Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1695: Little conscience

"Husband, you are too carefree."

Seeing worry-free sobbing bullying, Zhang Shuhui had a headache, worried that worry-free would be unscrupulous in the future.

Fang Xing was enjoying the autumn sunbathing, and he took a lazy look at it.

Worry-free was lying on the big insect's body, holding the big insect's ears in his hands while spinning, and yelling in his mouth to run fast.

The big worm didn't dare to move, for fear of overturning the little master, he had to whimper, and a pair of dog eyes looked at the little worm in the yard pitifully.

"No worries!"

Fang Xing yelled, and Wuyou didn't look back. He coughed dryly: "The big worm will get sick, so take medicine."

"Take medicine! Give big worm medicine! Bitter medicine!"

Wuyou got excited, and dragged the worm's neck back.

The curiosity and elation in those big eyes dispelled Fang Xing's thoughts of reasoning. He walked over and picked up worry-free, and the worm ran away like a forgiveness.

"Father, take medicine!"

Wu You yelled, grabbing Fang Xing's cheek, with a serious look.

"Father is not sick, no need to take medicine. Does worry-free baby need medicine?"

"No! Don't eat! Brother eat!"

"Then dad won't eat either!"

"Um... Then I see you eat well!"

Wuyou frowned, and grabbed Fang Xing's cheek and said, "You have to be good."


Zhang Shuhui looked at the father and daughter being amused, and couldn't help laughing.

"Husband, many people say they want to settle for worry-free!"

Many people in the capital who think they are qualified to marry the Fang family are staring at Potato and Ping An, but Fang Xing is noncommittal, never answering such questions.

As soon as Wuyou was born, after news spread that Fang Xing favored the daughter and left her two sons aside, Wuyou became a hot candidate for marriage.

Good to marry Wuyou! Even if the Fang family is unlucky in the future, it won't be a burden to marry a daughter.


Fang Xing turned around holding Wuyou, disdainfully said: "Those so-called families in the capital are **** in my opinion. If there is no suitable kid, I would rather raise Worry-free for a lifetime than worry about her."

Zhang Shuhui remembered her boldness at the time. At that time, the Zhang family had given her a sixth-rank official, but she escaped, all the way to Beiping.

what's the result?

Zhang Shuhui's face was flushed, and Fang Xing couldn't help but move with the waves of her eyes, but Wuyou was playing with his hair, so she just poked his eyes so that he could not be distracted.

"Master, that Lu Zhen is coming to you."

Xiaobai came in with a basket of pears in his hand, and the big insect and the little insect greeted him immediately, jumping from time to time, wanting to see what was in the basket.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiaobai's basket was grabbed by the insect. She almost couldn't hold it, so she slapped the insect, and then the insect wagged its tail to please.

"Father, eat, eat!"

Wuyou let go of Fang Xing's hair and clapped his hands happily, and then both the big and small insects ran to Fang Xing's body, sticking their tongues out, and looked up at Wuyou.

The little master is the best! We often drop something for us to eat.

Xiaobai put down the basket and drove the coveting big and small insects.

So Fang Xing put down worry-free and watched her walk to the side of the small basket, then he took a pear in both hands and turned back to look for a helper.

Fang Xing gave a dry cough and wanted to hold back, but when Wuyou turned his gaze to Zhang Shuhui, he hurriedly said: "Come on, Dad will help you peel it."

Worry-free cheered, then ran over, and Fang Xing was wrapped in his arms, then he raised his eyebrows at Zhang Shuhui triumphantly.

Zhang Shuhui ignored him and discussed with Xiaobai about rent collection from Zhuangzi.

They all lived in Zhuangzi, and there was no need for carts and horses, and they were transported directly to the main courtyard, so Fang Xing didn't understand how the two women were so passionate.


Boss Li had already prepared the rent he should pay, and the granary at home was full. Today, Fang Jay Lun summoned the people in Zhuangzi to go fishing by the river, and asked to make dried fish and wait for it to be eaten in winter and spring.

Both of the two sons were tanned in the sun this summer. When they heard they were about to catch fish, they changed their old clothes and didn't wear shoes. They hurriedly came to see Boss Li.

Boss Li yelled, and then took his two and a half elder sons to the river.

