Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1862: Step by step

"The minister is guilty."

The first thing to bear the brunt of corruption is Jian Yi!

Zhu Zhanji looked at him coldly, and said: "As the official secretary, the first thing you think about should be Daming, not those horrible things. I often wonder, whose courtiers are you, my? Daming's. Isn't that afraid! You are just your own courtiers!"

No one answered this, and no one thought about whether he was really what the emperor said.

Human nature is selfish, and most selfless ones will shine through the ages.

The so-called cultivating Haoran righteousness is actually just nurturing, but human nature is greedy, how many can it nurture?

"Maybe Wen Tianxiang will be born in this dynasty?"

Zhu Zhanji slowly groaned, "I have experienced a hard time, the stars are scattered around, the mountains and rivers are broken, the wind is fluttering, and the life experience is floating and raining... Extremely dangerous!"

"Your Majesty, the minister is willing to be Mr. Wenshan of Daming!"

Zhu Zhanji followed the sound and saw that it was Yu Qian, so he said: "I heard that you usually follow Mr. Wenshan as an example and do it well."

Yang Rong finally got out of work, and he bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the students and ministers of the academy know everything about it. The ministers thought it would be a pity that they didn't serve the country."

As the first assistant, Yang Rong's harmony at this time couldn't be more appropriate.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Shuntian Mansion lacks Fu Cheng, I think Chen Jiahui is not bad."

As he said, he stared at Jian Yi with a gentle expression in his eyes.

But everyone knows that this is Jian Yi's last chance, and if he misses it, he has to prepare to go home for retirement.

Jian Yi's eyes were dim, and he thought of Li Fen who had spoken nicely for Lin Bu.

The vowed look is still in his mind, but Jian Yi only hopes that Li Fen will not accept bribes.

The young emperor was a little excited, he felt that he had successfully suppressed the officials.

The officials were silent, and Zhu Zhanji couldn't wait to say: "Shuntian Mansion is vacant, and Chen Jiahui has worked hard for many years, so he will take over."

Jian Yi was in a daze, he was still thinking about Li Fen, he was worried, worried that Li Fen, who was known as his confidant, would make a big mistake in the staff.


According to the procedures used to discuss filling up vacancies in the past, Jian Yi should have returned to the staff at this time.

After a delay of half an hour, Shen Shizhong, Jian Yi came late. His tired appearance made Li Fen's heart tremble.

"My lord, is there a dispute?"

The officials are elected by the staff, and everyone deliberates together. This is a normal process.

But when the emperor sits in town, there are usually few disputes.

Jian Yi looked at him blankly and asked, "Do you know about Lin Bu?"

Li Fen was surprised: "My lord, Lin Bu's resume is excellent, and the next official saw it and felt that he couldn't be more appropriate to accept Wang Yue's vacancy."

There was a fire in Jian Yi's stomach, but he kept asking, "Do you know him?"

Li Fen shook his head and said, "The minister has never met him."

Jian Yi nodded and said, "Pay attention next time."

As an official secretary, he still has the basic responsibility, and he will not anger Li Fen.

Li Fen responded, and then asked, "My lord, what happened to Lin Bu?"

Jian Yi noticed something abnormal from the slightly changed tone, and he just slapped his backhand.


Li Fen covered his face and took a step back, but was not surprised, just bowed his head.

Jian Yisen said: "What did you do? Say!"

Li Fen bowed his head without saying a word, Jian smiled impatiently, and said, "Are you going to come here with Jinyiwei?"

"My lord, save me..."


Just when Li Fen knelt in front of Jian Yi, Xin Laoqi also came to a small courtyard in the west of the city alone.

The alleys are deep, and under the autumn wind, the fallen leaves are colorful. It was Mid-Autumn Festival soon, and there were many children's laughter in the alley.

"Little treasure, go home for dinner!"

"Mother, what is delicious?"

"I'll know when I go home."

"I'm coming!"

The child ran behind Xin Laoqi happily, and under the temptation of food, he didn't even look at the stranger Xin Laoqi.

After the child ran past, Xin Laoqi grabbed the wall with a light leap, and then quietly turned inside.

The front yard was a bit dirty, and Xin Laoqi slowly walked towards the side room from the side.

In the wing room, a man was drinking tea alone, and a red bellyband was left under the bed next to him. The laces were scattered, which was not tempting.

"Has it been washed? Don't let Lao Tzu wait."

The man put the tea cup down and shouted impatiently.

After a sound of water, a delicate voice came from inside, "The little girl will come from another place. If I don't clean it... Then I'll be negligent."

The man cursed: "What kind of costume? Thousands of people ride tens of thousands of people...who?"

The man suddenly got up, and when he was about to turn his head, a cold voice came from behind him: "If you dare to run, I will break your legs. You can try."


"Are you sure it's there?"

"Yes, sir, Jin Yiwei's people are very powerful, but they are a little unhappy because they haven't been able to do it."

Xiaodao heard the knocking sound from the welcoming team, and said hurriedly: "Master Shen reprimanded those people, and then Brother Seven went alone."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "It's a confession to find out about this matter. Those people don't know the sky is high and the earth is rich, and they are credited with finding out about this matter, so they don't need to pay attention to it."

"Master, Jian Yigang has returned to the staff department."

Fang Xing nodded, "Then Li Fen tried his best to say good things to Lin Bu, Jian Yi couldn't help but doubt, so what would he do now?"


"How many?"

Jian Yi whispered and asked, "How much benefit did you take Limb?"

Li Fen knelt on the ground, raised his head and choked up: "My lord, it's not much, only one thousand and one hundred."

Jian Yi kicked him over with a kick, and pointed at him and said, "More than a thousand pennies is not much? When the Emperor Taizu is the emperor, it is enough for your whole family to peel the skin and grass!"

"My lord, save me, I will only obey my lord's fate after I get out of office!"

Li Fen rolled over, hugged Jian Yi's legs, and raised his head and said, "My lord, there can be no accidents with the officials at this moment! Otherwise, why would you want to be an official, and you would not hesitate to rob your family and destroy the clan..."

Jian Yi bowed his head and saw Li Fen’s nose and tears, but his eyes couldn’t hide his fearlessness. He said in disgust: “Shenyang of Jinyiwei and Fang Xing have made a good relationship, and Dongchang is monitoring hundreds of officials. After today, The staff will be their thorns, where can you hide?"

Li Fen sniffed, and the tears disappeared miraculously. He said: "My lord, when the officer received the money, he didn't handle it. The person who gave the money did not know the person who received the money."

Jian Yi hesitated in an instant. He didn't want to tolerate the traitor, but in this sensitive period, the official department broke the scandal that the official minister received money from officials, which was a heavy blow to the official department.

He is not afraid that Zhu Zhanji will replace himself, because he is selfless!

He was afraid that the newcomer was the emperor’s confidant, the officialdom of Ming...

"My lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the banknotes of the officials are not at home, they can't find evidence..."



The man in the wing was kicked and hit on the bedpost, and the entire bed frame was knocked down.


A woman came out and screamed when she saw the man lying on the bed and groaning.

"If you don't want to die, forget today's affairs, get out!"

A prostitute was not enough for Xin Laoqi to take action. He pointed to the door, and the woman ran out in a hurry. Halfway through the run, she turned around and picked up the apron. Then he laughed and said, "Don’t worry, the little girl still wants to grow up. If you live for a hundred years, you must not dare to talk nonsense."

Xin Laoqi watched her go out coldly, then went over, picked up the man, and asked, "Where did Li Fen's money and belongings go?"


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