Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1852: 1 Chao emperor 1 courtier

Zhu Zhanji touched the top of his head and smiled: "Okay, the emperor father is also eating with your emperor and grandmother today."


Duan Duan turned around and threw himself into the arms of the Queen Mother, raised her head and asked: "Grandma, shall we have a big pot for dinner?"

The big pot is hot pot. The queen mother put her arms around her, her smiling eyes narrowed, and she replied without a word: "Okay, okay! Go and invite your aunt Wanwan, let's eat together."

She was happily led by the mother, the queen mother asked someone to make tea for Zhu Zhanji, and asked casually: "You look bad, but something is wrong?"

Zhu Zhanji likes to come and sit with the Queen Mother when he encounters difficult things, even if he doesn't say it, he can relax.

"Mother, Uncle Han wants to go to sea."

The Queen Mother was not surprised. She played with a glass bead and slowly said: "You are the emperor, and your Uncle Han is a rascal. If there is no one to encourage him, he will probably not give birth to such thoughts, so you can figure it out. Well, just be careful of those relatives, they are the best at making noise."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Uncle Han is a little bit generous, but today he scolded the ministers in the court, which made the children happy."

The queen mother said in surprise: "He can still be like this? Yes, his temper is like this, he can't hide anything. Back then, Xing He Bo waked him up, otherwise when you went north..."

Thinking of the interception he encountered when he went north to the throne, Zhu Zhanji said: "Among the clan, there are timid and ambitious, such as the uncle of Han Wang, but there is no one, so... Erchen Seeing him suffering like a trapped beast, I wanted to let him go out to sea with Zheng He to relax."

The queen mother put the glass beads back, and then lightly wiped them, the glass beads in the grid rolled one after another.

"You make up your own mind, but the ancestor's successful method is there, and I'm afraid it won't stop at that time."

Zhu Zhanji said indifferently: "The so-called ancestors' success is the ancestors' success to their hearts, and they can be ignored if they don't. The sons and ministers can understand now that these people need to use them, but they also have to beat them frequently. Today's Uncle Han is at the right time."

The queen mother turned her head slowly, then looked at him, and said with satisfaction: "You have the appearance of your grandfather, this is the emperor."


"It's a pity for King Han."

Xie Jin sighed: "Back then, he was a brave champion of the three armies. If it weren't for the feudal king, he would have already made outstanding achievements in battle. What a pity!"

Fang Xing was also a little emotional, and said, "I urged him a little bit. When he makes such a fuss in the middle of the court, your majesty will naturally feel that such a titan will be held back at home and not stretched out."

When Zhu Gaoxu drank, he would definitely make a fuss. Thinking about the distress of the Chaozhong gang of Ziqianqian princes facing such an unreasonable prince, Fang Xing smiled unkindly.

Xie Jin was also thinking about the scene, and then said: "Fortunately, the old man is not in the center..."

"Those students are coming back one after another, but the specific placement is not able to get around the staff. It is not good for your Majesty to speak directly. What are you going to do?"

Xie Jin was a little worried. Jian Yi had a calm personality, and he was an old official, so it was difficult to shake.

Fang Xing said indifferently: "This matter is not about me and him, but about your Majesty and him. The collision of old and new affairs, whether you are conservative or not, this matter is related to future changes in the officialdom of Ming Dynasty. Or... I have to give it a blow. Your Majesty and I will wait and see."


Jian Yi continued to work in the household department as usual, and the explanation was not unusual.

But a careful person found that this adult's words suddenly became a bit... sharp!

"My lord, how do you handle this?"

Li Fen asked with a sad face while holding a list.

Jian Yi said indifferently: "He refuses to smuggle the doorway. This is to show people to be clear. It is the right way and the evil way to compete with the children of famous teachers. This is the right way and the evil way. Who gave this?"

Li Fen pointed to the palace and said, "It was given by Yu Jia."

