Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1688: Huanhuan, return to Beijing

After a cry in the delivery room, the midwife came out with her baby in her arms, smiling as if she had eaten honey, and said, "Congratulations, uncle, girl Mo Chou gave birth to a young master."


Fang Xing walked over to look at the wrinkled little face in the swaddling clothes, and asked, "How is Mo Chou?"

After Mo Chou entered the waiting period, Fang Xing rewarded several midwives with a lot of things, so the midwives' mouths were as sweet as honey.

"Uncle, Girl Mo Chou has a good body and has a smooth delivery. She sat down for her confinement and guaranteed nothing."

Fang Xing nodded, took the swaddle, and casually ordered: "Thank you, old seventh, reward."

Xin Laoqi stepped forward and took out a few purses, the midwife smiled and took it, and shouted inside: "Uncle has a reward."

"Thank you, Uncle!"

There were two midwives inside, and they all cheered when they heard that there was another reward.

The atmosphere was so happy, Fang Xing's mood improved a lot for some reason. He looked at the child and said, "Call the nickname Huanhuan. Don't worry about your mother."

The midwife went in to share the purse, and passed Fang Xing's words to Mo Chou.

Mo Chou's face was sweaty and her hair was soaked. Her frowning brows gradually relaxed, and she muttered: "Huanhuan...Mochou..."

A drop of tears fell from the corner of her eyes, and the midwife saw that Fang Xing was worried and scolded them for not taking care of them well, and hurriedly whispered: "Girls, don't cry, be careful to get the root of the disease."

Mo Chou shook his head and said weakly: "Don't be afraid, I am joy..."

A midwife smiled and said, "Isn't it! We are dedicated to deliver babies for big families, and Xunqi's family has also gone a lot, but I have never seen someone as affectionate as my uncle, girl, you are blessed!"

Mo Chou nodded, "Yes, I am blessed, and my children are also blessed."

At this time, someone outside carefully opened the curtain and came in. A midwife was almost frightened when she saw it, and hurriedly said: "Uncle, men in the delivery room can't enter, it's unlucky!"

Mo Chou also whispered softly: "Master, you go out quickly."

Fang Xing walked over with the swaddling, and said casually: "What is unlucky, I have led my army to kill countless people, and no lonely souls and ghosts dare to get close. Don't worry."

Fang Xing put the child on the side, then helped Mo Chou in a little bit, then put the child by her pillow, and said, "This child is a blessing at first sight. I will slowly plan for his future. Don't worry, you will be blessed after all."

Mo Chou nodded, Fang Xing took the towel, gently wiped the sweat from her face, and whispered, "Go to sleep."

"Master, your highness sent a gift."

Mother Chen, who Zhu Zhanji gave to Mo Chou, came in, holding a piece of jade pendant in her hand.

Mo Chou struggled to think of standing up and thanking her, Fang Xing pressed her and said, "It's all right, just take it."

So the jade pendant was put in a small red cloth bag and placed in the swaddle. The midwife said with joy that Zhu Zhanji's noble spirit could keep the child from getting sick.

"His name is Fang Jian, and I hope he is a strong child with fewer illnesses and disasters throughout his life."


The confinement days are uncomfortable, eating tasteless food, the room is almost airtight, this environment is very tolerable.

Half a month later, the imperial doctor solemnly announced that Mo Chou's body was recovering well and the child's body was also good.

He was almost detained by Fang Xing for the past half month. It was crazy to let him see if Mo Chou and the child had any troubles.

Fang Xing thanked him, and then smiled for a while.

Fang Xing had an extra son, but many people outside had lost his son.

When Zhu Zhanji ordered all localities to check the misdeeds of the small officials, most of them thought it was a gust of wind.

But after the people in the court and officials went down, they didn't eat, no matter the friendship, everyone knew that his Royal Highness was taught by the first emperor, and he never lacked a tough side in his wrist.

Investigations are in full swing everywhere, people are arrested everywhere, gradually spreading, everyone is in danger...

"His Royal Highness, those little officials bit out a lot of officials."

Du Cha Yuan was originally an offending position, so Bao Hua has nothing to complain about. But Wei Zhi complained a little. The officials below were embarrassed by the bite, and the complaints against the officials could almost drown Jinling City.

"so what?"

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, Bao Hua, who was with the old god, took a look, and his heart trembled, thinking that he had seen Zhu Di.

