Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1632: I am not a casual person

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Xue Lu was angry. He looked at Huang Ping who fell on the ground and furious.

"Uncle Xing, just say if you have something to do, do it in front of Xue, what is this going to do?!"

Fang Xing took a step forward and grabbed Huang Ping with a slap in the backhand.

Xue Lu had never been so despised before. He pointed to the door and was about to drive people away, but Fang Xing said: "Yang Wuhou, why don't you ask Huang Ping how he colluded with others? An acquaintance of the city soldier Marsi provides shelter for those who spread rumors about your majesty."

Xue Lu was startled, and Huang Ping was already ashamed.

"Huh! Didn't deny it?" Fang Xing sneered: "It seems you know that Han Lide can vomit, right?"

Han Lide was arrested by Dongchang. Although he didn't say the charges, wise people can naturally guess one or two.

Xue Lu was furious and shouted: "Come here!"

"Master Hou!"

Two sergeants came in outside, helping the sword and promised.

"Take Huang Ping, and wait until Ben Bo comes back to the palace and pleaded guilty to come back."

The two sergeants caught Huang Ping and walked out. Huang Ping did not resist. When they came to the back, they were softened into a ball, almost being framed out.

Seeing Xue Lu preparing to go out, Fang Xing said: "Your Majesty said that the warrior is not easy, so this matter is handled secretly, lest there is a turmoil in the outside world and it will be unfavorable for the stability of the DPRK at that time."

Xue Lu's body stiffened, and he arched his hands towards the palace: "Xue is ashamed!"

Fang Xing followed, arching his hands, and said, "But what Fang said is to breathe inside. Is the gentleman arrogant?"

Xue Lu frowned and said: "But this is against your majesty's meaning."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Your Majesty is afraid that civil and military are out of balance, but it will be out of balance soon."

As Fang Xing walked away, Xue Lu was still dazed.

Half an hour later, Xue Lu was having lunch. Someone hurriedly came over and told him: "Hoye, Fang Caixing and Uncle went to the Ministry of Industry to make a fuss. He said that someone in the Ministry of Industry was corrupt, and he gave out his name. Go, he knocked a few of those who stopped him, and the Ministry of Engineering was mad! Wu Zhong has already entered the palace."

Xue Lu put down his chopsticks, only then did he know why Fang Xing said he was out of balance.

"This is a slap in the face to the ministers before leaving, he is so bold!"


Zhu Gaochi summoned Wu Zhong after eating lunch.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Xing He smashed a lot of things in the Ministry of Engineering and injured several people. When he left, he said that there were rebels in the Ministry of Engineering, and there were rebels in Peking City. When he comes back next time, he will definitely take a few! "

Wu Zhong was aggrieved and felt that Fang Xing was crazy.

But he didn't want to think about it. When there were rumors that Zhu Gaochi was lustful and unfilial, loved to enjoy, and the Ministry of Engineering was already exhausted for this, he chose to remain silent instead of going out to fight back.

Zhu Gaochi's complexion was a little weird, seemingly angry, but the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.

"You go back, I will send someone to chase him right away."

Wu Zhong Xie En left, but did not see that after he left, Zhu Gaochi didn't ask anyone to chase Fang to wake up, and even asked people to make a bowl of Wanwan's jam to relieve the gluttony.


Fang Xing smashed the Ministry of Industry before he left, and it spread all over the capital in an instant.

Everyone was stunned!

"He's crazy?"

Huang Huai had never seen such a courageous official, and he dared to smash the yamen of the Ministry of Industry.

After a while of silence, Jin Youzi said: "This is a domineering general! This is only happening in the late Tang Dynasty."

When he looked back, he saw that his colleagues were silent, and he couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty is indifferent?"

Yang Shiqi put the brush aside, and said, "He has been restraining since he came back. Before leaving, let's go wild... bear it."


When the court went up, everyone looked at Zhu Gaochi with different eyes.

Next time the emperor is angered, will he recall Fang Xing again and take a more intense approach?

