Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1584: Hong Xi New Chapter

There was silence in the hall, and the embarrassment was the mood of the officials at this time.

   Yang Rong came out and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the New Year is almost coming. His Royal Highness will inevitably have the style of losing the country in Jinling. Is it..."

   The embarrassment disappeared in an instant. Jin Youzi admired Yang Rong's dexterity secretly. Not only did he dispel the embarrassment just now, but he also tried it out...

   Zhu Gaochi's face was as usual and said: "What is the urgency? The prince cleans up the officials in Jinling, collects the wealthy businessmen to pay taxes, does a good job, wait a minute."

   This temptation was dismissed lightly by Zhu Gaochi, and then the reign of the next year was finally determined, and the officials dispersed.

   Zhu Gaochi looked a little tired, and when he got to the back, he rested for a while as usual.

   But the king never has a chance to rest, this is the reporting time.

  Sun Xiang appeared just right.

   "Your Majesty, after Yan Dajian took the order, the officials in Fu/Jianyi were secretly calling him a hypocrite, but Yan Dajian was calm and not angry. He should be on the road now."

   A court lady was massaging Zhu Gaochi's head. He closed his eyes and said, "I remember that Yan Dajian's son had been awarded a jinshi, where is he now?"

   Sun Xiang was shocked and said: "Your Majesty, Yan Chunhui is an official in Fu/jian."

   But Yan Dajian is not a blessing/jianren!

   Zhu Gaochi said, Sun Xiang didn't know what he meant, so he continued to report: "His Royal Highness has rectified the administration of officials in Jinling, and the people below were shocked, but there were some complaints."

   "What complaint?"

   Zhu Gaochi took a cup of tea, took a sip slowly, and then asked.

   Sun Xiang pondered for a moment, and said: "The students of Jinling Zhixing Academy are all sent to various places in the south. They specialize in disseminating science in civilian areas, and they also donate books. Local officials are very dissatisfied."

   Zhu Gaochi was silent, and Sun Xiang slightly bent over to the side and dared not speak any more.

   The court lady has pinched Zhu Gaochi's shoulders, because Zhu Gao is fat and thick, so it is very difficult, Sun Xiang even saw the sweat on her face.

   When the palace lady began to gasp, Zhu Gaochi waved his hand slightly, and the palace lady resigned.

   After a deep breath, Zhu Gaochi said: "What's the dissatisfaction?"

  Sun Xiang didn't do it, but he was sweating. He hesitated for a moment, and said: "Most of those people regard science as an evil way, and they are dissatisfied everywhere, but they are only photographed in the hall... No, it is photographed in Xinghe's reputation, and they have to bear it."

   As the crown prince, Zhu Zhanji could not go directly into battle, let alone completely fall out with the literati.

   This is the bottom line!

   Whether it is Zhu Gaochi or Fang Xing, they are abiding by this bottom line!

   Otherwise, blood will flow into a river!

   So Fang Xing went into battle shirtless, using his past sturdy ‘record’ to deter the civil servants.

   Zhu Gaochi gave a hum, and said, "Don't listen to the wind or rain, but pay close attention to it. Those with sinister minds should be picked out as soon as possible."

   This is giving the green light to Dongchang's actions!

  Sun Xiang understood, and bowed and said, "Yes, the slave servant will stare at the people below, and sometimes take out a few extraordinary ones to warn everyone."

   Zhu Gaochi nodded, and Sun Xiang resigned.

   After getting out of here, Sun Xiang shuddered as soon as the cold wind blew him, and then said to An Lun who followed: "Can you post something for the New Year?"

   An Lun saw that Sun Xiang started to move the Buddha beads again, and said, "Father-in-law, just sent it, those people thanked the father-in-law while taking things."

   Sun Xiang looked at An Lun sideways, with a cold complexion. He looked confused and looked very honest.

Just when An Lun was up and down in his heart, Sun Xiang suddenly smiled and said: "You idiot, others have this opportunity, they will take credit for themselves, so as to buy people's hearts, you are good, you are actually stupid. of."

An Lun’s back was covered with cold sweat. He smiled slyly, “If there is anything to buy, the slaves and maids will do things under the hands of the father-in-law. Once the father-in-law is good, the slaves and maids will naturally follow suit. Guilt."

   Sun Xiang lowered his eyes, and then walked forward.