Wei Zhi smiled bitterly: "His Royal Highness, if you continue to bite, the officialdom in the south will be completely messed up!"

He still has nothing to say: This is something that only happened in the era of cool officials!

Zhu Zhanji said faintly: "That's simple, since you don't want to be bitten, then clean it up by yourself."


Zhu Zhanji's reaction was too quick, let Wei Zhi understand it at a glance.

Co-authored, the prince had already had an idea, this is to use the bite to force the local officials to take the initiative to clean up the staff!

"Go, my palace is waiting for news."

Zhu Zhanji squinted, playing with a piece of new jade pendant in his hand, with a calm expression.

This is the crown prince!

The two Bao Hua saluted and retired. After leaving the mansion, Wei Zhi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with lingering fear: "The officer thought that the emperor was sitting there, and the method was almost the same! It was not given to us at all. Retreat."

Bao Hua nodded, and said: "I had the same idea just now, but... Your Royal Highness's methods are too hard, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

Wei Zhi said, "Who else would dare to rebel?"

"Give Way!"

With a stern shout from the front, Bao Hua and Wei Zhi subconsciously flashed to the side of the road, then looked up angrily, wanting to see who was so domineering.

"Huh! Is it a messenger?"

A group of cavalry was galloping towards this side with a messenger in between. Seeing the dust on their bodies, most of them came from a long distance.

"It's an urgent report!"

Bao Hua said: "It must be from the capital. What happened?"

The two had something in their minds, and when they returned to their respective yamen, they arranged for someone to go down to explain to the local officials, and then sent someone to inquire about the messenger.


"The meat is charming?"

Zhu Zhanji was a little puzzled: "Can the charming flesh really pass through Harleh and Yili? And dare to attack Hamiwei?"

The messenger said the details, Zhu Zhanji immediately drove everyone out, and then stared at the messenger and asked, "How about the princes in various places?"

When news came from the capital that the feudal lord system was about to be changed, Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing felt too anxious, and a messenger from a country of flesh was not enough to make Zhu Gaochi awaken Fang to wake up.

The messenger said: "His Royal Highness, most of the princes in various regions have complaints, and only King Jin agrees, saying that as long as the will of His Majesty arrives, King Jin's family will immediately follow it."

"That's a fool!"

The messenger couldn't help being shocked when he heard the voice behind him. This is confidential, who is so bold? And the guard outside the door actually didn't stop...

"Zhu Ji doesn't have a few supporters at the Jin Dynasty Mansion. Anyone can abandon him except his own department. So he is taking the opportunity to eradicate dissidents and presents a problem for his Majesty."

When the messenger saw Fang awakened, he hurriedly said: "Uncle Xinghe, Your Majesty has summoned you back to Beijing, the charming flesh is coming."

"The meat is charming?"

Fang Xing reacted instantly and asked, "Should there be not many people?"

"More than a thousand people."

"That's it. I'm so brave. I'm interested in seeing that messenger."


When Fang Xing came out of Jinling City with half of the black thorns, one person and three horses, he did not know how many people were celebrating.

"he's gone."

Wang Yuan's expression was a little weird, not fortunate, but a little regretful.

"If he stays for another half a year, the people in the south can hate it!"

"Teacher, with his leaving, the original complaints against His Highness have disappeared a lot."

Huang Jian had some regrets.

Wang Yuan smiled and said, "As soon as Fang Xing left, those people felt less threatening, naturally relaxed, and the timing was great!"

Huang Jian also smiled: "His concubine and child are still in Jinling."

Wang Yuan glanced at him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said lightly: "Who dares to touch the mother and son?"

Huang Jian said nonchalantly: "It's easy for him to move. If you move the mother and son, you will never die."

"Just understand."

Wang Yuan said with a slight warning. He didn't want to be watched by Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing, and ended up like Mu Jian and others.

Fang Xing's departure made the south more festive, and half a month later, when a team of sergeants escorted several carriages northward, no one paid attention.


Mo Chou opened the curtain in the carriage, looked back at Jinling City, and said in a sad tone: "My brother, how long will we be back when we go here?"

"Miss, when Uncle goes south again, we can also come back and have a look."

"Well, Brother Yuanxing's tomb is being taken care of by Brother Yuanxing, but I feel sad, and I always feel sorry for my parents..."

"Miss, when the young master grows up, let him come when the time comes, you should come in quickly and be careful to blow the air, and you will have a headache when you are old."

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