Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1562: Beijing News

"I have seen your Highness."

Xu Xianzong and Zhu Zhanji are of the same generation, but the relationship is fading away, and later on, they can only be used as royal relatives.

Fang Xing saw Xu Xianzong's expression a little nervous, and knew that he was worried about the future of Wei Guogong.

If there is no actual position, in fact the so-called Guogong Mansion is nothing more than an empty shelf. Therefore, the Xu family is more concerned about the defense of Jinling, waiting for an appointment, somehow they can have a say.

The two relatives began to reminisce about the past and said something ill-nourished, and when they were bored, they went to Mo Chou's side.

"Master, concubine won't be taboo when listening to state affairs? How about avoiding it first?"

Mo Chou was a little worried, and Fang Xing chuckled lightly: "They're testing, it's not a matter of state, so you should treat it as two relatives talking about how to benefit."

So Mo Chou relaxed, and from time to time introduced Fang Xing to the scenery on the shore.

The chat between Zhu Zhanji and Xu Xianzong was very unnutritive. Of course, this was only in the eyes of outsiders.

"... My subject regretted that he was so muddled that he didn't know why, and he just wanted to be able to kiss him..."

Xu Xianzong kept talking about Xu Qing's regrets, Zhu Zhanji also nodded frequently, and finally said: "Father, the emperor said, Xunqi must be motivated, not greedy to enjoy..."

After Zhu Zhanji said a few clichés, Xu Xianzong resigned with interest.

Before leaving, he and Fang Xing greeted them with a smile that made people think that they had known each other for many years.

After the boat docked, Xu Xianzong saw a rider on the shore beckoning anxiously, and said, "Is there something wrong? Let people go and tell your Royal Highness."

Immediately he went ashore, and the steward whispered: "Young Master, Na Xing and Uncle are ruthless people, we can't have a close friendship in our family."

"It has nothing to do with us. It is said that the uncle and Uncle Xinghe in Peking are very close, so we shouldn't take it seriously."

When Xu Xianzong saw the steward's look disapproving, he said, "Don't think Duke Dingguo is a fool. He is in Peking and knows more than us, so we don't need to avoid Xing and Bo. Sometimes we might as well have a good relationship. "


"His Royal Highness, please see Xiao Wei, the head of the Ministry of Rites."

Xiao Wei met Zhu Zhanji smoothly, and when he saw Fang Xing, his eyes lit up.

"His Royal Highness, those messengers are deceiving people too much, saying that they are going to spend all the rewards in Jinling."

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "Give them flowers!"

As the crown prince, Zhu Zhanji knows that many times he has to knock off his teeth and swallow it in his belly, but next time...

When Xiao Wei heard that Zhu Zhanji had no objection, he said: "His Royal Highness, the envoys on the way are saying that the tribute will not go to sea after Ming Dynasty, and the tributary has become a matter of taking advantage. The vassal kingdom is worried about being annexed..."


Zhu Zhanji said slowly: "That's a good thing. You don't need to worry about it, but these people are too unscrupulous. When I see you, the palace will disappear. Let Xing and Bo do the work."

Xiao Wei was overjoyed when he heard this, and resigned contentedly.

After returning to the post house, the interpreter saw his appearance and asked: "My lord, is there a good thing?"

Xiao Wei said happily: "Take them to see your Highness tomorrow, but your Highness is not available. Probably Xing He Bo will come forward."

After listening to the translator, he was delighted and said: "My lord, Xinghe Bo's reputation is not small overseas! Java is unlucky, and tomorrow will definitely be lively."


The three returned happily. Before Fang Xing and Mo Chou entered their small courtyard, they heard the man's voice.

"...It's not our family's boasting, back then... the first emperor patted our family's shoulders, and Xing He Berna is a close friend of ours, so ah! Be diligent, your majesty asked you to do things seriously, well. Waiting for you, and when you're uncertain about it, you'll be flying up and down..."

Fang Xing couldn't help but shook his head and smiled when he heard this, and then said to Mo Chou, "This is a supervising army in the army, a good person."

Mo Chou nodded lightly, then followed Fang Wake in.

As soon as I entered, I saw Wang He. The boy looked thinner and was bragging about his glorious years with a little eunuch.