An Lun hurriedly followed, and then listened to Sun Xiang said: "Some people just want to climb up, so they don't hesitate to step on others. Drinking other people's blood and eating other people's meat, such people are lustful, our family Don't take..."

   Sun Xiang's pace was steady, and he smiled all the way to the eunuchs and palace ladies who were giving him a blessing.

   "The palace seems to be peaceful, but murderous intent is hidden secretly. Do you still remember Xiao Wu who was beaten by your majesty the day before?"

   An Lun said: "Remember, Xiao Wu was talking loudly with people outside. His Majesty was reading the memorial. He was beaten with twenty sticks and he is now recovering."

   Sun Xiang kept walking, and said: "That's because someone wronged him for stealing things. Can you say he could not speak loudly? And he didn't know that His Majesty was inside..."

   "You said, what's the matter?"

   An Lun’s white and fat face was confused. After thinking for a while, he said, “Father-in-law, those people are pitting Xiaowu! It’s not authentic!”

   Sun Xiang smiled slightly, his body became visibly loose, and then he entered the East Factory, and there was a greet sound of his father-in-law coming back.

   I don’t think about why those people go to the small five, but feel that this kind of behavior is not authentic...

   Not enough brain capacity!

   Sun Xiang smiled, went all the way into the quiet room, and continued to practice...

   And An Lun also returned to his room. He softened and lay on the bed, and then looked at the roof, with a look of hatred in his eyes.

   "Yan Dajian is coming?"

   "Ho **** ho..."


   Wanwan is like an elf, walking around the palace with Xiaofang, followed by a person behind him, once again becoming a landscape in the palace.

   In the palace, there is no way to avoid the bleakness of winter. The snow has been swept away, and the road is a bit slippery. Two burly mammies are closely behind Wanwan, ready to act as pads at any time.

   Wanwan’s eyebrows are more agile, Xiao Fang ran back and forth all the way, and fell a few times, which made Wanwan smile.

   is a plain costume, with her beautiful eyebrows as picturesque as her skin wins snow.

   She walked to the side of the tree and grabbed a handful of snow, then pinched it into a ball and threw it towards Xiaofang who was sniffing the roots of the tree.

   Xiaobai was hit by the snow group, and his body trembled, then looked back at Wanwan in confusion, feeling extremely aggrieved.

   Chuxin squatted down and waved at Xiaofang. After it came over, he touched the top of its head and muttered, "What is Fang Xing doing?"

   Xiaofang whimpered a few times, then shook his head again, throwing Xuemo on Wanwan’s face...

   "Princess, Mrs. Xinghe Bo gave a gift to the palace, and there is a half-car for you."

   A **** trot over to report that he was probably anxious to show ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When she slipped ten steps away from Wanwan, she fell on her back.

   Wanwan got up and asked someone to help him, and then asked someone to give him some coins, and then took the person to the queen's place.


   Today, the Queen’s place is very lively. With the delivery of a few carts of gifts, the concubines all watched enviously.

   "Niangniang, my wife said, because there have been many inconveniences in the palace this year, she will not come to see Niangniang. After the Chinese New Year, I will bring Wuyou to see how blessed the Niangniang is."

   Mother Qin handed the gift form to one of the mothers, and then said what Zhang Shuhui had confessed.

The queen laughed and said: "It's hard for her to think about this palace, but I have heard that Xing and Uncle Doting Wuyou have already left the two boys aside. Let's wait for a few years, this palace also wants to see how it recruits people. Painful child."

   "Niang, the princess is here."

   Someone came in to report, and the queen smiled and said, "Why does this kid talk to the palace? It's cold outside, let her in."

   Wanwan came in to salute, and then walked to the queen's side and stood. As for the concubines, naturally they didn't dare to make trouble with her.

   "Today, Mr. Xinghe sent a gift. You can go and see if there is something you like. If you have one, take it away."

   Sister Qin smiled and said: "It's all for your majesty, the empress, and the princess, but it's all for the princess. It doesn't matter if you want to come to your majesty and the empress. As for your majesty, how can you **** things from the princess!"

  The queen smiled and patted the case, and gasped: "You old man is still so humorous after going out of the palace, and you are not afraid of being driven out by Mrs. Xinghebo."

   In the sound of laughter, Wanwan's eyebrows gradually loosened, and then she read the gift list and tickled it with a pen from time to time.

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