Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1565: After killing the chicken and the monkey

The envoys came, but the large purchases that many merchants in Jinling were looking forward to did not arrive as expected.

After meeting with Zhu Zhanji, the envoys stayed in the post house honestly when they came back. Only the second sister Shi, who was always happy, brought people out to make purchases.

Disappointed, someone went to inquire about it and got the news.

Xing Hebo and Zheng He threatened to destroy the country if there were any foreign ministers who were not ministers!

"When has Daming been so overbearing?"

"The first emperor was only domineering at the time, but how do you feel...comfortable?"

"Yes, I also feel comfortable."


In the shipyard, there were a lot of people on the empty slipway.

"Pay your own money, Xinghe Bo, our family is poor, and most of it depends on you."

Zheng He was pleased to watch the craftsmen studying the drawings, and a group of crew members had already boarded the treasure ship on the shore. They would start the inspection and report the problem when they found the problem.

Fang Xing said with a sad face: "Gong Zheng, the landlord's house has no surplus food!"

"what is it now?"

Zheng He glared: "Our family has called a lot of people back, and we don't have any money? Then our family has to prepare to go into the sea to feed the fish!"

Fang Xing pointed to the city and said, "How about we fundraising?"

Zheng He's eyes shrunk and said, "Are you trying to demonstrate to Peiping? By the way, you can also pull a lot of wealthy businessmen into the water and increase their momentum."

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Can't you?"

Zheng He suddenly laughed and said: "Our family's memorial is not polite. He said that when he stopped going to the West, Daming would only have to close the door and play. , Ah! But it doesn't matter, our family is so old, it's time for someone else to take care of it."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged, Zheng Gong. I guess you will have to go to the sea at least once. In the future, let the young people do it."

Zheng He nodded and sighed: "Our family is old, but...the old man has a great ambition... Wang Jinghong is good, although there are some minor shortcomings, he is the best after our family."

Fang Xing nodded, Wang Jinghong was not bad, much better than Hong Baoqiang.

There was a dispute not far away. Several old craftsmen were arguing about their views on the laying of the keel. The atmosphere was tense, and they were even ready to do it.

Zheng He smiled and said, "Don't worry about them, they are all old craftsmen. Everyone can't leave the boat. The same is true for our family. Even if we die, we hope to die on the boat."

Fang Xing said earnestly: "Zheng Gong, Daming will surely cross the ocean and be invincible."

Zheng He laughed and said, "Okay, our family is looking forward to this day. If we can see it before we die, we will have no regrets!"


After Wang Chengyan and the four were arrested and ransacked their homes, the resistance that many expected did not come.

A shop selling gold and jade in Jinling City welcomed tax collectors today.

The shopkeeper Chen Sheng was a little nervous, and the lessons learned from Wang Chengyan's four were still there. He did not dare to say rejection at the two tax collectors who came in.

"Thirty percent, treasurer Chen, this is a rule. Unless it is changed by the Beiping Household Department in the future, it will be 30% of the tax for the time being, and it will be calculated from today."

One tax collector was recording the types of goods in the store, while the other introduced the policy with a serious face.

"Don't even think about bribing us, Xing and Uncle said, the knife is hard to take it back when you pull it out, you can try it if you don't want your head, so shopkeeper Chen, you must not harm me."

The tax collector saw Chen Sheng's sleeves revealing half of the treasure. He reversed the image of greed given by tax collectors in the past, and he just rightly refused to accept bribes.

Chen Sheng said bitterly, "Two adults, 30% is too high! If the shop is handed in, the whole family will have to drink the wind and can't survive!"

The tax collector sneered and said, "Treasurer Chen, are you trying to deceive me? Who doesn't know that you can make a profit by selling an incense burner! Don't cry poor with me, if it annoys our boss, then your big house will be Can't keep it."

Another tax collector who was recording said disdainfully: "Treasurer Chen, your son went out to cheer up a woman, that's a huge sum of money! So your crying poor is too fake, put it away, come and have a look, and see if these goods are available. Wrong, we will follow this when the time comes."

Shopkeeper Chen went over to check carefully with a weeping face, and finally nodded helplessly.

The two tax collectors finished their work and said before leaving: "Do business honestly, then everyone is good. I want to be careful and be careful of your head!"

The city of Jinling was cleaned up by tax collectors, and the results were remarkable.

And it's not without reason that they work so hard.


"Father, those tax collectors all got rice grains, and the Ministry of Households gave them upright, and it was heard that His Highness had acquiesced."

Yan Bingxing is very sorry, he regrets that the big market incident finally disappeared, and only the four headed by them were arrested.

And this slaughter of chickens and monkeys obviously played a role, which made Yan Bingxing sigh.

Yan Pengju said: "Father, today someone went to the stores of those luxury merchants to collect donations, saying that they wanted to build ships and build new ships."

Yan Bingxing was overjoyed when he heard this, and asked, "What kind of ship? But did it go to sea?"

Yan Pengju nodded and said: "Yes, it is said that Zheng He is also here. In the past few days, he and Xing He Bo have often discussed things at the shipyard, and the craftsmen and crew have also been recalled a lot."

Yan Bingxing was trembling with excitement, and the scared Yan Pengju hurried over to support him.

This is a garden. In the bleak atmosphere, Yan Bingxing said excitedly: "This is anti-decree!"

Yan Pengju said dubiously: "Father, it is rumored that your Majesty has acquiesced in this matter."

Yan Bingxing scolded: "What do you know! Want to get the momentum, and also, the old batch of students from Zhixing Academy have heard that they have all gone out?"

"Yes, my father. Someone went to check it out. They said that they would go to different places to teach that science like before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yan Bingxing stood still, and said to Yan Pengju sideways: "That Man has ruined his father’s clean name, he must move and ruin him! Otherwise, this life will be uneasy for the father. "

Yan Peng said embarrassedly: "Father, but he didn't go to sea!"



Yan Bingxing slapped his hand casually. After the slap, he looked at the slap print on his elder son’s face. He hated: "That Fang wakes up in Jinling and stirs the wind and rain. Jinling, and even the entire south, hates him. Aspect! Have you read your book for nothing?"

Yan Bingxing said angrily: "There are always like-minded people. Together, we can not only help you expand your network, don't you just want to fight in the Imperial College in this life?"

This is the first time Yan Pengju has been beaten since entering school. He covered his face for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Father, that's your Royal Highness, the crown prince. He has offended him a lot, and the Yan family will be over in the future."

Yan Bingxing was furious, raised his hand and prepared to fan it, and finally said: "Which prince have you seen far away from the capital? Huh? Stupid!"

Yan Pengju looked down and said: "Father, but this is an adventure. If the prince succeeds in becoming the throne, our family will not escape exile."


Yan Bingxing hated iron and steel and said: "The relationship between Fang Xing and His Royal Highness is very deep, but the more so, the more difficult it will be for him to deal with himself after His Royal Highness ascends the throne. It won’t do anything to our family! Remember, those civil servants don’t have a lot of affection for His Royal Highness, how can he dare to act rashly?"

Yan Pengju was slightly pleased when he heard the words, and asked: "Father, do you mean...similar to Duke Dingguo?"

Yan Bingxing said with satisfaction: "It is, that Dingguo is still a relative of the country, but he is still used by His Majesty as an attacker. Compared with him, Fang Xing is nothing!"

Recommended reading: the new book "Yuan Zun" by the **** of silkworm potatoes and the new book "A Great Way to the Sky" by the **** of cats

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