Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1620: Bitterness

Tang Song was very nervous. When he broke into the Ministry of Engineering in the East Factory, he sat in his room, shaking like chaff.

"The East Factory is gone!"

After a burst of relieved cheers outside, Tang Song's body softened and slid down the chair to the ground.

The room was whizzing coldly, but Tang Song was sweating.

He got up with difficulty, then wiped the sweat from his forehead, squeezed out a smile, and opened the door to go out.

The yard was full of people, and everyone was talking in low voices, sighing, and frightened.

"Master Tang, you don't hear anything outside the window! You are so calm and admire!"

Previously, the entire Ministry of Engineering, Tang Song, did not come out, so everyone was a little ashamed.

Tang Song folded his hands and smiled and said, "There are things on hand to do, but I didn't pay attention. How many people were arrested just now?"

An official he had been acquainted with said with lingering fears: "Three people, you didn't see it just now! Those Dongchang fans are like wolves and tigers, even our adults can't stop them. Now the adults have entered the palace, most of them are. Go to your majesty to teach Dongchang a lesson."

Tang Song sighed and said, "This is just the end of the new year! How terrified and uneasy will be in the families of those who have been arrested, pitiful!"

With a sigh, someone said: "When you enter the East Factory, don't even think about being able to come out intact, but now it's okay. Most of them are in exile. Although it is more painful, as long as you can survive, you can always save the life of the family. ..."

"That's better than death!"

"Life is better than death. Those officials who have been exiled to Cochin Burma have to farm for the lighter crimes, and mine for the more serious crimes. The former can live, but the latter has little reason to be spared."

When it comes to exile, almost everyone is disgraced.

Daming's exile was not light, not to mention the risks along the way-mainly the escort's indifference and even abuse. After arriving in the exile, the two problems of inadequacy and inability to adapt to physical work can make people worse off.

Therefore, in the private discussions of officials, everyone felt that exile was inhumane and that it should be best to demote the concubine as in the former Song Dynasty.

Tang Song also joined the sorrowful crowd until someone shouted: "If you enter the palace, you should hurry up and do things, lest you come back and get angry!"

What a courage!

After hearing this, everyone quietly went back. As for the person who shouted just now, he was left alone.

Unable to bear the fear in my heart, it will make people bolder!


This was the second large-scale arrest in Dongchang, and the first occurred during the Yongle period.

At the beginning, Zhu Gaochi was vigorously opposed to the expansion of the rights of Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and advocated that the procedures should be followed—discover problems, arrest, interrogate, and convict.

Rather than Dongchang or Jin Yiwei directly taking people, the interrogation process is kept confidential, and whether the interrogation result is announced or not depends on the king's mood.

But today's Dongchang's outrageous dispatch made the officials feel betrayed.

This king is getting farther and farther away from us!

Outside the palace gate, when people inside invited them in, Yang Rong wiped his mouth and went into the palace.


When they arrived at the Palace of the Qing Dynasty, the officials were stunned to see Sun Xiang kneeling in the hall, and their hearts were stunned, and then they looked at the emperor on the throne.

On the throne, Zhu Gaochi's face was cold, as if he was wandering away.

"Your Majesty, the slave and maid obtained the evidence, worried that the suspects would run away, and lost her mind for a while, so she took someone out for arrest, Your Majesty..."

Sun Xiang raised his head and said with dim tears, "When the slave and maidservant wake up, it has caused a catastrophe. The crime of the slave and maidservant deserves death!"

Yang Rong looked down, his heart cold.

Zhu Gaochi rubbed the paperweight and said faintly: "I already learned about it later, Dongchang is domineering, come here."

"His Majesty!"

It was not Ye Luoxue who came in. Zhu Gaochi said, "Sun Xiang is guilty, and he is dragged to the Dongchang factory with twenty sticks, in order to behave like you."

Sun Xiang kowtowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Sun Xiang was pulled out with a fluke, Zhu Gaochi looked at the officials coldly and said, "What's the matter with Zhu Qing?"

Yang Rong felt sad in his heart, and went out of class and said: "Your Majesty, ministers and so on...nothing, just a little surprised at Dongchang's domineering."

Zhu Gaochi said faintly: "I see, Zhu Qing will withdraw."

The officials saluted and retired, and their backs were bleak.


In the East Factory, Sun Xiang gathered the people at home, then lay down on the bench by himself, and said: "Twenty sticks, no mercy."

An Lun said with trepidation: "Father-in-law, the slave and maidservant led the team to take it. If you want to fight, you are also beating the slave maid!"

