if you turn your face, you turn your face!

Wang Chengyan smiled and bowed to resign, and everyone walked out of the mansion dingy together, staring at each other at the door.

"What does he mean?"

The four of them left here slowly, and then Deng Songnian asked, looking at his appearance, it was obvious that he regretted coming.

Hua Buwei's complexion gradually became ashen, and she got into her carriage without saying a word, and said before leaving: "This matter is troublesome, shopkeeper Wang, you'd better..."

Wang Chengyan sneered: "But you are here today, no one can run away!"

Hua Buwei's eyes flickered, and finally he cursed: "Go to the shopkeeper Wang to discuss."


"Wang Chengyan and they came out dingy!"

Wei Zhi felt that the matter was a bit bad.

"This is meant to be hard!"

"That's right." Qu Sheng, who has been waiting for the latest news, said with some worry: "After all, it is the fat in the mouth. Wang Chengyan and the others will definitely refuse to obey, but they are worried that they will be taken down. So... this officer is worried about them. Will cause trouble?"

Wei Zhi sneered: "Then they will know how tough the wrist is..."


"You are now a rich little wife. It's good to hire someone, and it's not bad to have a brother. You can look at the store and take a rest by yourself."

Fang Xing went to Shenxianju again after his official business, and by the way brought a doctor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the doctor finished the pulse diagnosis. After asking some questions, he said it was too early, at least it would take the next month to see.

This is a more tactful remark, in fact it is to say: Don't you toss our doctor, okay? How long is this! Even if the imperial doctor came, he couldn't tell if he was pregnant!

After the doctor left, Mo Chou lay unhappy on the bed.

"You think the child is a little confused."

Fang Xing stroked her back, "I know you are lonely and scared, so you want a child, but it depends on fate..."

"But you will definitely go back to Peking."


"Then you go back with me."

"No, the concubine is in Jinling, guarding the ancestral grave. When the child grows up, the concubine will let him go to school, and then..."

Fang Xing smiled: "Nothing. Then, when the child is older, he needs his father to look after and educate him, otherwise he will be a little troublesome when he grows up."


Mo Chou turned over, then sat up, his eyebrows lightly worried, and he lowered his eyes and said, "Really?"

Fang Xing held her small chin, looked at her shy appearance, and said, "Of course, if I want to coax you to go to the capital, is there no way?"

Mo Chou nodded and said, "If the master says that he must go, he will definitely go."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "That's it. I won't force you. Think about it for yourself. If you have a child..."

Mo Chou raised his head, but didn't dare to look at Fang Xing. He lowered his eyes and said, "Master, my concubine will go."

"When the time comes, you will not be forced to live in."

Fang Xing could understand Mo Chou's unwillingness to face Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai, just as Zhang Shuhui and others would certainly not be happy to see Mo Chou.

"It will be all right." For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

Recommended reading: the new book "Yuan Zun" by the **** of silkworm potatoes and the new book "A Great Way to the Sky" by the **** of cats

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