Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1850: Young tiger roars, 0 beast panic

Jiao Quren rushed all the way to Peiping, and went to Fangjiazhuang in the first place.

"how do you feel?"

Jiao Quren was the first student to return, and Fang Xing was a little curious about his insights and gains these days.

"Mountain Chang, the people below are still a lot of ignorance, and they only care about their own food, clothing, housing and transportation. They don't care about Da Ming."

Fang Xing asked with interest: "Then do you have an answer?"

Jiao Quren lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "Shanchang, my disciple... thinks it is due to ignorance. But ignorance needs to be broken by science, but this is far from enough. It also needs to loosen the **** of the people and let them be more free. To find a way of life that suits you."

After speaking, he looked at Fang Xing a little nervously, and wanted him to comment.

Fang Xing's face was sullen, and when Jiao Kiren was a little flustered, he smiled and said, "Yes, you can have such an understanding, even if you haven't gone out in vain."

"sit down."

Fang Xing pointed to the chair, and when he sat down, he said, "Someone said today that Zhu Fang holds a lot of good things and should be released. I will also tell you about this."

"For example, weaving looms, right? Our looms are amazing? But I only dare to give it to government-run workshops, not to private individuals. Why do you think this is?"

Jiao Triren thought for a while, and said embarrassed: "Shan Chang, my disciple saw many other women weaving in the Xuan Mansion, and they can more or less subsidize the household..."

Fang Xing smiled and asked, "Who is it to sell to?"

Jiao Quren was asked immediately. After a while, he took a deep breath, and said in fear: "The disciple is really a hairy boy. He only sees the front, but he loses the overall plan. If he releases that kind of weaving weapon It won’t be long before the upstream cotton will inevitably increase in price, and downstream merchants will inevitably reduce the price."

Fang Xing nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"Every household weaves cloth. The price of those cottons is definitely going to rise, and the people will become more profitable. They will definitely grow cotton in the coming year... There are more and more cloths, and Daming can buy so much. Once it goes beyond this category... The price of cotton and cloth is priceless, and no one will buy it."

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "That's what it means. Once the commodity exceeds the market demand, it will be saturated, and saturation will inevitably lead to price collapse. At that time, people on the entire line will be unlucky, and the turbulence caused will even endanger Daming. This That’s why I refuse to release the loom at the moment."

"You go home and prepare, and I will discuss your future with your majesty later, but according to the previous plan, you can only start from a small official. Do you have any complaints?"


Jiao Quren said earnestly: "The leader of the mountain, the disciples have gone through a lot of learning outside the academy, and they have experienced a lot outside. He knows the truth about not being an official. Being an official is just like being a man. You have to bend yourself and observe it. The day boasted that it was an official of the former Song Dynasty, but Daming couldn’t do that. The disciples should tremble and live in harmony with their colleagues, but they will not be weak. Be friendly with the people and listen more to their suffering. Take this life."


"A lot of students from the college have come back?"

Jian Yi sneered and said, "This is about to begin! Tell those people about this and see how they do it. If you don't care, then the official will be left behind."

The old batch of students from Zhixing Academy have all returned, and most of them have gone to Fangjiazhuang first. What are they going to do?

Fang Xing had already entered the palace and was talking to the emperor alone, which triggered a round of speculation.

The outside world will guess, but the bachelors of auxiliary politics don't need it.

"The students of Zhixing Academy are going to be official."

Yang Pu only felt the hair was terrifying, but he didn't know what he was afraid of.

Huang Huai murmured, "It's finally here!"

"The official always thought that this day would not come, and thought that he would always spread slowly, who knows such a momentum... What is he? And how will your Majesty decide on this matter?"

Jin Youzi said coldly: "In the name of your majesty, those people who come out will be seventh-rank officials if they fail to do so, okay! It's a step up to the sky!"