Sun Xiang smiled sideways on the bench and said, "No need to say more. Ask someone to tie it up and get a clean piece of cork."

An Lun sighed and tied Sun Xiang himself, then put a piece of cork that he had just retrieved into his mouth, and whispered: "Father-in-law bear with it."

Sun Xiang nodded, and An Lun stood on the side watching the two hands-on fans, and said in a negative way: "If you want to fight well, just..."

The two fans hurriedly nodded, and Chen Gui looked around and said, "You must be measured."

Grass mud horse!

An Lun turned around and glared at Chen Gui, and said: "Your Majesty has said twenty sticks, what is proper measure!"

In front of so many people uttering the right word, is this to make Sun Xiang be beaten to death by a board?

Sun Xiang tilted his head to look at Chen Gui, bit the cork and nodded, looking very kind.

Chen Gui shivered, and hurriedly said with a smile: "The slave and maid are worried about the father-in-law!"

Sun Xiang was still smiling, and then nodded at An Lun.

An Lun looked down and said: "Fight!"





You must take off your trousers when you hit the board, otherwise the broken rags will be entangled with flesh and blood. One is not easy to clean up, and the other is easy to lose your life.

The sound of the board hitting the light was very loud, but Chen Gui, who saw the board falling, sighed in his heart, regretting the eagerness just now.

These two fans were originally from Jin Yiwei. After they arrived at the East Factory, they were valued by Sun Xiang for their ‘magical skills’.

Life and death are arbitrary, this is the highest state of execution.

Twenty board hits quickly ended, and Sun Xiang's **** looked bruised and swollen, which was very scary. But Chen Gui knew that Sun Xiang would be alive and kicking again after a month at most.

"Get the medicine!"

While Chen Gui was flabbergasted, An Lun asked for medicine for injuries, then applied it to Sun Xiang himself, and finally carried Sun Xiang in with others.

Chen Gui stood on the spot, watching those people put the benches away, and then said anxiously: "Let's go find some good medicine for my father-in-law!"

He left the East Factory all the way, and later went to the Tai Hospital.

After he returned from the Taiyuan Hospital with the wound medicine, he was about to send it to Sun Xiang, but An Lun blocked his way.

"Step aside!"

Chen Gui's face was cold, An Lun just said with a silly smile: "The father-in-law has already fallen asleep, saying that there is no major matter and should not be disturbed."

Chen Gui immediately sighed and said, "Hey! This wound medicine was finally sold by our family. You take it, and remember to give it to the public."

An Lun nodded, and after Chen Gui left, he went to Sun Xiang's.

"Father-in-law, this is the medicine Chen Gui asked for from the Tai Hospital."

Sun Xiang was lying on the bed with painful sweat, his eyes cold when he heard the words, and said: "Find a place to bury it quietly, don't say anything."

An Lun immediately looked at the porcelain vase in his hand with trepidation, and cursed: "That traitor, you can't die!"

Sun Xiang also didn't explain that the medicine should be a good medicine. It meant the outside, and then he lay down on the bed to endure the pain.


"This is a bitter trick."

Jin Youzi smiled bitterly and said: "Then Sun Xiang is known as Sun Buddha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Where does he have the courage to cut first and then play? It's just to cover up for your majesty."

In the room on duty, Yang Rong took a deep breath and said, "So what? This is the way of monarchs and ministers. Your majesty is beating us. Do you still want to question your majesty?"

Jin Youzi was dumb, everyone was dumb, Yang Rong nodded and said, "You princes, have to cheer up. At that time, the suppression of the military ministers was too hasty. Your Majesty estimated that it was at that time that he began to be dissatisfied with us. So be cautious, everyone. Let's go through this difficult time together, don't behave yourself!"

Yang Shiqi said in confusion: "When your Majesty became the throne, everyone thought that a good day was coming, and the monarch and his ministers would have to meet each other, but now it seems...but we are too aggressive, everyone, it's time to reflect!"

Huang Huai nodded and said, "I dare not say anything, your majesty is indeed a benevolent gentleman."

Everyone nodded, Zhu Gaochi is not a benevolent gentleman, so who is a benefactor?

Today, they enter the palace angrily. If you change to the era of Zhu Di, let alone how many inmates will be in prison.

Yang Pu coughed and said: "The arrests are all over, and this matter should stop, but the adults at the staff have to persuade them more."

Jian Yi didn't speak from entering the palace to leaving the palace, and had no chance to speak, but the insider knew that this official official wanted to beg the bones. As for whether it is true or false, no one knows.

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