Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1723: This is a benevolent emperor

Ruixue is a prosperous year, but after the snow is getting bigger and bigger, this is not Ruixue, but disaster snow.

Ying Tianfu reported that some houses were crushed and many people were injured and two died.

"Your Majesty, please provide relief."

After Feng Ping's death, Liao Chang languished for a while, and recently the incense in the duty room began to flourish again.

Zhu Gaochi ordered: "Order the people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars to check it out. If there is something going to collapse, move it out immediately. If there are relatives, go to the relatives' house. Remember to make up some money and food. When the snow stops, let people help to make the house strong. Some...Don't freeze and starve people to death, or you will be punished severely!"

At this time, Daming was full of wealth, not to mention the money and grain, the warehouse of the household department was full of gold, silver and copper, and the treasures issued from it were solid.

Liao Chang happily agreed, this is a good job that can increase his reputation.

Yang Rong went out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that many places in the north have been affected by disasters. The capital is for disaster relief, but other places can not be left. The minister thought that it should be written in various places, and sent censors to investigate."

Nima! Yang Rong, you are so cruel!

The Chinese New Year is about to come. At this time, people are sent down, and those Yushi are afraid that they will not complain.

Liu Guan promised readily: "Your Majesty, the minister is willing to go."

This posture is really eye-catching, Zhu Gaochi said with satisfaction: "Xueshi Yang is not bad at all. You can't just look at the capital, go, go and see more in Xueda, if it's important, you can act decisively!"

This is a benevolent emperor, and all his actions practice the word benevolence.

"Xing He Bo will go to Xinghe in the next year, and the grain and grass have been adjusted? The weather is cold, and winter clothes and grain and grass must be prepared."

The officials were a little uncomfortable. The emperor hurriedly sent Fang Xing out, but he was sent to Xinghe, very close to the capital.

Xia Yuanji promised to go out of work, and Zhu Gaochi said gratifiedly: "You must be stable inside and outside, so that this year will be stable, Zhu Qing will prepare when he goes back, and seal it tomorrow."

It's a holiday, and there is such a long holiday at the end of the year, and everyone is happy.

"Dehua is happy for the New Year, and we will leave after the new year, but there is something missing to ask someone to come and talk at home."

Zhang Fu's extravagant attitude made Jin Zhong a little dissatisfied, "The British government, food, clothing, housing, transportation, plus the folks' carts, can the British government be all-inclusive? The Ministry of Defense does not need to care about anything."

Zhang Fugan smiled and arched his hands, and then left first.

"You go over there to stare at Xinghe City. The Harlem people are afraid of this city. Once it is built, Daming will have a foundation outside the Great Wall. They can attack and retreat, so they will continue to harass, but This matter is a bit strange."

Jin Zhong babbled all the way: "Those Harems are killing each other insane. Who would harass Xinghe City for the sake of everyone? It's puzzling!"

Fang Xing stopped suddenly and looked at a **** coming in the distance. Jin Zhong took a look and said, "Isn't this that fool?"

Song Honest is very happy, he walks and laughs innocently.

"Simple people will be happy."

Fang Xing greeted him and asked his mother with a smile. When he learned that he was going home, he patted him on the shoulder and asked him to go to Liangzhong if he was bullied in the future. If it didn't work, he went directly to the emperor to file a complaint.

Song Honestly shook his head and said, "Your Majesty will hit the board."

"No, if you hit the board, you go to the smiling An Lun, and he will help you."

Song honestly nodded, "Well, that An Lun gave the servant a piece of candy last time, it's so sweet."

Fang Xing patted his shoulder again, smiled and left.

Song Honest thought that no one should bully him in the future, so he happily went to the Palace of the Qing Dynasty. Several eunuchs who saw this scene just now were all talking about it.

"How can Xing He uncle look at him differently? If it's someone else, then there is a charge of being a servant, but Honest Song... this is a fool."

"Probably pity him..."

Song Laoshi went all the way to the Palace of the Qing Dynasty, and was called in by Liang Zhong to give thanks.

"Your Majesty, the maidservant's mother said to save money for the maidservant."

Seeing the joy of Song Honesty, Zhu Gaochi sighed in his heart and ordered: "If it weren't for fear that he would disrupt the political order, I would also like to transfer him to my side. Look at it, don't let people bully him."

After Song Honest left, Zhu Gaochi ordered: "You go and get back Yang Rong."

