Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1717: I did not forget

   Wang He actually had a chance for promotion. Soon after Zhu Gaochi became the throne, someone in the palace came to talk to him and wanted him to enter the palace, and it was a fat man.

   But Wang He refused without hesitation. He still remembers the look in that person's eyes.

   Is this person stupid?

   Our family is not stupid!

   Wang He Bainen's body was sweating and steaming. He remembered his years in the army and couldn't help screaming: "Da Ming is mighty!"

   The silent group delayed for a moment, and then habitually shouted: "Da Ming is mighty!"

  Wang He is a half-knowing soldier, and he feels wrong when he hears this voice. He panted, seeing Fang Xing in front of him staggering, he couldn't help but think of the battle with Harleh.

   So he began to inhale hard, his neck swelled, and then it turned into a scream.

   "Da Ming Wansheng!"

   The team suddenly fell silent, the depressed mood still stuffed in the chest.

After    discouraged, Wang He couldn't run anymore. He flashed to the side and cursed: "Have you forgotten what you said back then? Wherever the sun shines, there is the territory of Daming, have you forgotten?"

   He put his hands on his thighs, and the sweat on his body was flowing down. He shouted with that sharp voice: "You are all rubbish! Daming doesn't need you to fight, those...the first emperors..."

   Thinking of Zhu Di, Wang He couldn't help but choked. "The first emperor died in battle. If his old man sees you now, will he go there with peace of mind?"

   The silence continued, but the sudden acceleration of the breathing of more than 5,000 people echoed on the school field.

   This is accelerating the accumulation of depression, allowing those who are at a loss to gradually accumulate until...explodes.

   "Dehua is taking risks!"

  Zhang Fu is here after all, and he can't avoid taboos in other guards, so he came to see Jubaoshan Guards.

   Zhu Yong is next to him, and the two state officials noticed that the atmosphere is not right.

   "Either burst out, or completely abolished, almost like a soldier."

   Although Zhu Yong was a little impulsive, he was also a veteran army, and he found the shortcomings at a glance.

   "Oh! Dehua fell down!"

   Zhu Yong heard the sound and saw that Fang Xing refused the support of the people behind him, got up by himself, with cinders on his hands and knees, and then continued to run.

   "Is this the trait Dehua said? What an army must have, that is, the spirit of the army."

do not give up!

   The team became more silent.

   When people are tired and can't hold on, they often think of the past.

   Countless battles flashed through these people's minds one by one.

   Those passionate, those bloody, those sacrifices...

   "I haven't forgotten... the sun and the moon are not easy, always shine bright!"

   A hoarse voice rushed out of the team, like lightning in a silent night sliding the night sky.

   Then someone fell down, someone helped, and the team seemed to come back to life.

   "The sun and the moon are not easy, always shine on Daming!"

   "The sun and the moon are not easy, always shine on Daming!"

   The voice is getting more and more neat and louder.

   "After all, they are Jubao Mountain Guards, they will not sink, they will only stay dormant temporarily."

   Zhang Fu was a little envious, Fang Xing mentioned the army soul many times in the martial arts, and the army soul is the trait of this army. As long as it is not completely destroyed, this army can once again become that invincible force.

The team stopped, Fang Xing’s hands and knees were bleeding, but he didn’t care, he just gasped and said, “I know you’re depressed and lost, and the same is true for me. But I once said that there is no blood and no blood. The murderous army is just waste, and now...you are almost there now."

   "You have enough honors, are you satisfied?"

   Fang Xing’s question was unanswered, and he continued: “I’m not satisfied because I know the outside world is huge. There are many wolves staring at Daming, staring at your parents and relatives. Who can slack off?”

"The fascinating flesh is peeping in the east. The Taixi people are laughing, waiting for the opportunity to be the oriole... Our journey is unlimited, even if we conquer the land, then I will take you to continue to conquer the ocean and conquer... Sky!"

"The endless ocean and land are still waiting for us to conquer, countless enemies are waiting for us to fight, do you want to hide? Then go home. Go home to hug your children, go home to farm, I hope you don’t regret!"

   Fang Xing walked hard towards his clothes, Lin Qun'an walked out and shouted, "Fighting and training!"

