Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1712: Life is bleak, just do it if you don’t accept it

I'm very sorry for the omission, but I will add more!


Yu Qian was ill, his face flushed, and the doctor was decocting the medicine. This was because he saw that Yu Qian's family had no money, and worried that Yu Qian's wife, Dong, had to take care of the children by mistake, so he personally stood by the bed and decocted the medicine.

"Let’s talk about you, many people outside know that you Yu Qian likes going to the countryside, but the old man, I’ve met many people like you, and I don’t know if I want to please Shangguan, I will probably have no future in the future. Hey! If it’s not for you That’s right, the old man will not go to get the medicine, and come back to give you a decoction!"

The doctor muttered, looking at Yu Qian's face on the bed from time to time.

"This is a terrible burn, hey! I have to hurry up! Otherwise, what should I do if I become a fool?"

There is a small clay pot in front of the doctor. He is fanning with the fan, and he has forgotten the fire and the fire...

"I...I can't die!"

Yu Qian said dizzyly, and then lay on the bed feebly, only feeling the sky spinning and his body aching.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Yu Qian thought it was his wife, so he gasped and said: "Don't worry, don't let Mian'er come in..."

"worry about what?"

Fang Xing pushed the door in, and shook his head when he saw Yu Qian's appearance, "Your body is already very good. Is this unable to withstand the blow? Or is it discouraged."


Yu Qian raised his head when he heard the sound, and then was shocked, struggling to get up.

"Lie down!"

Fang Xing frowned, and then saw the doctor sitting on the small bench blankly, forgetting to fan the fire, and said, "Pay attention to your medicine!"

Yu Qianqiang sat up, his wife Dong came in and quickly took a cotton jacket and put it on him.


Yu Qian Xunsheng saw his son Yu Mian at the door, and said anxiously: "Hurry up and take Mian'er out, hurry!"

This was when he was living in Fangjiazhuang, and he had read some of Fang Xing's books and knew that many diseases are contagious, and children are most vulnerable to infection because of their weak resistance.

After Dong Clan took the child out, Yu Qian said in ashamed: "Uncle I'm ashamed to look down here, ashamed."

At this time, the doctor made the medicine and put it in a bowl, but his hand was trembling all the time. He glanced at Fang Xing, and then quickly lowered his head.

Yu Qian's hand was also shaking. He took the bowl and said, "Thanks a lot, please go back. After waiting, Yu X will go and thank you."

The medical doctor glanced at Fang Xing again and hurried away, forgetting the money for the medicine.

"You are almost like a bone, why is this?"

Fang Xing sat on the side of the small clay stove and stretched out his hands to grill on the charcoal fire, very pleasant.

Yu Qian drank the decoction slowly, not knowing whether it was the bitterness of the decoction or the bitterness in his heart, and said slowly: "I thought that hard work will bring results, but finally I was disappointed and lost. I read the books for so many years in vain to nourish my energy. There is no time at all... Seeing that person is in high position, I only feel that the chest is not flat, and I can't bear it if it doesn't happen, and I can't bear the heart-piercing torment..."

Fang Xing rubbed his dry palms, and said lightly: "Efforts may not have results. Will you still work hard?"

Yu Qian slowly drank the soup medicine, thinking. With a dizzy head, he finally said: "Not reconciled, seeing his proud appearance, not reconciled here, always feel that this world is extremely unfair..."

Fang Xing nodded, "Only those who are not reconciled can make great careers. Okay, I'll help you!"


Yu Qian shouted tremblingly, Fang Xing got up, frowned and said: "Drink the medicine."

Yu Qian raised his head and drank the medicine, completely ignoring the slow bubbling in his mouth, and said, "Uncle, I can do it!"

"Then do you know where you lost?"

Fang Xing took out a purse from his arms and threw it on the bed, saying, "You are a small official, you don't think I'm buying you? Accept it."

Yu Qian ignored the purse, and said bitterly: "I lost in the network, and there is no network, so much effort is in vain."

"Before today, you were a stunned boy. Now you are enlightened, and I don't know if it is good or bad."

Fang Xing said: "Don't become a marketer, that will disappoint me. Also, you don't see deep-seated things, such as someone who wants to use the opportunity to suppress you to provoke your conviction."

"Master Chen?"

"Yes, I'm leaving, you're so healthy."

"Master Chen?"

Fang Xing left, Yu Qian was thinking about the key inside.

"Could it be that your uncle let Master Chen look after me? No wonder I am often not in the yamen and no one is held accountable... But this kindness... why should uncle be so good to me?"

"Husband, my uncle's family has brought a lot of food and charcoal, as well as cotton and cloth, what should I do?"

Dong's came in and asked sadly.

Yu Qian figured out the cause and effect, and he suddenly became clear in his heart, and said: "My uncle's family does not lack this. I used to live and eat at my uncle's house for a long time. Return."