Yang Rong said in a deep voice: "At the beginning, Xing and Uncle said that the students of the academy can only start from childhood. This is what he said when Emperor Wen, and the official can testify."

Jin Youzi laughed and said, "Where is Ma Su? Where is Li Ermao? Besides, he is now in charge of your majesty. As long as he moves your majesty, isn't he letting the students choose official posts? What little official, Yu Qian is the little official!"

Yu Qian's experience has become a model of officialdom, but no one has followed suit. If you really learn from Yu Qian to be a small official, who will remember you then!

"At least eight products!"

Jin Youzi said with a sigh: "We have been studying in Han Chuang for many years. Those students can become officials based on their relationships in just a few years. Everyone, who can become an official in the future?"

After a period of silence, Yang Pu said: "What did Master Jian say over there?"

Jin Youzi sneered and said, "Jian Yi is an old fox. It is just that people have spread the news and made it clear that they are not willing to come forward. But who doesn't know the news? It is necessary for him to call someone to spread the message? This clearly means that you guys on this matter. I figured it out, I'll just beat the gongs and drums for you by the side."

Yang Pu has been burying his head in writing, Huang Huai said displeased: "Others are going to dig our roots, can you still be at peace? Huh!"

Huang Huai saw an article on that piece of paper, and the title was actually...



Jin Youzi's eyes lit up and said, "Yes! The students who come out of the Imperial College may not be able to arrange them. Why should Zhixing Academy be given priority?"

Huang Huai's caressor agreed: "Yes! The Imperial College's staff can't be arranged. Why should we give preferential treatment to private academies?"

Yang Pu was expressionless and slowly smeared the article with a brush until the entire paper became a ball of ink.

Everyone quietly handled official business, Yang Pu quietly pinched the piece of paper into a ball, got up and went outside.

Jin Youzi shook his head slightly, Yang Shiqi was a little helpless, but Yang Rong looked at Yang Pu's back meaningfully with fear in his heart.


"Come on from the 9th grade."

Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing were walking outside the hall, and Song Laoshi followed behind with a broomstick, like a bodyguard.

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "You are an official when you get started. No matter whether they have this ability or not, I don't think it is advisable. From now on, it is best to form rules slowly. What you don’t want to do is speculation, and you should get out!"

Zhu Zhanji smiled bitterly: "This idea is undoubtedly the best, but...this is equivalent to a decisive battle. I don't have any confidence at this moment!"

"I also think it's a little scary. The counterattack will make people frightened. That is not a problem that the army can solve, so it needs to be subtle and force them to adapt and change step by step."

At this time, Shen Shishi hurriedly came and told him: "Your Majesty, someone went to the Imperial College and said..."

He glanced at Fang Xing, and Fang Xing smiled and said, "Did you say that the students of Zhixing College are going to grab jobs with them?"

Shen Shitou nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Those students started to make noise, but they were just suppressed."

Zhu Zhanji said indifferently: "Emperor Taizu Gao has repeatedly warned that students are not allowed to discuss politics. Many of those in the Imperial College are not even students. They are so eloquent, thinking that they will be famous in the world. , Grant Xiangyin... In fact, it's just self-esteem and it's unusable."

Zhu Zhanji pondered for a moment, and said: "In the future, the Imperial College must be controlled and cannot be allowed to become the source of officials. If you want to be an official, then you should bend yourself. If you don't understand the people's livelihood, you don't know how the world is difficult. How can you become an official? That will only harm civil!"

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Remember Lord Wang Jing?"

Zhu Zhanji said: "Yes, Wang Jinggong was helpless when he was an official. Later, he learned from the pain and has been looking for the opportunity to become a civilian official, but he couldn't help himself."

Fang Xing sighed: "Yes! Wang Jinggong's talents and ambitions still feel that he is not enough to learn, and he wants to sink. This is to worry about being up and down, just like a blind person touching the elephant, and there will be a lot of mistakes in governance. If you start as a young official, then I I think it will be much better."

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