Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1643: Blood-drinking devil

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Fang Xing was a little anxious, he was thinking of Mo Chou. Even if it is still far from the day of giving birth, he is still a little anxious.

As a result, everyone found that Fang Xing's temper had become irritable, and he would usually spit on some minor mistakes, and that face was covered with the words "Don't get close to strangers".

The fleet was sailing close to the coastline. At this time, Xiaoliuqiu had not been developed, and the shore looked lush.

Fang Xing just kicked the knife, he muttered and said to Xin Laoqi: "Seven brother, looking at the master's appearance, he wants to kill someone."

Xin Laoqi was playing with a beautiful conch. Hearing that he glanced at Fang Xing, who was standing on the side of the ship, and said, "Master said that people sometimes lose their temper inexplicably. I guess the master is like this now."

The knife rubbed his **** and said, "Brother Seven, that sister-in-law sometimes chases you with a kitchen knife, isn't it... Ouch! Brother Seven, I was wrong."

Xin Laoqi kicked him and said faintly: "What do you know? I used to be too stupid, only your sister-in-law would never give up. What do you need to have such a wife? Besides, she just wanted to prove her anger. Does she really cut it?"

The knife stepped back and jokingly said: "Seven brothers, you seemed to be thrown on your face by your sister-in-law last year, right?"

After speaking, he turned around and ran, Xin Laoqi threw the conch over, and the knife screamed while clutching the back of his head.

"A ship was found ahead!"

Xin Laoqi wanted to catch up and pick up the knife, but when he heard the shout, he ran to Fang Xing's side.


Fang Xing put down the binoculars and said, "It's a Japanese man, stop it immediately!"


"It's Mingren's treasure ship!"

On a humble ship, the Japanese people who split from Cao Qi in the early morning stared blankly at the five large ships that had outflanked them, desperate in their hearts.

"You can leave Xiaoliuqiu by leaving for a long time early!"

"Go, go! The best thing is to go to the mine if you are caught by the Ming man. It is said that you can't get out if you go in. Who knows how many people have died! Go!"

The widows on the deck were annoyed, but more fearful, and immediately urged the crew to accelerate.

But how could this shoddy ship surpass Da Ming's ship? It didn't take long for this ship to be surrounded by it. The widows held knives in both hands and screamed at the big ship, as if in this way they could get rid of the fear in their hearts.

"Uncle, sink them?"

Fu Xian was already a little impatient.

"Catch more work."

Fang Xing's order made Fu Xian a little puzzled: It wasn't like this before!

Fang Xing was never merciful to the Japanese, and it was recognized that he could kill and never capture them alive.

what is it today?

Fang Xing said: "Get some prisoners back, and let the DPRK see it at that time. The overseas is not peaceful. No matter what, there will be more and more pirates in the future. If it doesn't work, the old things that the Japanese pirates have harassed will be reproduced."

Fu Xian was stunned, and then ordered to go down.

"Abandon the knife and kneel down and don't kill!"

In the old tradition of the Ming army, two ships slowly approached from the left and right, and several Japanese-speaking sergeants were shouting loudly.

"I'm a politician too!"

Fang Xing laughed at himself. War has never been just killing, it is more for political service.

For the future maritime policy, Fang Xing can only suppress the murderous intent in his heart and temporarily let these Japanese Japanese alive.

"Boom boom boom!"

A gunshot awakened him in the contemplative side. He walked to the bow and looked at the ship, and he saw several Japanese people lying down on the ship, and the smoke of gunpowder was gradually dissipating under the blowing of the sea breeze.

"Kneel down!"

Wuchuan was the first to jump over and stood on the deck. He pointed at the two standing Japanese men with a long knife and shouted.

The two Japanese people were stunned by Wuchuan's eyes, one of them kneeled down obediently, while the other didn't know if he was shocked or wanted to hold on, but he didn't respond.

Wu Chuan indifferently kicked away the Japanese man who was kneeling in front of him, and then strode across the middle to come to this man.

This person stared at Wu Chuan blankly, as if he saw the devil in those eyes, he opened his mouth and prepared to scream.


The light of the knife flashed, and the head fell.

Wu Chuan held the hair on the side of the head with one hand and returned the same way. The **** smell was pungent along the way. The Japanese kneeling on the deck shivered, but no one dared to stand up and resist.

