Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1706: Black Thorn shot, An Lun perverted

   "Did you vomit blood?"

   Fang Xing shook his head disappointedly, turned around and saw Shenyang and An Lun, and waved.

   "I have seen my uncle."

   An Lun and Shen Yang didn't know why Fang woke up and did it, and the men with full of scorn didn't know where they were.

   Two sergeants grabbed the man in the past, and Fang Xing felt that An Lun had arrived at the right time.

   "An Lun, how about getting started?"


   An Lun felt that his chance to show his face had arrived, and followed others to the back.

   "If you still run around, you will surely lose the picture in the future."

   "The Xiaguan lacks front teeth, and the multiple scars on his face should look pleasing to the eye."

   "If you intervene in this matter, if it causes turmoil or anger, you will be a scapegoat."

   Fang Xing certainly knew what Liang Zhong sent someone to tell him the message: Zhu Gaochi was not moving, and if he moved, it would easily lead to a group confrontation between the kings.

  Fang Xing and Zhu Ji had a feud before. At this time, no one could say anything about them. At most, Fang Xing was domineering.

   Shenyang whispered: "Uncle...Be careful about this matter!"

   "I am not afraid of the king of feudal clan if I am afraid of anyone."

   Shenyang looked around, and said, "I'm afraid of being thrown out as a shield."

   Fang Xing shook his head, Zhu Gaochi did not have this motive, nor was he so weak. As for Zhu Zhanji, that is even more impossible.


   At this time, there was a miserable howl from behind, and Shenyang frowned and said, "An Lun also understands torture?"

"do not know."

   Fang Xing thought of An Lun's methods and couldn't help but shudder: "But he is perverted...Uh, the methods are creepy."

   "What means? Uncle, I want to see it."

   Shenyang felt that his torture method was a bit backward, too bloody, and wanted to open his eyes.

   Fang Xing nodded and said, "Go, live till you grow old and learn."

After Shenyang looked down on Dongchang Fanzi's contemptuous gaze, Fang Xing saw that those fans were a bit wronged, and said, "All are for the country. Besides, your original methods were also brought from Jinyiwei. Don't be narrow-minded. "


   Shenyang arrived in the kitchen at the back, no blood was smelled, Fanzi outside the door was originally from Jin Yiwei, but he did not stop him.

   I saw the man as soon as I entered.

   There is no five-flower tie, but on the beams and on the left and right sides of the house to pull the man into a big font in the air.

   Under the man is a sharpened log, about the diameter of a baby's arm.

   This wooden stick was hit on the ground with one end, and the sharp end was only a millimeter away from the man at the moment.

   "Come slowly, don't worry."

   At this time, An Lun is like a painter or a poet. In this field, he can call the wind and rain, and he is extremely confident.

   He stepped on the pier, face to face with the prisoner, and then looked at the horrified face and smiled: "After our family enters Beijing, there will be no chance to show, thank you."

   Affectionate words, gentle complexion, as if facing his lover. Shen Yang shook his head, feeling that there was something wrong with this guy.

   But the next moment he felt that he was wrong.

  An Lun is not something wrong, but a big problem!

   A burnt red iron needle was clamped by pliers, slowly approaching...

   The criminal saw the direction of the iron needle and swayed violently in the air, trying to get rid of bad luck.

An Lun stared at the iron needle and said gently: "Don't be afraid, it will only seal the place where you pee, and it won't hurt, and don't worry, when you say it, our family will naturally poke you... "

   "My father-in-law spares his life, the younger one is willing to say! Willing to say... Ah!"

   An Lun didn’t seem to hear the criminal’s begging for mercy. He clamped the thing with another pair of pliers, and then pointed it... and stabbed in...


   The criminal struggled violently, and the thing was pulled and stretched by the pliers.

   "Are you willing to say it?"

   An Lun asked gently, the prisoner endured the pain and nodded and shouted: "Father-in-law, the little one is willing to say anything!"

   "But you really made us wait!"

   An Lun suddenly clamped the criminal thing with pliers and twisted it vigorously, his expression sullen.


Amid the miserable howling, An Lun gasped, "You asked our family to wait. Did you know that our family has to go back to have lunch. There will be no meat when it is late, and our family will be in a bad mood without meat. What do you say? What do you propose?"


   An Lun threw away his pliers, and his chest rose and fell sharply. He looked back at Shenyang and smiled and said, "Master Shen wants to try his hand?"

   This smile reminds Shenyang of the wolves he encountered in the grassland beyond the Great Wall, the wolves that feed at night!