   Fang Xing put on his clothes and walked to the gate with difficulty. Zhang Fu sighed, "Why do you do this? Just let them see the blood."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "These people are all seeds. I don't want them to become murderous demons in the future. They are not seeds, but poisons. But they have had enough battles and enough victories, and they are numb. I can only use all means to excite them, otherwise...they will be abandoned."

   "You're cruel!"

   Zhu Yong was watching the one-on-one fight on the school field, and he was a little excited when he saw a sergeant had his nose broken and his nosebleeds raging.

   "You didn't admit defeat? Good! Good sergeant!"

   The evil spirit on the school field gradually became strong. Lin Qun'an gathered a group of people from more than 100 households to scatter and stare. When he found that a ruthless hand would cause disability or kill people, he would stop him.

   But even so, there are still screams on the school court.

   Zhang Fu said anxiously: "Dehua, these soldiers...have their own ideas, soldiers of the tiger and wolf!"

   People are strange, the more thoughts, the less determined they are. A cunning man in the city, even if his power is greater than that of a silly country man, he still cannot win alone.


   If I have too many thoughts, I feel timid, and I will think twice about doing things.

   This is also one of the reasons why the army was strong when the country was founded in the past dynasties. After life is stable and conquests are reduced, everyone will have more thoughts, and then... it is sinking.

   Therefore, the first thing in military training is to get rid of all thoughts, one mind, and it is best not to think about anything except training to kill the enemy.

   Fang Xing shook his head and said: "These soldiers usually practice and kill the enemy, and they will organize learning after they rest. They are not ordinary soldiers. Later... after your majesty and your majesty approve, they will be seeds."

   "Your Highness... Dehua, you have to be careful."

  While the people gathering Baoshanwei slowly dispersed to all sides, Zhang Fu worried that Fang Xing would sit on the fire.

   Fang Xing moved his legs, his knees hurt terribly: "No, Lin Qun'an and Wang He, including the thousands of officials who came from behind, are actually controlling Jubao Mountain Guards, and I..."

   "But you have instilled the spirit of the army into them!" Zhang Fu was very serious.

   The school field is dusty, and people are helped down from time to time. Sometimes I see the doctor rushing over, kicking and beating the sergeant who wounded his fellow robe, and hurriedly dealt with the injury.

   "The first priority of the military soul is Daming! Be loyal to Daming!"

   "Xinghe Bo, are you prepared for this a long time ago?"

   Zhu Yong watched the fight for a long time with relish, and asked with a needle.

   Fang Xing said sternly: "Selflessness, that's naturally the case."

   "I'm not full, and I'm hungry, go, I'll treat you!"


   The three of them went to the city to eat at the first fresh meal. Zhu Yong frequently asked Fang Xing about the ways to adjust the morale of the army, but Fang Xing did not hide his personal details, and told him and Zhang Fu the idea of ​​training Ju Baoshanwei.

   "...It is to listen, to understand the thoughts of the soldiers, and then you can have a target, otherwise everyone will say empty talk, but you can see who takes care of you..."

   was eating dinner, Fang Xing and Zhu Yong gradually became entwined, and Zhang Fu was also happy to see such a scene, so he drank by himself.

   "Master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Yun is dead!"

   Ye Qing knocked on the door and came in, but Shenyang was behind him.

   "Why did he die? Jump into the river or hang himself?"

   Since Feng Ping dared to reach out to deal with Chen Jiahui and Yu Qian, Fang Xing naturally would not sympathize with his experience.

   was ashamed of seeing people after being demoted, that at least shows that Feng Ping knows some shame.

   Shenyang looked at Zhang Fu and Zhu Yong and said, "They were killed."


   "Who made the hand?"

   "Many people witnessed a pig-killing green-skin robbery. Later, Feng Ping died with a stab in the neck. From the traces, he turned and walked for a while before he fell down..."

   "The few green skins were cleaned up by the soldiers of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars. Later, they went to kill the pigs. Feng Ping went to the place where the poor would go for some reason, and then..."

   "But you are here, why is this?"

   Fang Xing's complexion was slightly cold, "But does anyone say that I killed the person?"

   Shen Yang nodded and said: "Yes, many people outside said that you hated Feng Ping secretly, so they asked someone to kill him to vent their anger."

   "Dehua will not kill these people."

Zhang Fu did not hesitate to endorse Fang Xing, and Zhu Yong said after hesitating, "This is slander." However, he felt a little disapproving, because if it was him, it would probably make Feng Ping. Life is not easy.

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