Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1866: Immigration issues

"Don't tell me, please..."

Zhu Zhanzhen felt that he must have been possessed by a ghost just now, and he actually said these words. He arched his hands pale, then pleaded.

He felt that Fang Xing was a devil who could induce himself to say those things.

Those words that can make oneself impossible!

Fang Xing frowned and said: "I'm thinking...what benefit you from your country? Think about those people, the people who used to groan under the iron hoofs of foreign races...how do you think you are better than them?"

Zhu Zhanzhen eagerly said: "I just want to go to the fief, I will study with all my heart..."

Fang Xing felt that his brain circuit was completely different from the person in front of him. He took a deep breath and said disappointedly: "I am very disappointed. And it’s not your credit, it’s just because you cast a good baby."

"Understand? You just reincarnated and chose the right place."

Fang Xing said disdainfully: "In my eyes, you are just a dust. You can't compare to many people..."

Zhu Zhanchen suddenly sneered: "Is it like that Yanniang?"

Then he saw Fang Xing's expression turned indifferent, like a stranger.

"I made a mistake, I was just aroused by you, I..."

Zhu Zhan apologized frightenedly.

Fang Xing said lightly: "You still can't irritate me. Yes, in my heart, you can't compare to her, so you cherish it yourself."

Zhu Zhanzhen said angrily: "Then I am willing to go to Xinghe City, I am willing to seal it there!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Don't forget my title, not everyone can go there."

Xinghe City is about to be built, and immigration is advancing at the same time.

But after all, it is beyond the Great Wall, so there are still not enough immigrants to be called.

Fang Xing found Zhu Zhanji and relayed the words of the Queen Mother, and finally said: "It's better to announce it earlier. It's best to convince the mother first, otherwise you won't be peaceful."

Zhu Zhanji smiled bitterly and said, "The empress is so powerful, but my heart is soft. I have nowhere to go!"

Fang Xing didn't want to care about his family affairs, so he said casually: "Xinghe City is almost there, but there are not enough immigrants!"

Zhu Zhanji said with a headache: "No one wants to go. It seems that what you said is right. If you want to immigrate to the border wall and overseas, you have to have many benefits, otherwise there will be only one way."

"Try not to force it, after all, voluntariness can attract more people."


Jiang Di never thought that one day he would come outside the Great Wall.

Really, he never thought about it!

He is currently following a caravan, which is marching across the grassland mightily.

This is the second day they left the country.

The one and a half boys in the caravan had nothing to help, and the shopkeeper who led the caravan didn't bother him, just yelled during dinner and took a look at the camp at night to avoid embarrassment.

No, not one and a half children. There were four people in their trip. A husband and three students came out of the country in a way similar to a study tour.

But the purpose is just to be the accountant, to exploit the students.

The three students are the three accountants. After arriving at Xinghe Fort, a new city is being built there. The caravan's goods will be calculated and sold slowly by these accountants.

Because it was four people, the shopkeeper of the caravan said that they didn't get a penny, just pay for their food and lodging.

But Wang Du, the leader of the team, agreed without hesitation.

"Jiang Di, we only gave the husband half the money. Why do we eat dry cakes?"

Both students followed Wangdu with the intention of coming out to see the scenery beyond the Great Wall, but they had suffered a lot along the way.

Chen Bi was a little disappointed, and came to the bullock cart with Su Lin and found Jiang Di, who was staring at the front in a daze.

Jiang Di was looking ahead and murmured: "I heard that there are Jingguan Stones left by Xing He Bo, I want to see it."

Su Lin said impatiently: "What's so good about Jingguan Stone? That's the corpse mountain. It's disgusting. Let's go and see the Tatars."

Jiang Di looked back and said with a bleak expression: "I want to see my mother."

"Your mother?"

Chen Bi wondered: "Didn't your mother go to the fairy?"

Jiang Di shook his head slightly.

The long whip threw a crisp sound in the air, the grass on the ground was luxuriant, and the cattle pulling the cart lowered their heads to take a bite from time to time.

The convoy moved away slowly.

When I saw Xinghe Fort, the shopkeeper in front shouted: "Be refreshed, remember, be optimistic about the fleet of goods, don't even think about eating if you lose it!"

Mr. Wang Du, the leader of the team, hurried over and said: "The three of you must follow the caravan. You should check all the way. You can't make mistakes, or you will walk back."

The capital hurried away. When the caravan was inspecting outside Xinghe Fort, he talked to the sergeant guarding the fort and then went in alone.

"Mr. Wang has a sister and family here."

Chen Bi said disdainfully: "We were coaxed by him, always thinking about coming out to meet the world, studying abroad, but now it's coolie."

"We are not allowed to work, it's okay."

Jiang Di jumped out of the bullock cart, walked slowly to the front of the fort, and then looked at Jingguan in the distance in a daze.

"Not enough people! Not enough immigrants, who will be farming? Who will graze?"

"But what can the officer do? The officer is a military attache. You can write a memorial to complain about this and other matters, don't come to me!"

"Master Lu of the Ministry of Industry has returned to Beijing. You are the eldest here at the moment. Whom does the official find you?"

"You are a seventh-rank now, but my uncle said long ago before he left. From now on, this will be the mansion. You must be the prefect. Find a way to go by yourself!"

Jiang Di slowly turned around and watched a civil official and a military commander arguing.

"You see the new city is over there."

Su Lin pointed to the distance and exclaimed, "A very beautiful city."

Then the caravan started to set up a stall, that is, to show the goods on the car.

Those military households and Tatars all came to choose one after another, but Jiang Di and the others are specializing in bookkeeping, and they have to be buddies by the way.

When the sun sets, the construction site in the new city rests, and the craftsmen and countless prisoners and sergeants return.

The caravan’s business has improved suddenly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Busy Jiang Di and they have to help move the goods.

After waiting, Jiang Di found the shopkeeper.

"Students want to visit Jingguan."

The shopkeeper looked up at the setting sun to the west, frowning and said: "That place is gloomy, and the locals are afraid to go at this time. You are still young, don't get tainted by the evil spirits."

"There is only one wronged soul!"

Jiang Di said seriously: "The rest are damned people!"

The shopkeeper looked at the copper coins and treasures in the bag in front of him comfortably, and said casually: "That place is evil, it is said to be able to pray for blessings, but it has also scared a few people crazy. No one goes there when it is about to get dark. Xiang, more than no one is looking for you."

"Jiang Di don't go."

Chen Bi pulled Jiang Di and said in a low voice, "That's a cursed place. At night, the stone tablet will devour the souls on the Dead Mountain. These are all I just inquired about. Don't go."

Su Lin stepped back and said, "We are not here to take risks, I will not go."

Jiang Di broke away from Chen Bi's hand and said, "I'll go and take a look first, just take a look."

"You are crazy!"

Jingguan seems to be shining with golden light in the setting sun, but everyone knows that it will not be long before this Jingguan will return to darkness.

Jiang Di walked over slowly, Chen Bi hesitated and shouted: "Wait, I will accompany you!"

Su Lin watched the two rush towards Jingguan and hesitated, but in the end he followed the convoy to pack up the goods, and then prepared to enter the camp to rest.

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