Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1607: I am awake

The baby of the Sanhua family celebrates his birthday, and wishes him: good health and learning progress!


The wrestling between the king and the courtier rarely goes into battle shirtless, and both sides will slowly put pressure on each other to see who can't hold it in the end.

The most common is that the courtiers slowly erode the power of the emperor and constantly strengthen their control of the court.

Of course, if you meet an emperor like Zhu Yuanzhang, the one who loses the fight had better prepare for the death of the whole family.

And Zhu Di is slightly better, but he will not be stingy with the penalty of exile and let the loser go to the wild land to open up for Da Ming.

"This is a soft knife killing."

The academy has not yet started, so Xie Jin played chess with Huang Zhong at home. After a round, the two talked about the recent undercurrents in the court, and Jie Jin said clearly: "Power is a poison, but one can't help but want to indulge in it. It is rare to refuse this temptation."

Huang Zhong poured him a cup of tea and said, "Although it is invisible, this invisible erosion makes people helpless and unable to resist. In the end, the power that is unknowingly falls aside and can only be cured."

"But the emperor will not sit back and watch."

Xie Jin thought of the two dynasties he had gone through, and couldn't help but sighed: "The Emperor Taizu Gao and the first emperor are both heroes, so the courtiers can be controlled. This is related to force."

Huang Zhong said: "Yes, but your Majesty today is not a man at the mercy of others. I just don't know what he will use to fight back. I think it's choking."

Those civil servants slowly grind the emperor with soft knives, others can't see it, but Xie Jin sees the fire from the perspective of onlookers.

He sneered: "So your Majesty first boosted Wu Xun's spirit. Unfortunately, Wu Xun was unwilling to have a fierce conflict with civil officials. It can be seen how difficult the division of civil and military affairs is, and the non-heroic master cannot control it."

The two were relatively speechless, and they were a bit confused about the direction of the future development of the government.

For a long time, Huang Zhong said: "If your highness and uncle were there, it should be much better. After all, uncle's reputation can calm people!"


Xie Jin smiled and said: "Yes! But you have to know that Dehua was reserved by the first emperor for the prince, and his majesty today probably also has the same idea, so he rushed to Jinling with his brain."

"If Dehua has been in the middle of the court, then there will be no peace in the middle of the court. Your Majesty probably wants to be steady!"


Since Zhu Gaochi was ill, the atmosphere in Peking City has been a bit weird. There is no worry, no accusation, and only...

"Your Majesty gave Sheng Gong a first-grade gold woven garment."

The two civil servants ate in the restaurant and chatted with a smile.

Lunch can be eaten outside, but you must return to the yamen as soon as you finish, otherwise you will just wait to be scolded.

And these two people are actually drinking!

"In my opinion, Yan Shenggong should be adjusted to a first-grade, or even a super-grade!"

The two toasted and drank, and then they talked about their errands, both of them a little drunk.

"The government has stabilized, this is chaos and then governance!"

"It's a kind of rule, just go on like this, a hundred years later, my generation should be named in the history books, and it will last through the ages."

This is what the civil servants hope to see in a calm state of affairs.

The king ruled from the arch, and the courtiers proceeded step by step. This is Dazhi.

"That person must have been futile in Jinling, hahaha!"

"That is, although Jinling is rich, what use is it to stay away from the capital?"


Today, Zhu Gaochi's affirmation of Sheng Gong and Confucianism has inspired the outside world, so the business of the restaurants has improved a lot.

So countless poems spread out from everywhere, and the smell of meat and wine filled the sky.

It's just that these joys have nothing to do with the guards of the gate, they still have to stand at the gate of the city, staring carefully at the people and horses coming in and out. Occasionally when the cold wind came, they all curled their necks to hide in the doorway, and after the wind passed, they walked out again by rubbing their hands.

A sergeant rubbed the frostbite on his ears and said impatiently: "Sir, we should make a brazier."

The little banner officer put his hands under his armpits to keep warm, sniffed his nose and said, "Do you think I don't want to? But how many officials go in and out of the capital? If you are seen, it will be a guilt, so bear with it."

There were so many people at the moment, and the small banner department yelled and drove those who came in and out, and then passed them in an orderly manner.