But he didn't know that Fang Xing helped him because he was able to turn the tide in the future. Without his perseverance, Daming would be a copy of the Southern Song Dynasty if he couldn't deal with it, and he would settle in the south.

And his tragedy was buried at that time: after the relationship between the king and the brothers fell apart, he still didn't care, and patted his chest to pack votes.

He did not harshly use Zhu Qiyu's jealousy to refuse the return of Yingzong, and promised that Zhu Qiyu's throne would be as stable as Mount Tai.

This is a guy!

The man overwhelmed by the dark power struggle!

Fang Xing stood outside the door of Yu Qian's house, looked at the quiet alley, and muttered: "You are Yu Shaobao! Life is bleak, just do it if you don't accept it! Okay! Let's do it!"


When Chen Jiahui arrived at the staff, Jian Yi met him no matter how busy he was.

"Master Chen, why are you here?"

Jian Yi knew that he was Fang Xing's person and couldn't come to run as an official, so he was a little impatient.

Chen Jiahui arched his hands and said, "My lord, the next official would like to ask the adults to approve the selection of officials in Shuntian Mansion."


Jian Yi vented his dissatisfaction with only a lightly questioned hum.

My dignified official secretary, shouldn't I still have to manage the candidates of the official? You are really embarrassed and thrown to Halle.

Chen Jiahui said: "Sir Jian, there are ills in this matter!"

Worry, this kind of shit!

Jian Yi sighed and said: "Then you can go to your Lord Liao, the staff is not the referee's office, you are looking for the wrong place. Go back."

Chen Jiahui got up and said loudly: "Fu Cheng Feng Ping is unfair, and the official is not convinced! Thank you Lord Jian, the official is leaving!"

Jian Yi was stunned. After Chen Jiahui went out, he sneered and said: "You actually used this official to beat Feng Ping, do you think this official is a fool?"

Chen Jiahui's voice was very loud just now, and people outside must have heard it.

If they hear it, it means that the officialdom of the capital will soon hear it.

If the place where Daming gossip is the fastest, it is none other than the official. The sense of accomplishment that reveals the rare things that others don't know makes them happy to spread the big and small things everywhere, and even the military affairs will also be spread in the future. As a result, it has been spread to the grasslands several times, and the consequences are serious.

And Chen Jiahui's move is undoubtedly to take the matter on his own body and directly confront Shangguan Feng Ping.

"Are you daring to follow Fang Xing to learn? Ridiculous!"

"My lord, Xing He went to Shuntian Mansion."

Jian Yi is despising Chen Jiahui's inadequate means, but his gossip party has brought news that makes him unhappy.

"Is he going to stand up for Chen Jiahui? He is really magnanimous!"


Shuntian Mansion’s Fu Yin Liaochang got up in the morning and heard a bird call in the yard. He thought it was a good omen, but his right eyelid was jumping on the way to the Fu Ya, which made him a little confused. So when he arrived at the Fu Ya, he let him Don't bother yourself if there is nothing serious about it.

So after hearing the friction between Chen Jiahui and Feng Ping, he just waved in disgust, and then continued to stare at the incense burner on the table in a daze.

There were three sticks of incense burning in the incense burner, and the incense head was burning, and Liao Chang tried his best to stare at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as long as he blinked no more than ninety-nine times before the three sticks were extinguished. Then the omen will disappear.

This is a method that Liao Chang learned from a monk who travels to Fang. It is said that this can eliminate karma.

No one who knew he was used to bothering him at this time, so when he heard the sound of footsteps, but also the rapid footsteps, Liao Chang was angry.

"Get out!"

In Shuntian Mansion, Liao Chang is the sky, so his anger came directly and violently.

The footsteps stopped outside the door, and as Liao Chang stared at the incense again, an anxious voice came from outside.

"My lord, Xing Hebo is here."


Liao Chang blinked his eyes and asked. At this moment, he blinked at least ten times, and he finally broke the power.

"Ben Bofang wakes up, is it inconvenient for Lord Liao?"

"Convenient! Convenient!"

After hearing this sound, Liao Chang hurriedly pulled out the half-burned incense of the three sticks, inserted it into the incense burner, and then went to open the door.

"I have seen Xing He Bo."

Fang Xing smelled the incense, he frowned and went in and saw the censer still smoking at a glance.

"Dare to ask Xing He Bolai what's going on under the government?"

Liao Chang did not close the door, and then asked someone to make tea.

"Feng Ping is yours?"

Fang Xing Dama Jindao sat down and asked.

"Feng Ping?"

Liao Chang's brain was activated immediately, and he was thinking about the words "Feng Ping is yours".

its not right! Should the omen of today be here?

Liao Chang made a decision in an instant and smiled and said, "Uncle Xinghe, the people of Shuntian Palace, are all His Majesty's people."

These words were too level, and Fang Xing couldn't help nodding.

But in a blink of an eye, Fang Xing said murderously: "The uncle wants to ask Lord Liao to examine the case, how about?"

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