Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1578: I said, gold!

"All landed!"

Following Lin Zheng's order, the boat began to move back and forth between the shore and the fleet.

The long voyage made everyone shake when they stepped onto the ground, and many even fell.


Lin Zheng sent the only remaining scout in the fleet, consisting of more than a dozen horses.

But these war horses are already dying, standing stumbling on the shore.

Lin Zheng had no choice but to wait for the people who went to explore the way to return.


After passing the big hill, the sight in front of him made Huang Jinlu a little sluggish.

——In front of me is a plain area, there are dozens of stone houses sparsely, and people and... something that looks like a sheep and a camel.

Putting down the binoculars, Huang Jinlu couldn't hide his joy and said, "Those people look like ours."

Chen Mo grabbed the binoculars, and was surprised at first, and then took a three-way aim.

Those men and women are relaxing in the sun, and some children are playing around.

As the telescope turned, Chen Mo regretted that several men and women were wearing clothes. The men wore like a cloak, while the women wore long skirts, which were very long.

Jinlu faces a choice, whether to advance or retreat.

Because he saw the hatchet and the wooden stick.

——Many places in this world have not been discovered, people there are slash-and-burn farms, and there are no words. Some are kind and honest, some are extremely evil, you can do whatever you want!

This is an instruction from Fang Xing!

Huang Jinlu was convinced of this, because the fleet encountered wild men who used human bones as weapons on an island on the way, and was later defeated by them.

"Old Huang, go and see?"

Standing behind Huang Jinlu, Chen Mo only wore a pair of half-length trousers, and his black body looked like he had just emerged from the coal kiln.

Huang Jinlu turned around and looked at the sergeant holding a long knife, and said in deep thought: "These people look like us. According to my uncle, our ancestors used to travel around the ocean, maybe we are an ancestor. ! So we have to write articles first and then martial arts, so what, bring one of the porcelain bowls you brought with you."

The fleet brought a lot of Da Ming's special products, but unfortunately one of the cargo ships was destroyed by the wind and waves, otherwise there would be more.

The sergeant at the back took out the baggage, which contained a stack of porcelain bowls, while the other baggage contained kitchen knives.

Who is going?

Huang Jinlu wanted to go in person, but worried that the scar on his chin would scare people, so he turned his eyes and finally said, "Liu Ming is not here, Chen Mo, look honestly, go there."

Chen Mo blinked, pointed at himself, and said in surprise: "Old Huang, didn't you say that I'm not honest? Or send someone just casually."

Huang Jinlu said faintly: "You are hippy and smiling all day, looking oily, but not making people feel threatened, go."

Chen Mo was a little panicked. He looked at the sergeants and said, "Old Huang, what if I were killed by those wild men? Maybe I will be made into meat sauce for dinner."

Huang Jinlu said coldly: "When the time comes, I will personally avenge you, go, I will chop you up if I don't go anymore."

Chen Mo said with tears: "Old Huang, you remember to offer incense to me! Otherwise, there is no money in the underworld."


Huang Jinlu forced Chen Mo out with his eyes, and then whispered: "I don't know if there is underworld here. Without you, I will become a lonely ghost!"

Chen Mo walked very slowly, and occasionally stopped to look back.

Huang Jinlu brandished a long knife and threatened him to go quickly.

Gradually, Chen Mo's sight became smaller, and Huang Jinlu whispered: "Let's keep up, pay attention, and bend over."

Let Chen Mo take the risk, Huang Jinlu couldn't do it yet, but there were no trees here and there was no place to hide, which was very dangerous.

When he bent over and walked for more than a hundred steps, Huang Jinlu pressed his hand and everyone fell on the ground, and then he raised his binoculars to look.


Chen Mo was discovered when he approached the men and women more than two hundred steps.

At first the men and women were a little stunned, and then the women ran over to grab the curious child.

And those men had more weapons in their hands in an instant.

-Wooden sticks! And... two hatchets!

Faced with the approach of these men, Chen Mo raised his hands unconsciously, squeezing out the most sincere smile and said: "Da Ming, Da Ming, I am from Da Ming."

But those men showed fierce expressions and continued to force them over.

Chen Mo stepped back and shouted: "Good person, I am a good person, we are friends! No, we are an ancestor!"


Chen Mo was desperate, he turned around and took a look, but did not see Huang Jinlu and others lying on the grass.

In despair, Chen Mo shouted: "I will eat you as a ghost!"


He had just finished shouting, but saw that the men stopped, and then a man with a wool scarf around his waist came over.

Chen Mo knew that he could not retreat, because two men had already opened the slingshot. If he retreats, he would have to bury his bones here today.

He smiled hard, tried to control his body not to tremble, and then breathed quickly.

The man strode over, looked at Chen Mo carefully, then pointed to his face, then pointed to the big pants that Chen Mo had slipped down because they were not fastened, moved up again, and laughed.

Chen Mo lowered his head, looked at the contraband, then looked up, and said with a smirk: "Brother, friend!"

A smile suddenly appeared on the man's flushed face, and then he untied his scarf. When Chen Mo looked down and felt ashamed, the man laughed and hugged him and slapped him on the back.

The men behind all laughed, and the women smiled, and then let go of the child. Suddenly the children ran over one after another.

"Extraordinary! This is a frank meeting? What a ghost!"

Huang Jinlu couldn't help stunned when he saw Chen Mo and the man embracing passionately.

Blessed general!


But Chen Mo is absolutely uncomfortable at the moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ First, the man used too much force, and he only felt that his lungs were about to be shaken out.

The second is that he doesn't know what to do next, if he responds wrongly, he will have to die.

The man quickly let go of Chen Mo and opened his mouth to say a bunch of words.

Chen Mo wanted to say that he understood, but in the end he pointed behind him and said, "Brother, a lot, food and drink."

There was some joy in the man's eyes, he turned around and said something to his companions, then pointed to the beach and motioned Chen Mo to take him over.

Chen Mo felt relieved, then smiled and lifted his pants, and took out the porcelain bowl that dragged the pants down from the position of his buttocks.

"Eat and drink!"

The man looked at this porcelain bowl gleaming in the sun, his eyes turned green.

It's like seeing a rare treasure!

When Chen Mo moved in his heart, he pretended to be heartache and handed the porcelain bowl over.

The glaze of the small porcelain bowl is smooth and smooth, and the birds outlined in a few simple strokes look agile.

The man took the porcelain bowl with trembling hands, then looked at it carefully, and finally looked at the sun, his mouth making noises from time to time.

This porcelain bowl on Daming Street captured the hearts of these men.

The leading man handed the porcelain bowl to a companion, and then pointed to the stone house. This person immediately held the porcelain bowl carefully with both hands and moved back step by step.

Chen Mo finally relaxed a little, then smiled and patted the man on the shoulder and said, "Good things, many."

The man suddenly remembered something and shouted, so a man ran back, and when he came back with something again, the man who sent the bowl back was still on the way.

When the man brought the thing to Chen Mo's eyes, his eyes were straight.

I said! Gold! 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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