Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1567: The new shopkeeper of Shenxianju

"Master Wei, this is a temptation!"

A gray-haired old man said bitterly in the staff department: "That little money is a fundraiser. He clearly wanted to lure those merchants into the game, and then clamored to go out to sea, being rude! Cunning!"

This is Qiu Ji, the name of Qin Zhai, who is very famous in the south. Wei Zhi personally went to make tea, and then said with a smile: "Qin Zhai, you have to watch this matter slowly. Also, if you come out, take it with you. Some people! Just in case there is an order or something, maybe someone confesses that it is not."


Qiu Jian took a sip of Wei Zhi and cursed: "The more you are an official, the more stable you are, but this person has become less and less spine. The old man goes to see His Highness!"

Wei Zhipo had the spirit of self-management, and Dui smiled and said, "Gong Qin Zhai, if you don't go to sea, you have to go to the center and make a decision. Let's say it doesn't count."

Qiu Jie squinted at him and said, "You have learned how to fool the officialdom, and when you leave, the old man felt blind when he saw you."

Wei Zhi said awkwardly: "Ashamed and ashamed."

Back then, Qiu Jian once praised Wei Zhi in front of an old friend, which also added weight to his career.

Wei Zhi helped Qiu Jie to go out slowly. He saw a carriage outside the gate, and it was an old horse that was pulling the carriage. He said, "Gong Qin Zhai, should you arrange a carriage here?"

Qiu Ji ignored him, was helped by the old servant into the carriage, and shouted, "Go, go, go to your Highness."


"Miss, Mo Yuanxing is here."

"Oh, then I'll go out."

Mo Chou put down the needle and thread in his hand, and went to the front with his important brother.


This was Mo Yuanxing's first time here. From the cold sergeant when he entered the door, to the guards who appeared from time to time after entering, and the housekeeper outside this small courtyard, he was a little scared.

The wing room was changed into the reception lobby. Under the gaze of Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao, Mo Yuanxing gradually sweated his forehead.

I heard that uncle...oh no, that uncle is very powerful, he doesn't blink. Mo Yuanxing was selected to help Mo Chou look at the store, but after several battles, he cherished it very much.

So he was worried that Fang Xing would kick it back.

Not long after, Mo Chou appeared accompanied by his important brother.

"Brother Yuanxing."

Mo Chou was slightly blessed, and Mo Yuanxing waved his hands in fright: "Sister, don't scare me, the uncle saw that he was going to kill me."

Mo Chou smiled and said, "It's okay, Brother Yuanxing, come in."

As Mo Chou's distant cousin, the former Mo Yuanxing just opened a grocery store in his hometown, with a narrow vision. This is the chaff jumping into the rice basket. While happy, he is also very nervous.

Entering inside, Mo Chou said, "This **** lives in the big market. Most of the customers are merchants. It's just that the master has said that businessmen have never been fighting against officials, so there are no troublemakers. You can save your worry about this one."

Mo Yuanxing smiled and said: "With the uncle watching from behind, who would dare not long eyes to make trouble in Shenxianju? Little sister, don't worry, if there is, I will report to the government."

Mo Chou thought of Jin Yiwei's person, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"There is also the cooks. They are not allowed to bring the spices home. This is an old rule. If someone cheats you, just drive out."

The so-called seasoning is monosodium glutamate. This is the most important thing in Shenxianju. Some cooks stole it before. Mo Chou cried for a long time in anger. Finally, he asked his brother to invite Fei Shi directly and took the cook.

After checking, the chef was tempted by his colleagues outside, and then he stole it.

Mo Yuanxing nodded and said: "Well, I see, I will stare at the cooks. If someone is not authentic, I will drive out."

"Uncle is here."

At this moment, someone said, Mo Yuan bounced excitedly, then turned sideways, facing the door.

Immediately, Fang Xing appeared outside the door, he stepped forward, nodded to Mo Chou first, and then looked closely at Mo Yuanxing.

