Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1666: Southwest Toast

Xu Lie was brought out with a bruised nose and swollen face. Soon his family was placed in a few rooms in the front yard. After the family property was checked, the family was about to return to a poor life.

Many people were onlookers in the distance, some gloating, some sighing, some angry, some... expressionless!

"It broke another house, it's so miserable!"

"Poverty all night, I think it would be better for Xinghe Uncle to be called Fang Peipi in the future."

"Yeah! The Xu family has been rich and honorable for a long time, and this time it will definitely be taken away. That Xu Dang...Huh! Don't Mrs. Quan Jin admire Xu Dang? Do you think he will come out to intercede for the Xu family? "

"Well, Lord Quan, gentleman, definitely won't watch the Xu family be tossed by Xing He Bo. Now the people around the prince are making trouble by themselves, this..."

"Master Quan is highly respected, although Earl Xinghe is high, but he is incomparable."

"Then let's wait and see, and wait to see the excitement."

There was an acquaintance of Xu Dang in the crowd. He watched this scene with a gloomy expression, then quietly withdrew, and called the servant to go to work.

When the servants ran away, the man said angrily: "This is to see the blue eyes of those scholars who have gained power, to destroy it!"

This remark immediately triggered another speculation.

"Yeah! Xinghebo is science, and the Xu family is Confucianism. This is... the face of the powerful master?"

Suddenly everyone was silent, and everyone was worried that the secret affairs around Zhu Zhanji would be deduced by himself and others, and the magnanimous Xinghe Bo would become irritated by that time.


After returning to the mansion, Fang Xing was extremely happy, and asked someone to rectify some food and drink for Li Ermao.

"Talk about the situation over there."

Fang Xing's interest in Burma is not very strong. If it were not for the fact that taking Burma could threaten Siam, he thought that Daming could slowly eat away from Yun/Nan.

Li Ermao took a sip of tea and said in a relaxed tone: "Shanchang, the Burmese are fighting on their own. We first attacked Ava, and then stopped the troops, but Bago couldn't help it. It was also a sneak attack, and it was still at night. As a result, we were prepared long ago, defeated in the first battle, and then cleared out."

Fang Xing did not ask about the specific battle, so he made up his mind, and then asked, "How did you calm the people?"

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China by Zhu Yuanzhang, Daming has been strong and almost invincible.

But Jiaozhi back then became a big quagmire. If Fang Xing was not born, the Jiaozhi would continue to consume Daming's national strength. In the end, Zhu Zhanji had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

"The mountain is long, there is a lot of precious stones, gold and silver, and there are a lot of good woods. The students think that trade should be used to promote integration, but be careful not to have large businesses..."

Li Ermao completely inherited Fang Xing’s attitude towards wealthy merchants. He calmly said: “When a person is rich, he will naturally not live in his current identity and circumstances. At that time, a single spark can make Myanmar everywhere. Beacon smoke."

There is another meaning to this, that is to gradually improve the lives of the Burmese people, but it is not allowed to let the Burmese people appear rich businessmen.

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "You are mature."

Li Ermao said straightforwardly: "Shanchang, the disciple recalled from the time he first set out to the present, and felt that he was too naive at the beginning and the question was too simple, so the disciple wanted to ask Shanchang about his knowledge about unity."


Fang Xing smiled and said, "Do you want Siam and Punggala?"

Li Ermao nodded, and after hesitating for a while, he said: "The disciple also thought about Yun/Nan, and wanted to take the opportunity to break up the forasts and let the natives farm the land, otherwise the future will be inevitable."

Fang Xing thought for a while, and said: "Your Majesty stopped the treasure ship when he was enthroned. Siam guessed that he had already received the news. It would be better for Da Ming to show his enemy's weakness, wait for them to take action, and then give a severe lesson. Remember, the lesson. Don't chase afterwards, it's like nothing like this."

Li Ermao groaned: "Shanchang, what do you mean by luring Siam to attack first, defeating the deterrence, and then not taking it seriously... Is this what you said about looking for opportunities to settle accounts after autumn?"