An old man slowly entered the crowd with his son, feeling the lively atmosphere, and couldn't help saying: "This is Hong Xinian, it's so peaceful, okay!"

The people don't care about state affairs. As long as they can eat and wear clothes and have no threats from foreign enemies, then they think this is a peaceful and prosperous age.

The flow of people slowed down here, and the small banner officer was furious, but when he squeezed in and saw that there was an old man, he said angrily: "Don't crowd! Be careful."

"My lord, here comes the cavalry!"

The small banner officer couldn't hear the sound of horses hoof in the crowd, so he cursed: "Where are the cavalry in the peaceful and prosperous age?"

The crowd in front of them all rushed into the city, and the little banner officer had no time at all, and then his face changed slightly and said, "Let's take a look."

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer, but it started to slow down.

The small banner officer squeezed out of the city and saw more than ten rides.

The knights on horsebacks were all covered in cotton robes and windbreakers, and they wore the square hats on their heads, and their faces were covered with scarves. It was obvious that they had come for a long distance.

The little banner officer shouted and asked: "Where are you from?"

Someone from the more than ten rides got off his horse and came over. He uncovered the scarf on his face and said, "My lord is ordered to return to Beijing by your majesty's order."

The little banner officer frowned and said, "Who is your master?"

Another one of the knights dismounted and came over.

"My master is Xing He Bo."

After Xin Laoqi finished speaking, he stared at the crowd watching the lively crowd, his eyes alert.

The visitor unwrapped the scarf, turned his eyes, smiled at the people onlookers, and said: "I am awake, and I am ordered to return to Beijing."


"I have seen my uncle!"

The little banner officer shouted loudly, and he gave a gift with his head, his expression agitated.

Xing He Bo is back!

Can those civilian officials who want to suppress our warriors dare to be arrogant? !

Remembering that a seventh-rank official came out of the city a few days ago, his son dared to take a sip at himself with disdain, and the small banner official felt that the humiliation was nothing.

The people were also surprised, but didn't know the meaning of Fang Xing's return, so they left separately.

Fang Xing nodded slightly and said, "It's so cold, it's a hard work for you."

The little banner officer said excitedly: "Little ones are nothing. Uncle has only worked hard all the way."

Fang Xing patted him on the shoulder and saw his face flushed with excitement, and said: "I heard that there is some evil in the capital, and Ben is best at catching monsters and monsters.

Fang Xing entered the city, but it took a long time for the little banner officer to wake up. He touched his shoulder and said, "Uncle patted me on the shoulder?"

"My lord, what the uncle said just now broke up, and what demon spirit he said, I don't know what it means."

The little banner officer said triumphantly: "Stupid! What is the evil spirit? Your majesty was sickened by the popularity, and that was caused by the evil spirit. As for the dispersal, let us spread the news of the uncle's return to Beijing and the words just now. "

So on the way Fang Xing entered the palace, he arrived in the capital and the words began to spread.

"The demon, disperse, is that guy going to mess up again?"

"This is not true, otherwise your Majesty will be difficult to clean up."

These news spread quickly everywhere~www.wuxiaspot.com~ People who are interested in thinking about the meaning of Fang Xing's return.


In the Palace of the Qing Dynasty, Lu Zhen was talking with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, Jinling reported that it had discovered the Lingzhi Fan, which is big and very big."

Lu Zhen circled his hands and said with an exaggerated expression: "Your Majesty, this is auspicious! And it was found in Longshan, so God Bless Daming!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

All the officials were happy, and they looked like a bridegroom who was going to pick up his daughter-in-law.

Xiangrui is fooling people, and everyone present knows this.

But auspicious can be a myth!

Moreover, Xiangrui is not only the rule of the mythical king who has been inspired by heaven, as a courtier...

Ha ha! We assist the king and reconcile yin and yang above the temple. This is also a huge affirmation!

Zhu Gaochi's face was flat and he was about to speak. An **** came in outside and said, "Your Majesty, please see Uncle Xinghe."


The officials were stunned, Wu Xun's expression was complicated, joyful and frowning.

Most of the civil servants looked surprised...

The atmosphere in the hall is almost stagnant...


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