The smashing of the Ministry of Industry is just a warning, a disgusting and boring warning!

Will that guy get started directly next time? It's like he was chasing Lv Zhen at the time!


"I was never a casual person."

Mu Jian likes to wear black clothes, he feels that this makes him look like a nobleman.

After the consumption of Meng Yuan and Daming during the founding of the country, the so-called aristocracy has practically disappeared.

It takes several generations of nurturing and education for aristocrats to take shape and to engrave those habits in their own blood.

Therefore, Mu Jian has almost morbid persistence in his every move.

He stood by the sea, with a straight waist and a solemn expression. He couldn't find a place to be faulty.

The microwave of the sea sent waves of fishy sea breeze.

Looking closely, the sea is empty.

An old servant standing behind him also tidied up meticulously, but his hair and beard were a little messy by the sea breeze.

The old servant stepped forward and said, "Master, Li Er is brave, and his subordinates are very good at maneuvering boats. He wants to escape the navy's search."

Mu Jian turned back with his hand, looked at the two strong family members behind the old servant, and said in a deep voice: "The temporary loss is not in my eyes, but the crew is not easy to find. So as long as he brings the people back, there will be nothing. problem."

The old servant lowered his head and said, "Master, Li Er is cruel, our family has to be more vigilant."

Mu Jian smiled slightly, stroked the long hair that was blown to both sides by the sea breeze, and said: "The people's heart is like iron, and the official law is like a furnace. If he betrayed, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The old servant praised: "It's still the master that you are good, and you directly hold on to his old mother. Isn't he filial? Then be compliant, or else it hurts to tear his face."

Mu Jian nodded and said: "Li Er and other former criminals seem to be fierce, but as long as they are humans, they have weaknesses, and those who don't have weaknesses are not humans. Let's go back."

A few people got on their horses and gradually moved away, and some mist slowly appeared on the sea, hazily like a fairyland.


Wealth comes from the sea, and danger also comes from the sea!

These were Zheng He's words, which were solemnly proclaimed by Fang Xing.

The Mu family of Ningbo Prefecture sneered at this. Patriarch Mu Jian was notoriously opposed to going out to sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When news of the suspension of the treasure ship and the dismissal of the crew came from the capital, he invited a few old friends for this. After drinking and banquet, learning the ancients all night long, the host and the guest were happy.

So seeing him flying all the way into the city, the sergeant guarding the gate would inevitably look at him.

"Mr. Mu used to walk and talk very rigidly. One of the two sons learned from his rigidity, while the other was completely opposite. What happened to him today? Could it be that his old wife is pregnant?"

"Then he can't die with joy?"

"Happy ass!"

The officer who led the team disdainfully said: "This man is the most fake, walking and talking like puppets, and even a smile is like a puppet."


When Mu Jian entered the house all the way, the two sons hurriedly greeted him.

Seeing Mu Jian frown, the eldest son Mu Xing, who is already married, turned around and said to his younger brother Mu Yan: "Walk slowly, and keep your steps free."

Mu Yan said with a smile: "Big Brother, my father came back two days after going there. I'm in a hurry. I'm considered filial!"

Mu Xing turned around and bowed to Mu Jian, "Father is working hard, there is nothing at home."

Mu Yan made a grimace and bowed and said, "Father, my mother lost her temper. She said that if you don't come back, she will go back to her mother's house. The child also wants to see her grandfather."

Mu Jian frowned and looked at the jumping young son, and walked to the backyard.

Mu Xing followed up and talked about the two days at home. After speaking, Mu Yan began to talk about how many articles he had done at home in the past two days, full of confidence in his words.

When he got to the back, seeing his wife Wang and his daughter-in-law already waiting, Mu Jian walked over and whispered: "Be careful and catch the cold."

Wang smiled and said: "The husband has worked hard all the way, and the concubine has already prepared dinner, and is waiting for the family to reunite after the husband takes a shower."

Mu Jian smiled and said, "Okay."

The husband and wife walked in front side by side, and the two sons followed behind. The family was harmonious and coordinated.

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