Fang Xing coughed: "Think about how long it took you to get here from Myanmar? And if you want to settle accounts after the autumn, the messenger can be missing a few more, it is not that Da Ming did not retaliate, but that your Majesty did not receive the news. Well!"

"Keeping the back hand, it's like a long knife hanging high above Siam's head. With an excuse, you can do it at any time when the time is right, and then you will be famous..."

Fang Xing saw that Li Ermao's face was condensed, and he smiled: "But you think my methods are too vicious?"

"No!" Li Ermao said, "Shan Chang, you taught us before that we should take Daming's interests as the basis for doing things. For this, all means will be spared. You are forbearing."

This disciple is terrible!

Yin Ruan turned into a forbearance in his mouth!

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "If you can think like this, then I will have more confidence in your future career."

There is no end in the ocean... forbearance is a boat!

No matter how strong the background is, it can't stand the toss, so people sometimes compare endurance. For example, Xu Jie, who has tolerated for many years, once let Yan Song and his son fall.

"Pang Gera is not to be feared, it is not easy to manage, so you can only attack by chance, but not too deep... you must cooperate with Tianzhu."

Li Ermao said in surprise: "Mountain Chang, Tianzhu..."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "It's a rich place, and the land is fertile, so let's do whatever it takes."

"As for the toast..."

Fang Xing thought of a way, "Return to the local government! I will take you to see your Royal Highness."


"Those chieftains' unscrupulous abuse of the people, the natives below rebel from time to time, this is the cause of instability."

Zhu Zhanji did not expect that Li Ermao actually proposed a big topic. He said: "The chieftain is not moving and cannot be radical, otherwise it will be the source of disaster."

Li Ermao nodded and said: "His Royal Highness, those chieftains do not accept Wang Hua, and often attack each other. Others ransack the village of Daming, who are extremely bold, and the minister thinks that they should make preparations in the morning, otherwise the time will grow and those chieftains will change. Cheng Daming's confidant is a big deal."

Fang Xing nodded slightly, admiring Li Ermao's eyes.

Among the three major signs of Wanli, one of them is the She'an Chaos, and the so-called She'an refers to the two great chieftains. As a result, this rebellion lasted for more than ten years, costing countless amounts of money and food. In addition to rescuing North Korea and the northwestern rebellion, Daming's national power was eventually exhausted.

It can be said that if there is no such three major signs, Man Qing has no chance to rise!

So this is the time and fate, which makes people think about it.

"His Royal Highness, you can't be radical."

Fang Xing agreed with Zhu Zhanji's opinion and said, "But we can take it slowly..."

Zhu Zhanji raised his eyebrows and asked: "How to take it slowly?"

"Change the land and return!"

Fang Xing said, "Do those chieftains have a doctor?"

This Li Ermao knew: "No, no doctor dared to go to such a place."

Fang Xing said faintly: "Lack of doctors and medicines, cough! After we die, let's cancel the chieftain! We have replaced the officials of Ming Dynasty to manage them, but those officials will regard this place as a daunting way. It can be limited and the term of office expires. Priority will be given to promotion and transfer, and then to change."

Zhu Zhanji heard the smell of blood from these words: What if he doesn't die?

Ha ha!

If those chieftains knew Fang Xing's idea at the moment, they would rebel right away.

Li Ermao had some different opinions. He said: "His Royal Highness, the head of the mountain, the chieftains often attack each other, and if they seize the opponent, they will be executed immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and...the chieftains who invaded the people of Ming Dynasty..."

Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing looked at each other and then both laughed.

After Li Ermao went to rest, Zhu Zhanji praised: "Li Ermao is good, has vision, and the methods are not bad, we will have more experience in the future, let's take it slow."

That's how Li Ermao entered Zhu Zhanji's eyes!

"His Royal Highness, that Xu Lie's son was kneeling outside and begging to see Lord Quan."

Jia Quan came in to report.

"Xu Dang?"

Fang Xing sneered and said, "Present and respectful, Master Quan is still lying on the bed!"

Zhu Zhanji's eyes were cold, and he said, "This kind of morally corrupted generation, what face do you have to see Lord Quan? No!"

Then Zhu Zhanji ordered: "Don't let Master Quan know about this matter. If he asks about it, it will be the Xu family." (https://)

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