Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1860: Marriage, promotion, interweaving

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Li Ermao got up early that day, and his father died early, so he was a bit at a loss early in the morning.

Zhou had already gone to the memorial tablet and muttered, and someone knocked on the door.

Li Ermao thought that he was a classmate at the academy, but he didn't expect that after opening the door, Fang Xinghe Jiejin and several professors from the academy were outside the door.

"Ermao, feeling upset? Hahahaha!"

Li Ermao hurriedly stepped aside, Xie Jin came in first, and then a group of students rushed in, making fun of Li Ermao jokingly.

"Brother, did someone come to make the bed yesterday?"

"Brother, is the bride beautiful?"

Li Ermao said angrily: "Have you had breakfast?"

"Eat and eat."

Yue Baoguo smiled and pointed to Li Ermao's body and said, "Brother, hurry up and change the official uniform."


A group of students crowded Li Ermao to the inside.

"Thanks a lot."

Zhou came out to greet him, and Xie Jin smiled and said, "Er Mao is overjoyed today, and the academy will stop the class for one day, so that everyone is loose."

Xie Jin turned around and pointed to Xie Zhenliang and said, "The child is acting as a deacon today."

Xie Zhenliang arched his hands: "Students must do their best."

Zhou waved his hand and said, "Thank you very much, it's just that Ermao's father left early, today..."

At this time, Li Ermao put on his official uniform and came out, and he approached and said, "The student is a woodcutter, and the teacher does not abandon it. There is today. I implore the teacher to be the master of the student today."

This is to ask Fang Xing to take over the responsibility of his father and complete the wedding process today.

Fang Xing was taken aback, and sighed: "You are now a married man, and your father must be comforted in the Spirit of Heaven, but today it is Mr. Xie who is the most respected and respected."

Fang Xing felt that he was a big deal with Li Ermao, and he was a little uncomfortable in exercising this responsibility.

Xie Jin frowned and said, "Er Mao met you when he went to the city to sell firewood. Later, this fate was also divided into a master and apprentice. How can you stop it? This matter has nothing to do with loyalty, so you hurried to sit down."

Xie Jin couldn't help but grabbed Fang to wake up in the main hall, and said as he walked: "The old man can't sit for a long time, but it's okay to be a welcoming guest today."

Xie Jin welcomes the guests, this treatment is probably only for the emperor to get married.

Fang Xing sat in the main hall and praised Lu Changbo and said, "Bow!"

Master Master is a teacher for one day and a father for life.

Fang Xing looked at Li Ermao bowed with emotion, thinking of the firewood seller who had been beaten by the tyrant slave. Now this kid has become a character in Yushi, the emperor's pocket.


Li Ermao slowly knelt down and looked at Fang Xing. He remembered the smiling man on that day when the hot air balloon was flying to the sky.




"Flat body!"

Xie Zhenliang handed a glass of wine to Li Ermao. Li Ermao spilled some on the ground first, and then took a sip.

He handed the wine glass to Xie Zhenliang, got up and walked to Fang Xing's body.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "You are fine."

Li Ermao lowered his eyes and said, "Thank you, my teacher for taking care of me."

Fang Xing nodded, and said, "Lierneizhi, go to Erpi."

Li Ermao bowed and said, "Dare not be ordered!"

Lu Changbo watched this scene, remembering the scene when he first applied for the position of professor, and couldn't help but sigh.


Zhou watched his son stand tall, bowed, and bowed down...

Ermao his father, our son is going to get married today, and you are going to have a grandson... You won’t be able to cut off your four o'clock sacrifice in the future.

She wiped away the tears with the rough back of her hand and watched Li Ermao get up with satisfaction.

"The bride is waiting at home! The groom is ready to go!"

The matchmaker shouted outside with a smile.

Fang Xing is generous, and the matchmaker has gained a lot of benefits. So she stared at the students who were pouring into the main hall, hoping that the marriage of these young people would be her own matchmaker.

"Brother, let's go and pick up the bride!"

A group of students huddled Li Ermao out, cheering and laughing. The children outside who were waiting to see the excitement and wanting to see if there was any kind of money clapped their hands and shouted.

