Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1743: Worry-free run

The two guards were stationed in Xinghe City on a daily basis. They used various means to ambush the harassing enemy. After several times, they were nowhere to be seen.

Lu Fan is very satisfied with this. According to him, if the construction period is delayed, he, the assistant minister of the Ministry of Engineering, will probably not even want to return to Beijing, so he can just stay here for a while.

After the completion of Xinghe City, a government will be built here. According to the urinary nature of civil servants, even if it is promoted to three consecutive ranks, no one will come to serve.

So Lu Fan is just a joke, even if he belongs to an architectural ‘expert’, even if the prefect here is the second grade, he still looks down on it.

But Zhong Ding made up his mind to make contributions outside the Great Wall, especially after Fang Xing promised to help his family to reunite, Zhong Ding's spirits got better.

Those Tatars had nothing to do at this time, so Zhong Ding organized and asked them to work on the construction site to earn money and food. For a while, the entire construction site was in full swing.

Carts for pulling materials came continuously from the Xuan Mansion, and the prisoners were driven to unload the goods, watching the scene a little messy.

Fang Xing frowned outside the city and said, "Keep watching, be careful of being sabotaged."

Lu Fan said triumphantly: "The lower officials brought a lot of craftsmen. Their main duty is to pass on the arts and teach the captives. They have to be checked by the way. If there are errors or omissions, they will be unlucky, so do their best!"

The cart made deep ruts on the grass, and the cows and horses were steaming hot. The people who drove the car shouted loudly, and they could get a lot of money and food after a trip, which Fang Xing insisted on.

"Pull one trip to check out the accounts once, so that the people can see the benefits, whoever does it..."

Fang Xing pointed to Jingguan in the distance and said, "Then go there and be company with them."

Lu Fan thought of the Jingguan that he had taken a curious look a few days ago, and couldn't help but shudder, and said, "It's strange to say that those Tatars all regard that Jingguan stone as a god, Xinghe Bo, this is Sacrifice!"

Fang Xing saw a civilian man yelling at a lazy prisoner, and smiled: "It is an eye, the eyes of the people, and the eyes of the victims. The military should reflect on it, and it will always be a shame for Da Ming. ."

Zhong Ding coordinated on the spot, kicking the prisoner and a caterpillar, and the civilian husband stood on the side in a protective form.

When did Daming's official-civilian relationship be so harmonious?

Fang Xing's eyes were deep, "Officials want to protect the people. Those lives are just a series of numbers in the emperor's generals, but I don't know how many blood and tears are contained in it. If you see it, you must take action if you know it, don't be reserved. , Don’t even think about following the trend, you can only say that you have no regrets in a hundred years, and that this life is worth it!"

Lu Fan looked at Fang Xing's profile curiously, and said: "In the officialdom, it has become commonplace to welcome Shangguan, Xing He Bo, from your official career to the present, you have been acting differently. Some people say that you are sensational... …"

Fang Xing pointed to his eyes and said: "I can see things decades later. All they can see are things under their feet. My goal is Da Ming's prosperity. Their goal is first to get promoted and get rich. The goals are different. Naturally behave differently."

"Someone ran away..."

At this time someone shouted in front of him, but before the Tatar cavalry attacked, a group of civilians rushed over with long knives.

For safety on the road, all civilian husbands were allotted long knives, and they were taken back after the incident.

With the help of the chaos caused by the arrival of the large convoy, the two captives rushed towards the distance. The Tatar cavalry did not want to set off now. They knew that relying on their legs on the grassland would only end with freezing and starvation, so they prepared to wait for these two crazy ones. The guy runs out of strength and then goes to clean them up.

But those folks took the initiative to pursue them, leaving the Tatars at a loss.

Are these still the honest Ming people?

"Look, uncle!"

Zhong Ding came over very excitedly and pointed over there and said.

Fang Xing watched this scene and said with satisfaction: "Da Ming people must have initiative, don't be numb. When everyone takes the initiative, this Da Ming will shock the world!"