When he got to the riverside, Boss Li saw Fang Xing who was holding worry-free, and he squeezed to praise him: "Master, the lady is like a fairy at first sight. You have to pay attention to those boys, don't be taken advantage of by others. ."

Fang Xing lowered his head to look curiously at the worry-free riverside, and nodded heavily and said: "Yeah! It's important to watch!"


The two boys of Mr. Li came over to salute, and Fang Xing said with a smile: "I heard that you were naughty in school, turn around and ask Mr. to play the board!"

Boss Li became angry when he heard it, and kicked the two boys out, Fang Xing hurriedly stopped.

"Don't fight, this year-old kid looks like this person hates dogs. If he reads honestly and doesn't say a word, he will probably be nothing!"

Boss Li pointed to the two sons who got up and patted their buttocks, and shouted: "The master opened the school so easily. He paid for pen, ink, paper and inkstone without money. He would also give him a lunch meal and meat, no matter how good it is. Learn, turn around, I break your legs!"

Wuyou was frightened, holding Fang Xing's thigh and whispered: "Father, hit him!"

Boss Li turned his head just to see Wuyou's timid appearance, so he scratched his head and said: "Miss, don't be afraid, the younger ones are just cursing and not hitting them."

"Rough embryo! Go fishing!"

Fang Xing scolded with a smile, and then hugged Wuyou.

At this time, dozens of people were off the net by the river, and three nets were off along the river section. Fang Jaylun was the commander-in-chief.

"Father, catch the fish, let's go catch the fish!"

Children like to participate when they see the excitement.

The autumn water was slow, and there was almost no trace of flow. But Fang Xing knew that the temperature of the water below was not high, so he flicked: "It's all kids who go to the river to fish. Someday Dad will take you to go fishing."

A few boys came ashore from the river, pretending to be shivering in the cold, and then shouted at Fang Jaylun: "Uncle Jaylun, it's so cold, you have to drink to get off, otherwise I'm afraid I will collapse on the bed this year."

"Where is it cold?"

Fang Jay Lun walked to the river to check the temperature of the water. After hesitating for a while, he called people back to get the wine, and the boys cheered suddenly.

But Fang Xing recognized one of them, that was the one who dared to go down to the river in the cold winter.

"Father, drink and drink!"

Wuyou yelled, and the boys immediately yelled Miss Yingming, and yelled at them.

"Gou Ri's doesn't learn well!"

Fang Xing smiled and cursed, and then said: "Uncle Jay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let people make a brazier, let’s eat fish hot pot by the river at noon today, and let people ask Mr. Jie and Mr. Huang, willing to come. So he brought his family with him."

"Mother, father, I want my mother!"

Wuyou yelled while pulling Fang Xing's ear.

"You bad girl!"

Fang Xing was jealous again, but people could only ask Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai.

After half an hour or more, the boys went down to the river, and then there were more cheers by the river.

There are not many fish eaters these days. Those who make a fortune by fishing are just a joke.

One or two catties of fish are normal, and the largest one is five or six catties. The wild fish is so powerful that the two boys grabbed its cheeks and threw it ashore.

"Uncle Jaylen, don't catch the little fish, we have to develop sustainably!"

Fang Jaelun gave a dry cough, glared at the surprised dealers, and said in a low voice: "Master, the nets are big, and the little fishes have been let go."

"Little fish! Little fish!"

Wuyou yelled twice, but Fang Xing got rid of the embarrassment of ignorance.

"Dehua is in good spirits!"

Fang Xing turned his head and saw Xie Jin holding Yoyo, smiling all over his face.


Worry-free struggled in Fang Xing's arms, and after Fang Xing put her down, she became serious again.

"No worries."

Yoyo broke free to understand Jin, and then ran over, pointing to her new clothes ostentatiously, a mess.

Wuyou frowned and looked at him, and said, "It will be dirty."

Xie Jin and Fang Xing looked at each other, then couldn't help laughing.

Not long after Huang Zhong came, and the brazier was lit, Fang Xing couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then he saw Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai coming together.

"Mother! Mother! Mother!"

Carefree greeted the past happily, Fang Xing couldn't help muttering: "Little unscrupulous!"

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