Mo Yuanxing sweated instantly on his back, and he stood with his arms folded, not daring to get out of the air.

"Mo Chou will reduce his appearance in Shenxianju in the future, and you are the person I decided after several inspections..."

Mo Yuanxing's heart was shocked. At that time, Mo Chou sent someone to spread the word, saying that he was looking for a Mo family to help him watch Shenxianju, and then a group of people started arguing with the idea of ​​taking advantage.

A weak woman, even if we often get some benefits from Shenxianju, can she say anything?

A group of people were making a lot of trouble, but in the end Mo Chou made people come to pass on another word, choosing Mo Yuanxing who had no advantage, leaving a group of people confused, including Mo Yuanxing himself.

Now things are clear, it turns out that Fang Xing arranged all of this. In other words, all those Mo family members who were clamoring to get some benefits from Shenxianju were all known to this uncle.

"You are cautious, and you like to leave room for things. That's good."

Fang Xing saw Mo Yuanxing’s sweat pooling on his chin, and said: “Do it well, Mo Chou will not treat you badly in salary, but remember, you must be optimistic about Shenxianju. Although Shenxianju makes money. Not much in my eyes, but it is the root of Mo Chou. If you are optimistic, you will naturally benefit from it in the future. Okay, I have something to do, so let’s talk about it."

Fang Xing nodded to Mo Chou, and then went out.

Mo Chou smiled and watched Fang Xing go out, and then said, "Brother Yuanxing, sit down."

Mo Yuan agreed, and sat down and smiled bitterly: "My uncle is so embarrassed that I can't stand it anymore."

Mo Chou chuckled and said, "Jinling has a lot of things, it's all right."

Fang Xing brought up the matter and handled it with one hand. When Mo Chou remembered it, he couldn't help but smile.


Fang Xing is to welcome a baptism.

"... Mr. Xinghe, your science is everywhere, the old man is just watching, wanting to see what you can toss up, but you shouldn't encourage merchants!"

Qiu Frame's saliva spurted wildly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing blinked his eyes, trying to push away the old man who had approached him, but was worried that he would be **** to death. By then, he would become a rat crossing the street in the south. , Everyone shouted and beat.

"The southern side is the merchant Daxing. You and Uncle Xing will have to add fire. Is this going to let everyone chase for profit? No need for morality!"

Fang Xing took a step back, remembering what Jia Quan had just said.

——This old gentleman had a wide-ranging literary name in his early years, but after taking the Jinshi exam, he fell into a serious illness, and then he was discouraged and couldn't come out. He just taught some students at home.

But later Jia Quan said the real reason. This old gentleman was dissatisfied with Emperor Taizu Gao, so he simply pretended to be sick and didn't want to be an official.

But the scale of the private school is small, so the income is low, and the old man often subsidizes the poor disciples, causing the family to often make ends meet.

Therefore, such a person, even if most of his teeth are lost and his hair is gray, Fang Xing can only be silent.

"Tell me, what are you trying to do with Uncle Xing? Do you disturb the South?"

Fang Xing handed his hand: "Gong Qin Zhai, this matter involves future plans, and it's not just about Daming."

Qiu Jian frowned and said, "What scheme? It's worth your ruining people's hearts!"

This accusation was a bit serious. Fang Xing raised his eyebrows, disregarding Zhu Zhanji's wink at the side, and said, "Gong Qin Zhai, it's just an overseas business."

Qiu Jian said angrily: "Overseas overseas, what's overseas?"

"There are fertile fields, mines, and enemies!"

Fang Xing's calmness made Qiu Jie sigh slightly, and he stepped back and said to Zhu Zhanji: "Your Majesty, the south is not the prosperity you see with your naked eyes. People's hearts are changing, and greed has replaced morality. If this happens forever... hey! "

Zhu Zhanji hurriedly got up, and then asked Jia Quan to sit down with the old man and let him change the cold tea. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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