Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1867: Keep the soul

Wish book friends a happy Lantern Festival! This year has been smooth and profitable, and everything goes well!


"Those Hares are on guard for us. They often send scouts to spy on, to see if Daming wants to attack."

Zhang Yu was drinking, Harleh flees, Xinghepu is safe, and his life is much better.

Zhong Ding took a slice of mutton and ate it, then he drank a drink, frowning with spicy brows.

"Their backbone was broken by Emperor Wen. Unless they find a big backer, how can they dare to provoke it again?"

Zhong Ding's eyebrows excitedly said: "From now on, this side will be Jiangnan outside the Great Wall! Master Zhang, the army will definitely expand here in the future, and you will be promoted at that time. Let's work together to make this place into Jiangnan where Daming is outside the Great Wall."

Zhang Yu sighed and said: "What should no one do? Every day I see military households and prisoners, as well as those Tatars. Atai wanted to go to Peiping to live a peaceful life, and said that he never wanted to blow the wind outside the Great Wall again. There are not enough immigrants, who will be here in the future?"

Zhong Ding smiled and said: "Last time this official sent a letter to Xing Hebo to ask about this, he said that he wanted conditions. The DPRK and the Central Government will provide better conditions for the people who emigrate outside the fortress to ensure that their lives outside the fortress are better than those inside. many."

Zhang Yu said happily, "That's good, the immigration life will be easier, and our life will not be sad either."

Zhong Ding nodded, touched the rough skin on his face, and said: "Years urge you, you and I are getting old."

The two have worked together outside the Great Wall for many years, and Zhong Ding’s words evoked Zhang Yu’s memories. He toasted and said, “I don’t push the ones that should come. I will be old when I get old, but whenever I see the Great Jingguan, I feel that Even though he is still a hairy boy, he can kill the enemy for another hundred years."

The two smiled relatively, when someone outside was probably drinking too much, shouting in a hoarse voice.

"...Hai Risheng Can Ye, Jiang Chun...Jiang Chun enters the old year, home! Home! Where is home? Hahahaha!"

Zhong Ding put his face in his hands, then rubbed vigorously, and said with an urn sound, "Where is home?"


"where is home?"

Standing in front of Jingguan, Jiang Di slowly lowered his head.

The narrow eyes on the Jingguan Stone looked at him quietly, their pupils reddish.

Standing beside him, Chen Bi was taken aback by this strange eye. He stepped back and said: "Jiang Di, there is something evil here, I think it's not good to be cold. These eyes are even more evil. I heard that they were used by Xing He Bo to suppress Jingguan..."

"Mother, I am a little pig."

Chen Bi was surprised when he saw Jiang Di kneeling in front of Jingguan Stone, then he went over and grabbed his shoulder, and said anxiously: "Are you crazy?"

Jiang Di whispered: "These are my mother's eyes."

Chen Bi was shocked, he turned around and looked around, but there was no one.

"Are you stunned? What the **** is it? Get out!"

"Mother, I came to see you."

Jiang Di looked at the narrow eyes and whispered: "Mother, I went to Jinling to pay homage to you, and I went with my father."

Chen Bi released his hand, took a step back, and said in a trembling voice: "You... are you Yanniang's son?"


Jiang Di stroked the stone tablet and said: "At that time, I was stupid. After I went to Jinling to worship my mother, I felt like I had grown up suddenly when I came back."

"My father never allowed me to mention my mother's affairs outside... I felt so depressed and panicked, so I followed here."

"Your mother was buried in Jinling, why don't you go there to worship?"

"It's very expensive to eat at accommodation there. Last time my dad saved up a long time before I could go there."

Jiang Di touched the stone tablet and whispered: "Mother, Jinling is so expensive. Can I come here to accompany you in the future? I'll be here. I will come to see you every day and talk to you..."

"Father doesn't agree, saying that I am stubborn, and just follow me after I am sixteen. Mother, I want to study well, and then let you see me every day."

When Chen Bi heard the choking sound, he backed away sadly. He remembered that when his classmates talked about family members in the past, one said that his mother used to make good food, and the other said that his mother would secretly give him money. Only Jiang Di, he never said Own mother.