   Those gleaming wolf eyes are so similar to those of An Lun at this moment. Shen Yang shook his head and said: "It's almost done, take a statement and report to your Majesty."

"Not urgent……"

   An Lun turned around and looked at the criminals and sighed: "Don't be tortured multiple times, just one time. Grandpa Sun said to be kind, can our family be kind?"

   Obviously the execution just now was just an appetizer, so several fans nodded and said: "The father-in-law is kind, but these criminals are thinking of luck, but they make the father-in-law embarrassed."

   "Well said!"

   An Lun refers to the fan who said this and said ‘kindly’: “Come on, get some boiling water for the criminals.”


So soon there was a fan on the stove next to the stove, and the smoke was lingering. An Lun took out a brush and said with satisfaction: "Our family has eaten roast lamb somehow, and when the roast is done, we will cut a layer of meat. And then bake..."

   was followed by a screaming scream, and even a non-human voice behind.

   Shenyang looked at An Lun who was intoxicated as if he was carefully sculpting a human body, and quietly walked out.

The scream of    continued into the lobby, and Fang Xing was standing outside the door, actually talking to Lu Zhen.

   "Uncle Xinghe, Na Pugu insisted that he wanted to see you before he left."

   Lu Zhen seemed extremely unwilling to talk to Fang Xing, and he felt uncomfortable when he heard the screams in his ear.

   "I'll go later, or invite him, let An Lun have some affection with him, I will surely let him remember Daming's goodness forever."

Lu Zhen didn't know who An Lun was, so he frowned and said, "The official's words are here. It's not the official's business whether you go or not. But if Pugu is dependent on not leaving now, the official is going to report to your majesty. "

   Fang Xing nodded noncommitantly, and said, "What can he do? He just doesn't give up. I want to try one last time before I leave. I'll go later. Your ritual department is also tossing, can't you just drive out?"

   Lu Zhen said disdainfully: "Have you ever seen someone who drives the messenger before war? Daming can't afford to lose that person!"

Fang Xing sighed and said, "Sooner or later, the meaty country will go to war with Daming. Besides, these countries are the most bullying and fearing hardships. If you are hard, they will naturally be soft. What are they afraid of? If they dare to attack, then your Majesty will directly defeat them. ."

   Lv Zhen clung his hands indiscriminately: "Is the Battle of Overcoming the Nation also such a slapstick? Tell your majesty by yourself, and the officer is gone."

   "Let An Lun stop tossing, ask for a confession."

   Fang Xing has heard the sharp laughter, knowing that An Lun has entered the state, and there is not a single hour that I am afraid that it will not be over.


   "Uncle, this man claims to be a member of the Jin Dynasty Mansion, but he has never seen King Jin. He usually inquires about news in the capital, and he has also given benefits to many officials..."

   An Lun didn't come, but his contented gasp still reached Fang Xing's ears.

   "Who communicates in the middle?"

   "Is a staff member of the Jin Dynasty Mansion, called Yuan Xi."


   Fang Xing said silently: "This routine is too common~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Those vassal lords probably do this less often."

Shenyang nodded and said: "Yes, the various vassals have mastered a lot of Jinyiwei and Dongchang in the capital, but his majesty has no intentions, so he has not done anything. The Jin **** has changed too much this time, and both of us feel that it is a little bit different. I just want to ask someone to ask questions."

   "No need!"

   Fang Xing felt that this was venting his anger. There was no evidence based on the words of a shopkeeper, and that Yuan Xi didn’t know who it was, and he couldn’t be convicted on this basis.

"The King Jin is very supportive of your majesty's restructuring of the feudal princes, so your majesty just feels disgusting, but he won't do anything. Liang Zhong is probably not angry. He feels that Ben Bo and Zhu Ji have a grudge, so it's just two things. But you Jin Yiwei and Dongchang He will try to figure out your majesty's mind, and be careful of being scolded by the executioner!"

   Fang Xing left the matter and took the family members away, while the black thorns sergeants had quietly scattered back, and no one noticed.

   No, someone noticed it, gritted his teeth and noticed.

   Yuan Xi was on the opposite side, the skin on his face became darker. He waited until Shenyang and An Lun came out together, and then saw the shopkeeper who looked intact.

   "Who has nothing to do with those feudal princes?! If you have the ability, do it and see if it will be another slashing of the feudal clan!"

   Yuan Xi sneered, and then left quietly.

   But in the capital, his name is Yuan Kui, and his identity is no problem.

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