Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1696: The emperor is not confused

When the autumn is high and refreshing, sit down by the river, with a brazier in front of you, a pot on the brazier, and prepared fish and side dishes on the side.

"Father, want to eat!"

Zhang Shuhui was sitting on her side holding Wuyou, Wuyou holding her finger, and shouted when she looked at the fish.

When the girl wanted to eat, Fang Xing only felt that God of Cooking was possessed instantly.

Pick up the frying pan, sauté the ingredients, add water, then throw a lamb bone in, then cover the pot, smile and say: "Worry-free wait for it."

Fang Jay Lun divided the fish over there, but the dealers were not willing to ask for it. Fang Jay Lun had nothing to do, so he was forced to divide most of it, but the rest made him frown.

"Master, they think fish is not as delicious as meat."

Fang Jielun gritted his teeth and said: "This group of nasty people, this is eating too much meat, and the old slave will not put meat next time."

Xie Jin smelled the scent overflowing from the side of the pot, and said casually: "Then let Hua Niang teach a few fish practices to ensure that they can kill the fish in this river."

Fang Jay-lun respects Xie Jin, but he is unhappy when he hears this, and retorts: "Mr. Xie, the Zhuang family is ignorant, but the truth is that you can't cut off your children and grandchildren."

Xie Jin was stunned, and Huang Zhong coughed dryly: "Mr. Xie is joking."

Fang Xing opened the lid of the pot, and suddenly there was a sniffing sound around him.

Putting the fish down, Fang woke up the wine and poured it on Xie Jin. When it was Huang Zhong's turn, he prepared to pour himself in fear, Fang Xing smiled and said, "You have worked hard all year, so pour a drink is nothing."

Zhang Shuhui also got up and saluted with Xiaobai, thanking Xie Jin and Huang Zhong for their hard work.

Xie Jin stroked his beard and said, "The old man stays in the college comfortably, what is it hard to do? Bolu is only working hard, and I will drink more later."

Once the old solution is veteran, it is invincible!

For five minutes, Fang Xing lifted the lid of the pot, and then a smell came out, and he licked his lips, but worry-free yelled: "Father, I want to eat, I want to eat."

Fang Xing first made a section of the fish belly and put it in a small bowl, then handed it over, and said, "Pay attention to the fishbone."

Zhang Shuhui put her on the small stool, and then slowly checked her for fish bones.

"Mother, hurry up!"

Worry-free looked at the fish with his cheeks in his hands, but Fang Xing was not paying attention to cooking.

Fang Xing felt heartbroken, so he raised his bowl and said, "Mr. Jie, Bolu, autumn is the harvest season. I hope we will still have a good harvest next year."

Xie Jin raised his bowl and said, "Okay, I hope the college will have a good harvest."

Huang Zhong smiled and said, "I only hope that Daming will have a good harvest, and step by step toward a prosperous world!"


Fang Xing raised his head and drank the wine. After putting down the bowl, he saw Wu You ate a piece of fish and stretched his eyebrows. He suddenly felt that no prosperous age could compare to the smile of his daughter.


In Fangjiazhuang, the fields were all harvested, and they looked flat.

A few boys were playing around with small fishes, and a few old men were sitting on the ridge, not knowing what they were talking about.

Lu Zhen felt very boring to see this scene, and was even more upset when he was stopped by those boys.

"Dare to ask who the distinguished guest is looking for?"

These boys have been studying in the school for several years, and the basic etiquette is not lacking.

Lu Zhen led the horse, and said angrily: "If you are looking for your master, go and pass the message."

"You are an official? Master is by the river, you can go by yourself."

One kid recognized the official uniform that Lu Zhen was wearing, and pointed towards the river, and then the kid squatted to the side and began to dissect the small fish.

When Lu Zhen saw that no one was leading the way, he gave a cold snort, and then got on his horse.

As soon as his front foot left, the old men shouted, "Hurry up and inform the master."

A kid said with a grin: "Grandpa Seven, the direction that I pointed to him just now is wrong!"


So when Lu Zhen found Fang Xing along the river, Fang Xing was already slightly drunk.

"Master Lu?"

Fang Xing was a little surprised, but the visitor was a guest. He pointed to his side and said, "Have some food?"

Lu Zhen was hungry in his belly, thinking about not eating white or not, so he tied the horse to the big tree nearby, and then came and sat down.

"You guys in the village can't tell the difference between the south, east, and the north!"

Fang Xing remembered the direction he was coming from, and said with a serious face: "Yes, those boys are all hustlemen in the school."