"Mother, there is a younger brother in the family, they said I will have children in the future, mother, I don't know this, no one taught me..."

The immature Jiang Di whispered in front of the stone tablet, and Chen Bi, who was two years older than him, slowly raised his head and looked at the bones that were exposed after being sealed by soil.

With only half a circle remaining on the horizon in the setting sun, Jingguan gradually became gloomy.

That eye was watching, watching Jiang Di.

In the wrong eye, Chen Bi was dazed to see that his eyes became softer.

"Mother, they said that no one sacrifices to sacred ghosts, they will slowly disperse in the future... Don't disperse, I will come to accompany you, and my children will also come to accompany you in the future..."

Jiang Di opened the baggage he was carrying along the way, and after unwrapping several layers of homespun, he took out an unfinished child's clothing from the inside.

"Mother, these are the clothes you made for me. Father gave me and the jade pendant from Xing He Bo. I can stay here, and I will definitely..."


"You open up wasteland and cultivate land as much as you want, and you can graze at will, no taxes, no taxes for ten years."

Outside a county office in Shaanxi, a small official shouted hoarsely at the people gathered around.

"It doesn't cost any money on this journey. The government manages food and housing. In the past, we distributed cattle and built houses for you. What are you waiting for?"

"We look at it here and it's gray. I heard that there is grass everywhere. You can raise a few sheep to feed your family. If you don't go now, Chaozhong said, because there are places outside the Great Wall that are not suitable for farming, etc. If you are full, you can only go elsewhere."

The little official said that his throat was hot. He took the bowl from his colleague, drank water with his head up, and then wiped his mouth comfortably.

The next old man suddenly asked: "My lord, where else is it?"

The little official was startled. He didn't know where it was, so he said nonsense: "Nuer Gandusi, there is a stick when peeing in winter, and Burma, where the mosquitoes are as big as our heads, do you want to go? "

The old man shook his head and said like a rattle: "Then you can't die after being stung? If you don't go or not, sir, what are you doing with a stick while peeing?"

The little official proudly said: "It's cold and scary over there. The urine that you squirted will freeze immediately. You have to knock it off with a stick, or you will wait for the thing to be frozen into a stick!"

The old man thought for a while, and then asked, "My lord, if the family passes by, it will happen to be winter over there and there is no food to eat!"

The little official sneered and said contemptuously: "I have said that the government is in charge of the past, and when they get there, they will distribute rations until the food you grow is harvested, or the sheep you raise grow up, don’t you understand? Understand? The government is in charge!"

The old man nodded and said, "Your Majesty is a good emperor. He has the words to say. The little one will go home and ask his sons. If you want to go as early as possible, you won't be robbed."

The old man squeezed out the crowd and hurried to the direction of the city gate.

The little official jumped down the steps and said: "Go back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you are willing to sign up, please come here to register. Once you have registered, you will go home and pack your things. When the time comes, you will read the signs and wait for you to start together."

The crowd gradually dispersed, leaving more than ten people. The little official said calmly when he saw this, "I can have a good meal before I leave."

A man in torn clothes sniffed and said: "I'm afraid that everything in my house can only be used as a good meal. It's half dead to stay here. Go!"

It's easy if someone takes the lead. Under the herd mentality, only one of these more than ten people has not come to register.

After these people go home to pack their things, it will definitely affect many people, and then...

After registering, the little official went to the back door of the county government. As soon as I went out, I saw the old man who said the most before was waiting, so he took out a handful of coins and counted them carefully.

"I yelled for a long while and my voice became hoarse, so I left ten coins, and the rest is the reward that the adult gave you. I will count myself."

The old man held the copper coins in both hands, then squatted on the ground and counted them three times in a row. Only then did he put the copper coins into a cloth purse, got up and laughed: "Adult, the younger ones can come a few more times. "

Seeing that he had been deducted ten coins, the little official didn't say anything, so he thought for a while and said, "You come back next time, remember to wipe your face."

The old man left happily. After he left, he muttered to himself: "Here a few more times, he took the boss outside the Great Wall, and gave all the copper to the second child who stayed at home..."

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