"Marry a bride, marry a bride, marry a bride to eat royal food. Little daughter-in-law, little daughter-in-law, a doll can be a household tomorrow."

Fang Xing got up and walked to the door. He watched Li Ermao get on his horse and was surrounded by the students of the academy. He smiled and said, "Give these kids happy money."

Xin Laoqi came over with a small basket in one hand, and shouted at the joyful children: "Get out of the way and be careful to hit your head."

The children gave way to a clearing, and Xin Laoqi suddenly dumped the small baskets outwards.

Copper coins flew out like a raindrop, and the children cheered and rushed to pick up the money on the ground.

This is not humiliation, but excitement. If you line up to send it, it is a humiliation-this is a relief!

The joy of children is the purest. A group of children picking up money on the ground and laughing and laughing. This is the atmosphere of the wedding.

"Father! Father!"

Fang Xing smiled as he watched these children picking up money, and when he heard the sound, he saw Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai coming with three children. Wuyou ran to the front, smiling at him with open arms.

In the back is Mo Chou, holding Huanhuan in her arms, pursing her lips and smiling.

Fang Xing beckoned and smiled and went down the steps.


Wuyou lowered his head and picked up a copper coin, then ran over and was picked up by Fang Xing, holding the coin and showing off, "Father, the money I picked up."


Fang Xing walked to Mo Chou's body holding Wuyou, and said, "Huanhuan is still young, go inside first, and wait until the newcomer arrives before watching the ceremony."

"Brother! Brother!"

Wuyou reached out in Fang Xing's arms and touched Huanhuan's face, and said, "Auntie, brother doesn't speak."

Mo Chou smiled and said, "Huanhuan is still young, I can't tell."

"That's it!"

Worry-free and disappointed, Fang Xing turned around and said to Tudou Heping: "Today is your senior brother getting married. You have to help and don't make trouble."


The two children clung their hands like adults, and Fang Xing smiled slightly, thinking that in ten years, he should be watching his son get married.

A man squeezed from among the children like watching the excitement, walked behind Fang Xing's and whispered: "Uncle, it's started."

Fang Xing nodded slightly, and said, "Go in."


After lunch, the cook came, with three helpers, built an earthen stove in the backyard of Li Ermao's house, and then began to prepare the banquet.

This marriage has gradually reached a climax...


In the Palace of Qianqing at this time, Jian Yi was answering Zhu Zhanji's question.

"Limbu has been in politics in the left-hand political affairs of Shanxi's chief envoy for five years. He praised him from above and below. He is upright and upright and loves the people like his son..."

Jian Yi's voice was very stable, without any fluctuations: "The minister thought he should take over the position of Wang Yue. As for leapfrogging or not, please make a decision."

Zuo Senzheng directly jumped to the Zuo Chief Minister, which is considered a level jump. But Daming never lacks to skip grades~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Lin Bu has been involved in politics for five years, so his qualifications are enough.

Zhu Zhanji nodded, Jian Yi's heart loosened. When he was about to return to work, someone behind him said: "My Majesty, the minister has something to say."

Zhu Zhanji glanced at it and said, "You can tell."

"Your Majesty, the minister has checked a lot of Limb's information and found that when this person was serving in the political affairs, at least five people said that he was corrupt, but later found no evidence. The minister thought that he would be promoted after checking it first."

Jian Yi was stunned, and then he went out and said, “People say it’s terrible, but most of the officials above rank five have someone behind them who say they are corrupt or dereliction of duty. The ministers just checked and checked on a routine basis, and there was no evidence to prove Lin Bu’s corruption. Naturally, the minister would not mention it."

Yu Qian raised his head and said, "Master Jian, the Secretary of the Chassis did not come to a conclusion on this, and the officials thought that the Secretary of the Chassis of Jiangxi had dereliction of duty!"

The power of the inspector is not small, but it is gradually invaded and corroded by the chief ambassador, but the basic supervision work cannot be discarded.

Today is to discuss the vacant positions in various places, and the staff is the protagonist, so as the staff of the staff, Yu Qian appeared in the court.

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