"I have seen my uncle."

The little **** was about to be bombed by Wang Heji, and Fang woke up when he saw him, and he bowed his hands like a pardon.

"Xinghebo, hahahaha!"

When Wang Hezheng was boasting about his enjoyment, he regrettably let go of the little eunuch, and said: "I heard that Xing He Bo was reluctant to think about Shu in Jinling, but our family has been ordered to arrest you and return to Beijing to ask for crime!"

Mo Chou was so frightened that Hualian was pale, Fang Xing glared at Wang He, and comforted: "This man likes to joke, just ignore him and go to rest."

Mo Chou glanced at Wang He, and Wang He said awkwardly: "Yes, yes, our family likes to joke with Xing He Bo."

After Mo Chou entered the house, Fang Xing said angrily: "Let's talk about it, what did your Majesty ask you to do here? Without you, the supervising army of Jubao Mountain Guard, Uncle Ben is estimated to be rebelling!"

Wang He's face turned pale for an instant, and he bowed his hands respectfully: "Uncle Xinghe, our family is wrong, and I will never dare to joke again next time."

Without you, Wang He, Jubao Mountain Guards will rebel, ha ha!

Whose Jubaoshan Guard is this?

Wang He then grinned and said, "Your Majesty has given you permission to build a ship, but he said, only one is allowed, and you pay for it yourself."

Fang Xing's heart warmed, knowing that it was Zhu Gaochi's comfort.

The emperor made an order not to allow the treasure ship to go to the west. You Fang Xing and Zheng He wanted to fight against each other, even if they only wanted to build a ship, it was all against the decree.

"Just for this?"

"Yeah! Our family didn't want it either. From Peiping to Jinling, our family suffered a serious crime. Xinghe Bo, how about making a whole lamb tonight? I ate it once on the grassland last time. It's delicious! "

Wang He licked his lips and followed Fang to the study.

"How about the capital?"

Fang Xing asked as soon as he sat down in the study.

Wang He poured himself a cup of tea without seeing him, sipped it gently, and said: "Jubao Mountain Guards are unobstructed, no one dares to touch them. The other guards are rectifying, and the Five-Army Capital Governor's House is urging them~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Your Majesty means that you can't slack off, and you can't be slavish and sturdy."

Fang Xing squinted his eyes and listened carefully. He knew that this was Zhu Gaochi's move after he got a firm foothold. From the time Zhang Fu and others were hired to take up positions in the Five Army Capital Governor's Mansion, Zhu Gaochi was playing chess.

A big game!

And to restore the normal treatment of the Wei State Government-here we must pay attention, but at that time the Jue Lu was cut off, and it was almost one step away from the Jue Jue.

Restoring the treatment of the Government of the State of Wei, this is another weight on Xunqi's side!

And it's also the weight of the country's Qi and Wuxun!

"Your Majesty has been very diligent lately. Those bachelors have followed suit. As a result, Yang Shiqi and Huang Huai both fell ill. There are rumors in the capital that your Majesty will regain control of the army."

Wang He suddenly made a sneaky appearance and whispered: "Someone complained, saying that your Majesty was beating the martial artist in the past. In fact, the same model as the first emperor is hard."

Fang Xing faintly looked at the void, and said: "If the emperor does not control the army, is he still the emperor? After your majesty takes the throne, he beats the martial arts, and then gives you benefits. This is the heart to accept the martial arts. It's ridiculous to want to be a fool!"

Zhu Gaochi is Zhu Di's son. How could he stupidly extinct himself from a martial artist who has been grind for many years!

Those civil servants must be disappointed, right?

What will they do?

behave in a spoiled manner? Still... stubbornly!

Wang Hexu whispered: "Those civil servants don't want to think, if the martial artist is suppressed, who is in charge of this Da Ming? Isn't that them! Wishful thinking!"

Fang Xing's heart was more excited, he felt that Daming's future is still promising!

"Your Majesty's method is too powerful, it doesn't show up, so I got to this step slowly."

Recommended reading: the new book "Yuan Zun" by the **** of silkworm potatoes and the new book "A Great Way to the Sky" by the **** of cats

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