Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1557: Thunderbolt means

The merchants who were all around quietly, who couldn't help themselves just now, were all silent at the moment.

They were horrified and worried that their property would be confiscated, their family members would be exiled, and their heads would be chopped off by the man in front of them who looked very kind, and then hung them outside the big market to warn future generations.

"This is a golden age, for both Daming and you, this is the golden age."

There were more than three hundred sergeants gathered behind Fang Xing, and they were staring at these businessmen intently. With a single order, these people would taste the consequences of their reckless actions.

The man in the blue shirt was talking calmly, but he felt that he was talking to the air.

"In the golden age, you have seized the opportunity, then earn money honestly, to make money, don't be black in your heart, you will never become red again when you get black."

Fang Xing wanted to catch all these people in for half a year, letting them know that the previous connivance was only because of all sorts of mistakes.

"The humble person has not dared to forget about the country. Neither your majesty nor the court dared to expect you to become that class. Can you overpay your taxes?"

Fang Xing's eyes swept away, no one dared to look at him.

He slowly said: "Daming is going through a turning point, and I... I hope you can take care of the overall situation, don't always think that no one cares about you, just feel triumphant, want to be a foreigner? Or say that it is no longer necessary. Used to restraint! This is not good!"

"This is bad!"

The sudden aggravation of the tone made these businessmen frightened, and some were even sobbing, but did not dare to beg for mercy.

Wang Chengyan's back was already wet with cold sweat. He bowed his head and whispered to the flower beside him, "What should I do? Speak, what should I do?"

Hua Buwei has no idea. He gritted his teeth and said: "We are here to discuss cooperation, and I won't admit it."

"Acknowledge Nima!"

Yu Qing said angrily: "Of course, Yu will honestly explain and push you two culprits out."

Hua Buwei sneered: "He is the mastermind!"

Fang Xing’s gaze stopped for a moment, and then he said: “Businessmen must advance and retreat with the country, know how to measure, and stop the never-ending greed. Collecting taxes, you can understand it as robbing the rich and helping the poor. What a dynasty would do, there is no commercial tax. Could it be that Daming was eagerly struggling with those farmers who were eating in the fields? Do you want to be shameless?!"

The drizzle wet Fang Xing’s face, he did not open his umbrella, frowned and said, “The final warning, don’t think how great you are, let alone find a bigger backing for yourself. This person, he backs the mountain. In the end, the bamboo basket was completely empty. But there are still people who are still happy, and they don't know their repentance until the disaster is imminent, but it is too late."

There was a thud in the crowd, and then there was no interruption. After a while, there was no one standing in front of Fang Xing.

Fang Xing smiled slightly, looking a little fuzzy in the drizzle.

"Knowing that you are wrong can be saved, so get up."

A sigh of breath echoed, Fang Xing's expression suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "According to investigations, Wang Chengyan, Hua Buwei, Yu Qing, and Deng Songnian gathered together to make trouble and resisted law enforcement. Come!"


Fei Shi walked forward murderously and knelt on one knee.

Fang Xing looked at these people faintly, and said, "Taking these four people, we will have no property!"

"Uncle forgive me!"

"Uncle, it's both Wang Chengyan and Hua Buddhism who are bewitching us. The younger ones are willing to commit crimes, donate family property, and are willing to..."

Fei Shi suddenly got up, turned around and shouted: "Take it!"

More than a dozen Jin Yiwei rushed over, and everyone, no matter how close the relationship with the four people had been before, spread out on both sides like avoiding snakes and scorpions.


Wang Chengyan was gagged as soon as he shouted, and then those Jinyiwei skillfully tied him up and kicked him when he picked it up.


In the silence around, everyone watched as the four were taken away.

what should we do?

"Do business well, don't toss, that's not good!"

Fang Xing turned around after speaking.

"Are we okay?"

Everyone stared blankly at Fang Xing's disappearance in the doorway. The rest of his life relaxed and immediately brought down a few people.

"What does Xing He Bo mean?"

"This is for us to be honest, go and open the door quickly, otherwise it will be our turn next time."


"Don't tolerate it, press it down decisively!"

Zhu Zhanji was preaching, his expression cold. Standing below are the six branches of Jinling, as well as Baohua, the Yushi Yushi of Duchayuan.

"The South cannot become a country within a country. It must be subordinated to the overall situation. If anyone thinks too much, then think more, go to the frontier to think about it, and think about it overseas!"

This is deterrence, and the officials below are secretly horrified.

——This is the same model as Emperor Xian!

"Commercial tax must be collected. No business is not rich! Daming can't expect to grow gold in the fields! Next is the government of the officials. The officials and the Duchayuan must jointly investigate, and the number of corruption is extremely large. Come out, kill the chicken and the monkey!"

After Zhu Zhanji finished speaking, Wei Zhi came out and said, "His Royal Highness, those businessmen gather to make trouble. The minister thinks that a few people should be taken out and cleaned up, otherwise someone will follow suit in the future and there will be no rules."

Rules~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is something that has sprouted since human beings are in tribal form.

No rules, no standards!

Zhu Zhanji nodded slightly, slightly fat, but looked at the unusually strong face with a smile, and said: "Uncle Xing and Uncle went personally, presumably those chickens can't be pleased!"


Wei Zhi backed away awkwardly, You Fang woke up, and the businessmen estimated that they would be scared to pee.

At this time, Shen Shitou came outside, and he told him: "His Royal Highness, those businessmen gathered at Wang Chengyan's house, and Xing He Bo led the people to take down the four people in one fell swoop. Now the big market has opened its doors except for the four houses. "

That demon! Sure enough, it is a thunderbolt!

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "My palace knows that Xinghe will not be soft, okay! The Ministry of Justice will follow up the trial immediately, and it must be... justified and in accordance with the law!"

"The Ministry of Household must clear all the confiscated properties and make sure that no one is in charge of it."

"The Ministry of War must be more vigilant and notice any abnormal movement, immediately report it, and decisively control it!"

"The Ministry of Etiquette must suppress public opinion, especially the Imperial College. No matter who it is, if you spread rumors at this time, let's take it down!"

Zhu Zhanji's arrangements were methodical, and he finally got up and said: "This is the first appearance of this palace in the south. Keep everything tight, don't be gentle!"

This is a prince very similar to Emperor Xian, and he doesn't like to compromise when things happen, and prefers to use thunder to achieve his goals.

Wei Zhi looked at Zhu Zhanji with mixed feelings. He had hoped to go to Peking, but he finally neglected. As a result, Zhu Di said "frivolity" and sent him to Jinling.

Your Majesty, the minister has corrected his frivolity, and he has also seen the grandson you taught him. Now he is the same as you back then, with a tough wrist, but his temper is much better...

Recommended reading: the new book "Yuan Zun" by the **** of silkworm potatoes and the new book "A Great Way to the Sky" by the **** of cats

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