The two prisoners heard the shouts behind them, they looked back, stumbled and ran desperately, desperately.


"Miss, run slower."

Outside Xinghe Fort, Wuyou was running on the grass, and Tuo Heping accompanied her by the side.

Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao followed in small steps.

In spring, the grassland and tender grass are everywhere, the sky is beautiful, and the sun is still out today, so Wuyou begged to come out to play.

Zhang Shuhui, Xiaobai, and Mo Chou also wanted to follow, but a large convoy arrived today, so they can only regretfully wait for the next time.

Breathing the air with the fragrance of tender grass, and ran forward happily, those who entered and exited Xinghe Fort couldn't help but watch with a smile.


Worry-free Fang woke up obviously more sticky, and this change made Fang Xing secretly proud.

Wuyou stood still, looking slowly from the left and right, but didn't see Fang Xing.

Her little mouth pursed, and she turned around and said, "Big brother, where's father?"

Tudou pointed to Xinghe City: "Daddy is at the construction site."

"I'm going to find Daddy."

Wuyou frowned, but made Tudou embarrassed.

Xin Laoqi came over and said, "Miss, there are so many people over there, it's dangerous."

Worry-free said, "Father didn't take me..."

Xin Laoqi looked soft in his heart and said, "Master will be back later, and the lady will be able to go after the city is built."

Wuyou Bianzui turned around and looked at the carts constantly heading towards Xinghe City.

Several white clouds floated in the sky, blocking most of the sun. The sunlight scattered from the gap looks like lines, and the light and dark are like heaven and **** intertwined.

Tudou and Ping'an persuaded him for a while, but Wuyou shook his head, saying that he wanted to wait for Fang to wake up.

So Tudou and Pingan were playing with her by the side, while Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao watched by the side.


"Caught them!"

The folks rushed to chase, and finally caught the two prisoners. After a round of punches and kicks, the two hapless ghosts were brought back.

"I'm going back first, you guys are optimistic about this."

Fang Xing knew that these two people would be arranged to do the heaviest job, and no one knew how long they would live.

Captive labor has now become a way for Daming to reduce domestic labor, otherwise the two will be immediately executed in public to warn the captives.



Wuyou, who was playing with her two elder brothers, saw Fang Xing in the distance. She ran over with cheers, and Fang Xing also saw her daughter, laughing and dismounting.

"Who is that?"

Xin Laoqi saw two men suddenly rushing out of the large convoy on the return trip. One of them ran towards Fang Xing, but the other was...


In an instant, Xin Laoqi started like a cheetah.

Fang Xing has a family where he doesn’t need to worry, but worry-free is beside...

"No worries!"

Tudou and Ping An also saw the man, both of them regretted not following, so they also began to run towards Wushou.

Worry-free is running, running happily.

When she saw the short knife in the hand of the man running wildly on the left, she couldn't help but stop.

"Worry-free! Run!"

Fang Xing had remounted his horse, but he was too far away to rescue him.

Wuyou looked at Fang Xing again, seeming a bit at a loss.

She looked sideways at the man who had leaped over, thinking blankly.

The little girl who has never seen a slaughter...

The man's look is strange~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like excitement, but desperate.

He rushed towards him with a wave of his short knife.

He knew he couldn't escape, and he didn't want to escape, he just wanted to kill himself with a short knife after he ended up with the little girl.

The consequences of being caught are too tragic!

Wuyou frowned and looked at the slashing knife. She didn't know what it meant. She didn't know this person and didn't want to play with him.

Because he looks so ugly...

I won't play with you!

A black shadow suddenly flashed in front of her eyes, and Wuyou heard the sound of something being broken, just like the sound of meat cutting she heard when she secretly went to the kitchen to watch the lady cooking.

The blood flashed, Wuyou was picked up by someone, and the person holding her turned around, covering the blood and fighting.

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