The so-called hot pot means adding vegetables while eating, Fang Xing adds some fish and meat in, and explains to Wuyou, who is full and wants to go to the riverside to play, "Worry-free go and play, just don't play in the water."

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai got up and retired. Lu Zhen coldly snorted: "The Embassy of the Mysterious Kingdom is coming, Xing He Uncle, your Majesty previously asked you to contact you, and the Ministry of Etiquette wants to make arrangements. What do you say?"

The fish at this time is very fresh, there is no fishy smell, the entrance is the original fish taste.

Fang Xing put down his chopsticks and said, "Don't have a good supply of those thousand people. Just eat enough. Don't give me any meat."

Lu Zhen was stunned, "That will lead to disputes. Xing He Bo, what you said is easy at the moment, but then it will be my Ministry of Rites business."

"What are you afraid of?"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "If the Meaty Country is to fight, it will be us going to fight. We are not afraid. What are you afraid of? Besides, the Meaty Country's attitude towards Daming is unknown, so why give them preferential treatment?"

Lu Zhen was speechless, and ate a piece of fish, unexpectedly feeling delicious, and said: "You Xing and Uncle go and tell your majesty by yourself that the Ministry of Ritual is only cooperating. If you are not satisfied, your majesty will naturally arrange it."

This was a threat. Xie Jin's eyes flashed brightly. Huang Zhong hurriedly touched his shoes, and then chuckled lightly: "Why should barbarians be polite?"

Come on!

Fang Xing stretched his eyebrows and said, "Meat Miguo is trying to coerce Daming. Does the Ministry of Ritual want to entertain them, and when they go back to tell the meat fans, that Daming is the world of flowers, come grab it."

"The officer doesn't argue with you."

Lu Zhen was a little flustered by Xie Jin's stare, and hurriedly said: "All the ceremonies should be explained on this matter, and you Xing He Bo Zi and your Majesty ask for instructions and leave."

Seeing that he had eaten a large piece of fish before he left, Xie Jin snorted coldly, but he was fond of that piece of fish.

After Lu Zhen left, Xie Jin said, "He's here to distinguish, Dehua, according to your statement, how to negotiate and discover their intentions? Your Majesty is waiting, you And be more attentive."

Wuyou was teasing the fish by the river. Those boys got the fish out, jumped on the grass, and then encouraged Wuyou to touch it. As a result, they kept screaming.

Fang Xing retracted his gaze and said, "Even if there are no people from the Meaty Country, next year I am going to suggest that your Majesty...Send a fleet ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to go directly to Tianfang to see their situation."

"Where is Jin Yiwei?"

Huang Zhong felt that Fang Xing had ignored Jin Yiwei.

"It's too difficult, Jin Yiwei suffered a heavy loss in Harleh, and the East Factory still can't pick it up..."

Shenyang has taken root in Jinyiwei, while Dongchang has been a bit dull recently under the leadership of Sun Xiang.

"Father, fish! Fish!"

Wuyou turned his head and shouted excitedly at Fang Xing.

"Okay, fish."

Fang Xing responded with a smile, and then said, "I will enter the palace later and see what your Majesty means."


"Captain Ten thousand as a messenger, this is too fake, the flesh is charming and want to do it, Halle is dangerous."

Zhu Gaochi summoned Zhang Fu and was somewhat vigilant about the current situation in the north.

"Your Majesty, or just fight!"

Zhang Fu only felt that he was trapped in the thorns and couldn't move a single step, so it was inevitable that he felt a little anxious.

"Yilibali no longer exists. There are thieves there. Harlem and the charming flesh are constantly fighting in Harlem, and Xinghe City is often attacked by small groups of enemy forces. A hit will not only make the north Quiet, but also stunning and charming!"

Zhu Gaochi pondered, and Zhang Fu continued to agitate: "Your Majesty, a hit will not only boost morale, but also suppress the contradictions within Daming."

Internal conflicts are resolved from the outside. This is a long-term attempt by our ancestors, and it has been tried and tested.

But there are also people who play off, such as Emperor Sui Yang.

"Your Majesty, Xing He Bo beg to see you."

Zhu Gaochi was still pondering, and when he heard the words, he said: "The British father will go back first, and I will think about it carefully."

Zhang Fu sighed in his heart, knowing that he was still inferior to Fang Xing and receiving Zhu Gaochi's trust, so he had to retire.

On the way out of the palace, Zhang Fu saw Fang Xing.

The two of them couldn't say much in this environment, and they went away separately when they said hello.

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