Jian Yi covered his forehead and sighed: "This is your majesty's attitude, everything is public. But the official prefers these students to be placed privately... this head... it's not easy to open!"

Li Fen said with a bitter face: "Who said no! It's just a few dozen people. If it is privately arranged, we will only open our eyes and close our eyes, but your majesty is supporting the students of the college. It looks like Guozijian."

Jian Yi laid his hands flat on the table and said, "They are small officials, and the Imperial College came out... before, there were still prefects directly."

Li Fen asked cautiously: "My lord, then...Is this done..."

Rubbing the tabletop with both hands, Jian Yi looked at it carefully, and the wood grain seemed to contain the avenue of heaven and earth, which made him indulged.

Li Fen was shocked, so he put the roster on the table, but after thinking about it, he picked up the roster again and went out quietly.

"Those who know me forgive me, those who don't know... sin me..."

A deep voice reverberated in the room, a gust of autumn wind blew, and the window lattices rustled.

Jian Yi looked at the window lattice and smiled slightly. After the glass came out, the palace first installed a lot, and the ministries also installed a lot, but he refused.


Zhu Zhanji asked Yu Jia to hand over the roster to the household department. He realized that there was nothing wrong with this move, but he waited until the time for the official office was up, and there was still no news from the household department.

"Jian Yi is determined?"

Zhu Zhanji's face was gloomy, and Yu Jia didn't dare to let out the atmosphere below.

"Sun Xiang came."

Yu Jia was shocked and bowed her head and went out.

When Sun Xiang arrived, Zhu Zhanji asked at the beginning: "Who did Jian Yi collude with?"

Sun Xiang felt in his heart, thought for a while, didn't dare to say nonsense: "Your Majesty, Lord Jian is a Zhongzheng person. He has always been out of the party, slaves and servants who have been observing for a long time, and there is no discovery in this regard."

Zhu Zhanji said coldly: "No one has asked him to discuss matters recently?"

This made Sun Xiang embarrassed. He said, "Your Majesty, there are a lot of people looking for Master Jian, but... there is no such thing as a Bachelor of Auxiliary Administration, and there are no six books."

Zhu Zhanji was anxious and pointed outside and shouted: "Get out!"

Sun Xiang left in a desperate manner and returned to the Dongchang factory. He called An Lun.

"Father-in-law, why is this?"

An Lun saw Sun Xiang's face turned pale, and thought he was sick, so he wanted to go to the doctor.

Sun Xiang waved his hand and said gratifiedly: "You are a serious lover, our family is not sick, but... Your Majesty is more and more discerning that our family is not pleasing to your eyes. Please pay more attention. If our family is driven out, you... have a look."

This is almost a hint that An Lun hurried to run official!

An Lun was startled and said, "Father-in-law, you haven't formed a party!"

Why did Commander Jin Yiwei die so many? It is nothing more than forming a party for personal gain.

And Sun Xiang, nicknamed Sun Buddha ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, doesn't care about specific affairs in the East Factory. Party formation has nothing to do with him.

Sun Xiang moved the Buddha beads in his hand and gradually calmed down.

"This is not a matter of forming a party or not forming a party, but... the emperor and the courtier!"

Sun Xiang felt a little sad. He pointed to the palace and said: "Your opponent is not in the East Factory, but in the palace. Recently, if you have the opportunity, you will enter the palace and show up in front of your majesty."

An Lun felt uneasy, and when he returned to his place, he asked a fan for questioning.

"The Ministry of Etiquette is now in power by Master Hu. Can Master Yan have complaints?"

The East Factory bears the heavy responsibility of spying on hundreds of officials, and An Lun's problem couldn't be more normal.

Fanzi said: "Father-in-law, at first the brothers below said that Yan Dajian would complain, but after observing for some time, this person was still smiling and getting along well with Master Hu."

An Lun nodded and said with satisfaction: "That's good! But most civil servants are smiling tigers, so you have to stare at him."

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