After Yang Rong came, Zhu Gaochi said: "I have a shallow virtue, but I want to be served by a house. What in my heart... The hard-working bachelor of the Chinese New Year is once. Hereafter, unauthorized castration is strictly prohibited in various places... Violators are severely punished, and... There are a lot of people, so less enter in the future, it's better not to enter."

Yang Rong bowed sincerely and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

I want to enjoy being an emperor, from the first emperor’s Afang Palace to Liu Bang’s "I don’t know the dignity of being an emperor today"... Until the emperor of the former Song Dynasty is better, but it is also suppressed by the literati. If you dare to be extravagant, you will be sprayed immediately. Can't find North.

But Zhu Gaochi's life is simple enough. He actually wants to reduce the number of eunuchs and court ladies. This is kindness and frugality from the heart.

Zhu Gaochi said: "It is not easy for the people, and most of them can eat now. If there are important people in the palace, they will still send them in. This is fear and fluke, just like the imperial examination. NS."

Liang Zhong said with a bitter expression on the side: "Your Majesty, the slaves and maids are very poor at home...but now the family regrets it. I knew that I could eat now, and I shouldn't have sent the slaves into the palace back then. But the slaves didn't want to. When I go back, I will wait on your majesty in the palace. That's an opportunity that others can't get when they ask God to worship Buddha."

His words didn't make Zhu Gaochi open his face, on the contrary, he was even more embarrassed.

"Eating to be full has been the requirements of the people for thousands of years. Some people say it is simple, others say it is difficult, but a potato will solve the problem. But it is not enough. Daming needs to have more high-yielding crops. Overseas very much. Great, maybe there will be..."

"Your Majesty, when the first emperor was there, didn't he send a fleet to sea? Unfortunately, he has not returned yet."

Zhu Gaochi meditated, "There are winds and waves on the sea, and there is always the risk of overturning, but I'm not afraid, if I don't come next year, I will send a fleet of ships again, always looking at how big outside is, what big countries are there, and whether there are things that Da Ming needs urgently. ..."

Seeing Zhu Gaochi who was in deep thought, Yang Rong said, "Your Majesty, I'll call everyone for discussion in the next year."

For the New Year's Eve, everyone will have a holiday right away. Seeing that the emperor is still thinking about these political affairs, Yang Rong felt a little intolerable.

Zhu Gaochi waved his hand, Yang Rong gave Liang Zhong a wink, and then retired.

But Liang Zhong didn't dare to interrupt Zhu Gaochi's thoughts, and finally had to quietly go out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ask someone to invite Wanwan.




Zhu Gaochi looked up and saw Wanwan put on a red jacket against her skin, Shengxue, and smiled: "But are you looking for a red envelope for your father?"

Fang Xing gave out red envelopes to his children during the New Year, and later Wanwan followed Zhu Di to ask for it, and gradually it became a habit.

After receiving Liang Zhong's advice, Wanwan said: "Father, the snow outside has stopped, let's go out and have a look."

"Really? Good."

Zhu Gaochi was lifted up with difficulty, and then walked out of the Nuan Pavilion with Wanwan.


The New Year is always festive, and Mo Chou is also ready to spend it once, so he and his important brother prepare a lot of ingredients.

Mother Chen hugged Huanhuan and watched them cutting vegetables, she felt that Fang Xing was a bit unnatural.

You at least arrange for a cook.

The two women tossed in the kitchen until Fang Liang, the guard at the door, reported that they brought... Fang Jaylun.

"The old slave has seen Lady Mo Chou."

Fang Jaylun didn't know what to call Mo Chou, just call it a girl. Everyone gave Fang Xing a baby. But let's call the wife, Fang Jielun felt that he was getting more tight, and finally he was called the wife altogether.

Mo Chou said in a flustered blessing: "Uncle Jay, this is..."

Fang Jay Lun said: "The old lady in the family is waiting for the lady to go back to celebrate the New Year, so she sent old slaves."

Fang Jay Lun had been here a few days ago and brought a family of people, and now it is this family's male party food that is guarding the door.

Mo Chou had no idea, and finally declined: "Thank you Uncle Jay, but I'm doing it all here..."

Fang Jay Lun personally invited, this is a solemn matter. But Mo Chou was a little worried about facing Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai.

Fang Jielun smiled and said, "Don't worry, Madam Mo Chou, the lady is waiting, saying that she wants to see how much Master Huanhuan has grown."

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