Walking to the side of the ship, Wu Chuan threw the head into the sea. When he raised his hand, he saw some blood stains on the back of his hand. He put his hand to his mouth and stretched out his tongue to lick the blood.

As he turned around, the Japanese ren hurriedly bowed their heads, timid and even shivering.

This is a devil who drinks human blood!

"Kill a chicken with a sledge knife!"

Xiao Guwei felt that these Japanese were weak chickens, and he had known that he should not have sent Wuchuan over.

Wuchuan's killing intention is too heavy, and once it is stimulated by blood, it cannot be solved if it is not a murder.

So Xiao Guwei went to ask Fang Xing for instructions.

"Uncle, Wu Chuan's intention to kill is too heavy. He killed a person just now. It is estimated that he is not enjoyable, you see..."

Fang Xing remembered the last time Wuchuan almost scared Cao An to death, and said: "The army is so big, there are no surprises, nothing more, the interrogation is left to him."


So when Wu Chuan interrogated these Japanese men on the deck, even Fang Xing turned his back and didn't look at him, but the miserable howling still irritated everyone's ears.

Fu Xian had also seen many ruthless people in his years as a navy master, but he was the first to see someone like Wuchuan.

The navy's cruelty is at most dragging the pirates with a rope to the stern of the ship in sea areas where sharks are infested, and letting the sharks chew. Or cut open the wound and expose it to salt.

But Wuchuan was purely tortured and killed by his own hands. If you don't have the ability to bear it, it's best not to look at it, so as not to have nightmares at night.

Fang Xing listened to the screams and murmured: "My brother Wu in society, I don't talk harshly!"


A sergeant couldn't help but leaned over to look at it for a while, and immediately ran to the side of the ship and vomited.

This vomiting seemed to be contagious, and gradually, the ship's gunwale was full of people, and it was magnificent.

Fang Xing's throat surged, and he quickly threw a piece of gum into his mouth and chewed.

"Uncle, the confession came out."

No one dared to stay by the side for a long time during the execution of Wuchuan, so he reported it himself.

Fang Xing turned around and saw a few sergeants on the deck cleaning up and washing, and said, "Let's talk about it."

Wu Chuan’s eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes. He said: “They are the pirates. The leader is Cao Qi. Yesterday, the navy has been hunting Li Er and the trade with them is over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is gone. Then they fought internally, and Cao Qi killed his own counselor and went to the sea. These Japanese people wanted to go to Luzon to make a living, so they robbed the boat and went to sea."

"They don't know the details of Li Er. There are more than 300 people in the pirate's lair, of which more than 100 are Japanese. They..."

Wu Chuan's voice was a little dull, which reminded Fang Xing of the robot.

Those eyes...The bloodshot eyes in those eyes were gradually fading, but the dull eyes made Fang Xing think of those perverted murderers.

"Send a boat to chase Li Er!"

Fang Xing avoided these eyes and commanded. Immediately, a warship was separated from the fleet and returned, but the main force continued to set off.

After looking back, Fang Xing asked Xiao Guwei about Wuchuan, and the conclusion was quite ordinary.

Wuchuan's eldest brother and him were put in a one-hundred households. During the first northern expedition, Wuchuan's eldest brother died in battle, but he was trampled on by a horse's hoof to find the corpse.

"Wu Chuan went crazy on the spot. He gave his life to fight hard. In the end, he didn't stop at exhaustion. He actually killed an enemy, broke his chest with a knife, and took people's hearts....The Tatars were all terrified. Now, our army took advantage of the situation to cover up and win a complete victory."

Xiao Guwei said with some regrets about this: "It stands to reason that Wuchuan has done meritorious service, but after the war, some people said he was too cruel, and in the end he won't be rewarded or punished."

"Are you afraid of him?"

Fang Xing thought this was weird.

"Yes, his one hundred households refused to accept him again, and then he went to the Black Thorn after tossing around."


Fang Xing was a little regretful. Xiao Guwei pointed to Wu Chuan who was standing in a daze on the side of the ship and said: "He is trying to kill him. Please comrades kill him."

The fleet was gradually accelerating, and Fang Xing looked at Wu Chuan’s lonely back, and said in a ghostly manner: "Tell him, I will invite him to drink!"

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